知礼成性,refining nature(Zhili Chengxing)
1)refining nature(Zhili Chengxing)知礼成性

1.The Truth of Cultivation of Moral Characters Through Internal and External Approaches -- a New Exploration on Zhang Zai s Theory of "Knowing the Courtesies and Forming the Characters";“内外交养”之道——张载“知礼成性”说新探
2.Production and Interpretation of Polite Utterances in Cognitive Context;论认知语境中礼貌话语的生成与理解
3.Ceremony and Propriety and Music:Generation of the Intellectual Form of Chinese Literary Theory;和于礼乐:中国文论知识形态的生成
4.Cognitive Analysis of Politeness Causing Misunderstandings or Errors in Verbal Communication礼貌原则下言语交际失误的认知成因
5."Changes and Casting Lights on Descendants" of the Ceremony:Thinking on the Time Problems of the Temple Ceremony for the Worship of Confucius礼制“损益”与“百世可知”——孔庙释奠礼仪时代性问题省察
6.The Poetic Life --Analyse the Intellectuals of Humboldt s Gift;诗性的灵魂——《洪堡的礼物》中知识分子形象解析
7.Brief Discussion on the Basic Procedure about Male Adults Ritual of Yao Nationality;浅述瑶族男性成人礼仪式的基本程序
8.There are various Tibetan rites, among which Hada rite is the most common and typical one.藏族礼仪有多种多样,但最为普遍、最有代表性的是众所周知的“哈达”礼节。
9.Views on the Necessity and the Way of Strengthening Etiquette Education in Adult University;加强成人高校礼仪教育的必要性及途径
10.Basa Adult Rite: Gender Implication and Resource Control Expectations;岜沙成年礼:社会性别暗示和资源支配期待
11.I know he was extravagant.我知道他挥霍成性。
12.Interpretation of Analogy and Thinking;譬喻思维的解构——四明知礼对《金光明玄义》法性当体义的诠释
13.topping out ceremonyph.1. 落成典礼
14.A ceremonial embrace, as of greeting or salutation.见面礼节礼节性拥抱,如问候或敬礼
15.On Embeddedness of Knowledge and Formation of Knowledge Networks知识的嵌入性原理与知识网络的形成
16.Ashley was nowhere to be seen.艾希礼不知到哪里去了。
17.She knew Ashley loved her.她知道艾希礼爱她。
18.Can one with propriety say it?知礼者说得出口么?

ZHI Li知礼
1.Zhi Li s Answers to the Japanese Minister s Questions on Tiantai Buddhism;天台宗知礼答日本国师问
2.An Analysis of Debate between Tiantai Buddhist Zhi Li and Monk Zi Ning天台知礼与子凝禅师论争简析
3.However,ZHI Li insisted on fake-mind theory in his Shi Bu Er Men Zhi Yao Chao in which he criticized the two books Shi Bu Er Men Shi Zhu Zhi and Zhu Shi Bu Er Men were not in conformity with ZHAN R.知礼为了救天台教观一家之"正义",著《十不二门指要钞》,主张"妄心"观。
3)the male adults ritual of Yao Nationality瑶族男性成人礼
4)the mathematics generative knowledge生成性知识
5)learn to behave properly and seek knowledge学礼求知
6)To recognize characters and acquaint with rules of etiquette识字知礼
