富贵观,concept of riches and honours
1)concept of riches and honours富贵观
1.The concept of riches and honours in "The Analects of Confucius" is the component of Confucius benevolence doctrine,a conception taking man as the essentials.《论语》中的富贵观念是孔子仁学的组成部分,是以人为本位的人本主义富贵观
2)welfare moral thought富贵道义观

1.The Original Confucian Morality and Modern Market Economical Ethic先秦儒家的富贵道义观与市场经济伦理
2.Christian Ethics in the Light of Biblical View of Work and Fortune;从《圣经》中的工作观和财富观看基督教的道德义务
3.Wealth, power, and greatness mean nothing to the dead.财富、权势、尊贵对死人来说毫无意义。
4.Wealth and rank attained through immoral means are to me as empty as floating clouds不义而富且贵,于我如浮云
5.Although bauxite resource is abundant in Guizhou province, it couldn't be optimistic in blindness.贵州省铝土矿资源丰富,但不可盲目乐观。
6.Confucius said, "Riches and honors are what all men desire. But if they cannot be attained in accordance with the Tao they should not be kept.子曰:「富与贵,是人之所欲也;不以其道得之,不处也。
7.I hold it ever virtue and cunning were endowments greater than nobleness and riches.我一向认为道德和才艺是远胜于富贵的资产。
8.It is Estimable on Cautiousness Alone that Undergraduate Carry Out Socialistic Viewpoint of Honour or Disgrace;大学生践行社会主义荣辱观贵在“慎独”
9.The Female Concept of the Taoism And the Ecoloical Women Rights;道教贵柔守雌女性观与生态女权思想
10.The Enrichment and Development of Marxism political civilization theory;马克思主义政治文明观的丰富和发展
11.On the Law's Inner Morality Establishment and Value of Fuller论富勒法律内在道德观的确立及价值
12.The Meanings and Varieties of Wealth: Marxist View of Wealth in Contemporary Chinese Context财富的含义与种类——当代中国语境中的马克思主义财富观
13.Coordinator of Humanitarian Assistance to Afghanistan阿富汗人道主义援助协调员
14.Humanitarian Economic Assistance Programme to Afghanistan向阿富汗提供人道主义经济援助方案
15.On the Taoist View of "Kind and Justice;论道家的仁义观——兼论道儒仁义观的区别
16.Great Historic Contribution, Precious Spiritual Wealth--for the 70th Anniversary of Zunyi Meeting;伟大的历史贡献 宝贵的精神财富——纪念遵义会议召开七十周年
17.I know, should realize Time is precious, it is worthwhile.我知道,应该意识到时间是宝贵的财富,他值得你为之付出.
18.Review whole Guiyang city, the mature business that goes up without real significance is encircled.纵观整个贵阳市,没有真正意义上的成熟商圈。

welfare moral thought富贵道义观
4)On Confucius s View of Riches and Honours试论孔子的富贵观
5)Gynura divaricata富贵菜
1.The Preliminary Diagnosis on Bacterial Wilt of Gynura divaricata;富贵菜青枯病的初步诊断
6)Dracaena sanderiana Virens富贵竹
1.Relation Between Contents of Soluble Sugar and Protein in Dracaena sanderiana Virens and Bacterial Stem Rot;富贵竹中可溶性糖、蛋白质含量与细菌性茎腐病的关系
2.Study on Indoor Processing Technique for Dracaena sanderiana Virens ;富贵竹室内加工技术研究

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