大学之道,Great Learning
1)Great Learning大学之道
1.Great Learning and Contemporary Ideological Education;当代思想政治教育与"大学之道

1.On Similarities between Chinese Tao and Western Ideology for Universities论中国之“道”与西方之“理念”的相通性——以“大学之道”与“大学理念”为例
2.To Be Perplexed Is Ordinary and to Be Realized Is Wise--On Liu Xianjun s "Thinking and Governing of a University";大学之道探微——刘献君著《大学之思与大学之治》书评
3.Heretofore, the Way of Great Learning lay in ruling the country and pacifying the land;now ruling the country and pacifying the land lies in the Way of the University (literally, great learning), which in addition is wide and open.从前大学之道在治国平天下,现在治国平天下在大学之道,并且是条坦道大道。
4.Higher Education Ideology: Principle of Higher Education in Ancient China;“大学之道”:中国古代高等教育的纲领
5.Illustrating illustrious virtue and life-- on the fundamental doctrine of the great leaning;“明明德”与生活——论“大学之道
6.The Base of the Higher Education:The Spreading and Passing on, Producing and Origination of the Spirit;大学之道:精神的传承、生产与原创
7.The Dao in Universities:Leading the Future by Inquiry--Reflections on the Service Function of Universities;大学之道:求学问是,引领未来——反思大学的服务职能
8.Manifesting Luminous Virtue,Renewing the People and Resting in the Utmost Good--Application of the "Way of the Great Learning" in Modern Times;明德 亲民 止于至善——大学之道的古意今用
9.Dao of university and utensil of university--Explanation of traditional spirit of university;大学之“道”与大学之“器”——传统大学精神解读
10.Learn the way one conducts himself in society at university from traditional culture;大学生从传统文化学习为人处事之道
11.Managing University: Revelations of the Successful Running schools Way of University of Warwick经营大学:沃里克大学的办学之道及其成功启示
12.Creating Entrepreneurial Universities:The Approach of Chinese Universities' Transformation以企业家精神改造大学:中国大学变革之道
13.Parental Instruction Culture and Fostering of Contemporary University Students Moral Outlook;家训文化与当代大学生道德观之养成
14.Inquiry into Financial Management Institute of Beijing Sports University;对北京体育大学财务管理之道的探析
15.An Essay on the Return of Traditional Moral among Present College Students;当代大学生传统道德文化回归之管见
16.Enlightenment of Confucius s Way to Cultivate Morality to the Training of University Student s Moral Quality;孔子修身之道对大学生道德素质培养的启示
17.Improving College Students Moral and Ideological Education by Means of Mass Culture;利用大众文化之长改善大学生思想道德教育
18.The Running Methods of Oxford University for Establishing First-Class University in China;牛津大学的办学之道对建设我国高水平大学的启示

The University Ideology论大学之道
3)what an institution of higher learning大学之"大"
4)Putting the Country and People First大中之道
1.Briefly on Hu Yuan s Concept of Putting the Country and People First;简论胡瑗的“大中之道”
5)The Way of University in the New Century新世纪的大学之道
6)the "Dao" of philosophy哲学之"道"

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