艾思奇哲学思想,Ai Siqi's thought
1)Ai Siqi's thought艾思奇哲学思想
2)AiSiqi's philosophy艾思奇哲学

1.Reflections on Mao Tzetong s Notes on Ain Siqi Philosophy;读毛泽东同志对艾思奇哲学专著的批注的思考
2.From the Popularization of Marxist Philosophy to the Sinicization of Marxist Philosophy : Discussing the Contribution of Ai Siqi's Philosophy从大众化到中国化:艾思奇哲学贡献新论
3.Ai Siqi s Public Philosophy and Chinese Characteristics of Maxism;艾思奇的《大众哲学》与马克思主义哲学中国化
4.Let Philosophy Close to Reality--Ai Siqi s "The Public s Philosophy" and Its Realistic Meanings;让哲学亲近现实——艾思奇《大众哲学》及其现实意义
5.Get Philosophy Close to Life--Enlightenment from Public Philosophy by Ai Siqi让哲学亲近生活——艾思奇《大众哲学》给我们的启示
6.A Pioneer Who Applied Marxist Philosophy to Practice--Ai Siqi and his Popular Philosophy;马克思主义哲学走出课堂的先驱者——艾思奇和他的《大众哲学》
7.Marxist Philosophy and China s Social Change--In Memory of the 70th Anniversary of the Publishing of The Public Philosophy by Ai Siqi;马克思主义哲学与中国社会变革——纪念艾思奇《大众哲学》发表70周年
8.Ai Siqi and the Localization of Marxist Philosophy in China;走在马克思主义哲学中国化路上的艾思奇及其启示
9.Research on Ai Siqi's Exploration and Practice in the Course of Popularizing Chinese Marxist Philosophy艾思奇在中国马克思主义哲学大众化进程中的探索与实践
10.The Thoughts of Churchland on Philosophy of Language:from the Point of Scientific Realism论丘奇兰德基于科学实在论的语言哲学思想
11.Lucarchi s Early Researches on the Nature of Marxist Philosophy;卢卡奇早期对马克思主义哲学本质的探索
12.T.S.Eliot s Philosophical Disposition Used in the Waste Land;论T.S.艾略特哲学思想在其现代主义诗歌《荒原》中的运用
13.To Teach Philosophy with Philosophical Thinking--Reflections on Philosophical Education in Secondary Schools;用哲学思维教哲学——反思中学哲学教育
14.believed that philosophy had its origin in people's sense of wonder.哲学源于人们的好奇心。
15.Ai Siqi and Mao Zedong and the Application of Marxism in China;艾思奇、毛泽东与马克思主义中国化
16.Philosophy as Philosophy:Contemplation on the Nature of Philosophy as a Branch of Science;哲学作为哲学——对哲学学科性质的思考
17.Book Review:A Beautiful Flower in the Field of Information Philosophy--An evaluation to the book of "A New Explorationfor the Information Thinking"(by Yang Weiguo);信息哲学领域的一朵奇葩——对杨伟国先生《“信息思维”的新探索》的评价
18.Historical Inevitability and Philosophy Investigation of Samaranch s Reforming of Traditional Olympic Model;萨马兰奇改革传统奥运模式的历史必然性及其哲学思辨

AiSiqi's philosophy艾思奇哲学
1.On Deng Xiaoping s philosophy of the characteristics of;简论邓小平哲学思想的特点
2.On book YANG Xian-zhen—great philosopher and characteristics of YANG s philosophy;为后人留下珍贵的精神财富——介绍《一代哲人杨献珍》并兼论杨献珍哲学思想的特征
3.The Philosophy of Jin Yong s Martial Arts Fictions;试论金庸武侠小说中的哲学思想
4)philosophical thought哲学思想
1.On Confucian “one-divides-into-three” philosophical thought;论孔子的“一分为三”哲学思想
2.Mullā Sadra and His Philosophical Thought;穆拉·萨德拉伊斯兰哲学思想
3.This paper deals with the philosophical thought of this hypothesis, in order to establish the important position of this complex scientific system in the integration of traditional Chinese medicine with western medicine.着重论述了该假说蕴含的哲学思想 ,旨在阐明该假说这个复杂科学体系在中西医结合领域的重要地
5)philosophical thinking哲学思想
1.Whitman s Philosophical Thinking Reflected in the Main Images in Leaves of Grass;论《草叶集》中主要意象所反映的哲学思想
2.On the ground of brief explanation of the scientific basis,scientific method and philosophical thinking of linear science,those of nonlinear science are studied in the paper.在简述线性科学的科学基础、科学方法和哲学思想的基础上,研究了非线性科学的科学基础、科学方法和哲学思想,其中较为详细地探讨了非线性科学的哲学范畴和哲学思想,认为要多角度观察事物,要从变化中认识主要矛盾,事物的发展是多元竞争与协同的统一,这一结果将对非线性科学的哲学思想的进一步研究有一定的启发和借鉴作用。
6)philosophy thought哲学思想
1.The application of Chinese traditional philosophy thoughts in architectural design;浅析中国传统哲学思想在建筑设计中的应用
2.Comparatively analyzing philosophy thoughts of Confucians vs. Mohist in the early Qin Dynasty;先秦儒墨哲学思想比较分析
3.On Philosophy Thought of Idiom Stories in Mao Zedong Anthology;浅谈《毛泽东选集》中成语故事所含哲学思想
