四端七情,four origins and seven sentiments
1)four origins and seven sentiments四端七情
1.The debate between li Tuixi and Qi Gaofeng about "four origins and seven sentiments" was one of the most famous ones and occupied a very important role in the history of Korea.李退溪与奇高峰“四端七情”之论辩是朝鲜李朝时期儒学的著名争辩之一,在朝鲜历史上具有重要的地位。

1.Yi Hwang and Ki Myong-Yon s Dispute over "Four Origins and Seven Emothions" vs Its significance;退溪与奇明彦四端七情之辩及其意义
2.The Debate between Lituixi and Qigaofeng about "Four Origins and Seven Sentiments"李退溪与奇高峰的“四端七情”论探析
3.Thepattern of branching of the popliteal arte-ries fall into four types, of which the firsttype is the most prevailing pattern (94.0%).按终端分支情况分为四型,以腓胫后干多见,占94.0%。
4.The attack on the New Fourth Army units in southern Anhwei and the reactionary Order of January 17 are only the first open signs of this plot.袭击皖南新四军部队和发布一月十七日的反动命令,不过是此种计划表面化的开端。
5.a 70-meter-high giant stone Buddha sits in the beautiful Leshan Mountain at the confluence of the Dadu, Qingyi and Minjiang rivers.在风景壮丽的四川乐山,在大渡河、青衣江、岷江的合流处,端然正坐着一座高达七十多米的佛像,
6.The Seventh Evening of the Seventh Moon is the Lover Festival in China.七月七(七夕)是中国的情人节。
7.November 1946 and April 1947(一九四六年十一月、一九四七年四月)
8.On July 4, 1776, the colonies declared their independence from England.一七七六年七月四日,殖民地宣布脱离英国独立。
9.We are delighted at the receipt of your letter of 7th April and note what you write.四月七日的来信收悉。
10.Fu-fang, is this Huei-fang? And Ah-hsuan?"二姊,这是四妹和七弟么?”
11.forty, fifty, sixty, seventy,四十,五十,六十,七十,
12.Well, forty-seven, to be exact.准确点说, 四十七年。
13."Its four sides darken the Bright sun, Its seven stories cut the grey clouds;"四角碍白日, 七层摩苍穹。
14.Admiral, we have enemy ships in sector 47.元帅,四七区方向有敌机
15.Stock Exchange Control Act, No. 7 of 1947证券交易所管制法,一九四七年第七号
16.Construction began in April 1977.一九七七年四月开始建设。
17.Its replacements during these four months have not yet been ascertained;supposing it was able to recruit 300,000 men, then the net decrease would be 700,000.四个月内国民党军队的补充情形尚未查明,假定它能补充三十万人,亏短数为七十万人。
18.In2006, he began filming Exit No.6, his first feature film that will be released in April2007.二○六年,他开始投入第一部剧情长片《六号出口》的拍摄,该片预计在二○七年四月上映。

debate on four essential points and seven sensations of Li and Chi四端七情理气之争
3)Seven emotions七情
1.Seven emotions generation and five Zang-organs regulation machanism;七情发生与五脏功能调节
2.Women are more easily suffered from diseases such as menstruation,leucorrhea,fetation,labour induced by seven emotions than man,not less than 2.妇女七情病的比例倍于男性,有统计不小于2。
4)seven modes of emotion七情
1.Analysis of 196 cases in Ming Yi Lei An about morbidity construction and male and female characteristics of seven modes of emotion injury;《名医类案》196例七情发病构成及男女特点分析
5)seven modes of emotions七情
1.Contribution of ZHANG Zi-he in nine kinds of pathogenic Qi and seven modes of emotions and psychology therapy;论张子和在九气七情与心理治疗的贡献
2.The theories of seven modes of emotions and psychological stress are the same in concept to a great extend, though there still exist some differences in the era of origin, the points of views to human and the methods of demonstration.中医七情学说与应激理论虽然产生的时代不同,对人体观察的角度不同,论证方法亦有所不同,但二者在认识上却有着极大的可沟通之处,将七情学说与心理应激理论视作不同时代,不同医学对同一本质内容的不同文化解读应有其合理性,二者可互相参照,互相补充。
6)seven relations七情
1.Seven Relations Theory is the most typical law to reflect the interaction between medicament and compatibility.但药对是最简单的配伍,亦是复方的基础和核心,“七情”理论是反映药对配伍相互作用最为典型的规律,因此选择“七情”理论作为研究方剂配伍规律的突破口。

四端七情理气之争  "四端"指仁、义、礼、智四种伦理观念的发端;"七情"是喜、怒、哀、惧、爱、恶、欲七种感情或心理作用。在朝鲜哲学史上,围绕着"四端"、"七情"产生的根源问题,分成主理论和主气论两大学派,进行了长达300年之久的争论,世称"四、七论辩"。    主理派的代表人物是李滉。1559年李滉给自己的门徒郑之云所著的《天命图说》撰写修改案,其中提出"四端理之发,七情气之发"的所谓"理气互发论"观点。李滉的弟子奇大升对"理气互发论"提出异议。于是,李滉和奇大升之间先后通过三次"往复信"展开辩论,这是"四端七情"论辩的始端,经过几次论辩,李滉最后对自己的"理气互发论"作了订正,认为四端则"理发而气随之",七情则"气发而理乘之"。奇大升也在最后一次的复信中承认自已日前观点有"考之未详,察之未尽"之处,从而表示同意李滉的观点。    后来,李珥又反对李滉的观点,提出"四端七情"均是"气发而理乘之"的"理气兼发论"观点。从此,在朝鲜哲学史上正式形成了分别以李滉、李珥为中心的两大学派,并展开了论辩。两派均受党争的影响,"南人"遵奉李滉的主理论,世称为岭南学派;"西人"支持李珥的主气论,被称为畿湖学派。    李滉认为,"四端"原于"理"而无不善,人性也是天赋的,当然为善。然而"七情"却与肉体有关,是有善有恶的。如"七情"中的喜、爱等就是善,怒、欲等则是恶。李珥则反对李滉的观点,强调"四端七情"中"气"所起的主要作用。两派的辩论是客观唯心主义内部的进步倾向与保守倾向之间的争论。主气论学派在反对主理论的论辩初期发挥了一些唯物的和辩证的积极因素。后来两大学派的争论逐渐从学术上转到与哲学无关的"礼论"等问题,甚至堕落为争权夺利的"四色党争",给国家政治、经济、学术的发展带来了重大的危害。    "四、七论辩"不仅是朝鲜朱子学者所争论的主要课题,也是17世纪以来朝鲜哲学界各学派无不涉及的问题之一。实学家李瀷、丁茶山等人对此都曾发表过自己的观点,但问题均未真正解决。直至19世纪中叶朝鲜唯物主义哲学家崔汉绮才将其彻底解决。崔汉绮反对在认识过程中只强调认识的某一阶段的片面性观点,主张感性认识和理性认识的统一。尽管"四、七论辩"后期带有一些"经院哲学"的性质,但是,从认识论的发展角度来说,它推动朝鲜认识论的研究不断深化,使很多学者在认识论方面发挥了独创性,提出了不少合理观点。