巫史传统,sorcery history
1)sorcery history巫史传统
1.The paper makes a substantial analysis on the background of the agriculture society and the classic sorcery history to recur the importance of music in China and to find the relation of music and sanguineness.本文从“乐”的字源学开始 ,在中国以农业立国和巫史传统的社会、文化背景下重现音乐对于古代中国人的重大意义 ,找到“乐”(yue)和“乐”(le)的关系 ,并通过和西方基督教文化之“原罪”意识的比较 ,了解“乐”(le)是天人合一思维方式的表现 ,是人格的自觉和执着于现世人生的标志。
2)the culture of wizard poetry巫诗传统
1.Combining the wizardry and literature,Qu Yuan created the culture of wizard poetry with the core of romanticism by a colorful literary world full of legends in the Hunan province of China.屈原在湘楚文化的土壤上以其充满传奇色彩的文学世界,开创了巫术与文学相结合且以浪漫主义为核心的巫诗传统;这一传统在韩少功的寻根小说中得到发展。
3)Shi wizard tradition师巫传统
4)wizard and historian巫史

1.The primitive state of Shaman Culture is the Wizard Culture, which originated in the late period of Paleolithic Age.萨满文化的原生形态为巫史文化,巫史文化产生于旧石器时代晚期。
2.Through a historical study,the author concludes that in ancient China there was a traditional pract ice of combining witchcraft with history and of recording hist ory with folk customs.作者认为中国古代有巫史结合,史俗并载的传统。
3.Investigation on the Primitive States of the Formation of Wizard Culture--On the Origins of Shaman Culture.巫史文化生成的原生形态诸问题考察——兼及萨满文化起源问题
4.The soccer dance had a long history and profound influence.巫舞历史悠远,影响深广,
5.Historical and Present Survey of the Zhuang Sorcery Belief in the Zhen an Region;镇安故地壮族巫信仰历史与现状考察
6.The Historical Analysis on the Religious Cultural Phenomenon of Witchcraft in Zuozhuan;《左传》巫术宗教文化现象的历史性探析
7.Theory"Zuo Zhuan"is hit by growth and decline of Wu Guan culture and official historian culture;论《左传》中巫官文化与史官文化之消长
8.The Study of Chinese Ancient History under the Influence of “Witchcraft Era Theory ";“巫术时代论”影响下的中国古史研究
9.Goddess of Wu Mountain:Crystallization of Merging of Historical Culture in Ba & Chu Nationalities巫山神女:巴楚民族历史文化融合的结晶
10.On the Role of The Book of Changes in the Transitional Process from Witchery to Historical Record in the Transitional Period from the Yin Dynasty to the Shang Dynasty;试论殷周之际由巫到史转变中《易》的作用
11.Position and Lmpact of Mt.Wushan Fairy in Literary History;宋玉赋中巫山神女的文学史地位与影响
12.The Root of Chinese Culture: On the History of Chinese Witchcraft by Gao Guo-fan;中华文化的根脉——评高国藩新著《中国巫术史》
13.Though few wizards realize it, the Riddle House holds an important place in wizarding history.尽管几乎没有几个巫师意识到了这一点,但是里德尔府在巫师历史上有着重要地位。
14.By analyzing the meanings of jade, wizard and god, the article explored the each influence of jade, wizard and god drove the development of the prehistoric society.本文通过对玉、巫、神的内涵分析,探索玉、巫、神的互动以推动史前社会的发展。
15.Promote Fertility Necromancy: the Core of the Original Religion--New Prehistoric Archaeological Relics in Xinjiang(I);丰产巫术:原始宗教的一个核心——新疆考古新发现的史前丰产巫术遗存(上)
16.Promote Fertility Necromancy:the Core of the Original Religion--New Prehistoric Archaeological Relics in Xinjiang(Ⅱ);丰产巫术:原始宗教的一个核心——新疆考古新发现的史前丰产巫术遗存(下)
17.The function and evolvement o f “Wu(dance)” in the hitory have provided cricumstantial evidence to expurgate the evolvement of Wu(wizard).“后边”在历史中的功用和变化为“巫”的发展演化提供了旁证。
18.4)some stories were based on magic ideas.4 史诗的某些故事情节是在巫术观点基础上被创作出来的。

the culture of wizard poetry巫诗传统
1.Combining the wizardry and literature,Qu Yuan created the culture of wizard poetry with the core of romanticism by a colorful literary world full of legends in the Hunan province of China.屈原在湘楚文化的土壤上以其充满传奇色彩的文学世界,开创了巫术与文学相结合且以浪漫主义为核心的巫诗传统;这一传统在韩少功的寻根小说中得到发展。
3)Shi wizard tradition师巫传统
4)wizard and historian巫史
5)the tradition coming from history史传传统
1.Being an initiator,it\'s inevitable that there\'re some prejudice and omission in his biographic literature,such as the tradition coming from history,utility purpose,academic thought that stressed history and ignored literature,arbitrary decision for appraising the traditional biography of China.作为开创者,胡适的传记文学主张与实践不可避免地存在一定的偏颇疏漏,如源于史传传统、功利目的、学术思想的重史轻文的偏向;对中国传统传记文学评价上的武断片面。
1.The Islamic state issue has become one of the important means for the ruling party UMNO and the opposition PAS to strive for support from Malays electorate, to seek for political legitimacy and to strike back their political opponents.马来西亚是东南亚伊斯兰教国家之一,伊斯兰教国议题成为执政党巫统和反对党伊斯兰党争取马来选民支持、寻求政治合法性和打击对手的重要手段之一。
