高发现场,high risk areas
1)high risk areas高发现场
1.Background and Aims: It had been more than thirty years since the establishment of high risk areas for cancer in China.背景与目的: 20世纪70年代以来,中国陆续建立了一批癌症高发现场

1.The Demonstration Significance and Function of Cancer High Incidence Scene癌症高发现场建设的示范意义和作用
2.Work on Cancer Prevention and Treatment in A Cancer High Incidence Area,Dafeng City,Jiangsu Province大丰市恶性肿瘤高发现场肿瘤防治工作介绍
3.Thirty Years' Experience of Population Based Comprehensive Prevention and Control for Esophageal Cancer in A High Incidence Area,Cixian County,Hebei Province磁县食管癌高发现场人群综合防治30年
4.Cost-effectiveness Analysis of Endoscopic Screening in High Incidence Area in Ci County,Hebei Province河北省食管癌高发现场内镜筛查成本效果评价
5.Senior Industrial Development Field Adviser工业发展高级现场顾问
6.Research and Development of the Field Monitoring System for the Displacement of the Top of Pier for the High-pier Bridge;高墩桥墩顶位移现场监测系统的研发
7.Research on the Status of Land Utilization for Chinese Golf Courses Construction and Its Development in the Future;中国高尔夫球场用地现状与发展研究
8.A Study on the Golf Courses Current Condition and Development Scale in China对我国高尔夫运动场现状以及发展规模的研究
9.The Studies and Developments on Fieldbus Protocol Based on High Speed Ethernet;基于高速以太网的现场总线协议研究与开发
10.Research on the Current Situation and the Development of Building and Operating Stadiums and Gymnasiums in the Colleges and Universities;高校体育场馆建设和运营现状及发展研究
11.Actuality of Book-publishing Market and New Strategies of Academic Library Acquisition;图书发行市场现状与高校图书馆采访新策略
12.Status quo and development scope of standard golf courses in China;我国标准高尔夫运动场地现状及发展规模研究
13.Gains in Importance of Market Influence and Development of Brand Strategy for Institutions of Higher Education;市场力量的凸现与高校品牌战略的发展
14.Analysis on Current Situation of the Development and its Strategy of Sports Grounds in Colleges and Universities in Zhejiang Province;浙江省高等院校体育场地发展现状及对策研究
15.Analysis and Countermeasure of the Present Market Situation of Higher Education Run by Local People;民办高等教育市场现状浅析及发展对策
16.Study on the Commercial Development Situation of Basketball in the Colleage of Hunan Province湖南省高校篮球市场化发展现状及对策研究
17.Study of Current Situation of in Hainan Colleges & Universities Sports Grounds and Gymanasiums and Measures for it's Development海南高校体育场馆现状调查与发展对策研究
18.Field Test Analysis of On-line VHF PD Monitoring for Generators发电机局部放电甚高频在线监测现场试验分析

fully playing on spot现场发挥
1.The instant finding, seizing the opportunity in good time and fully playing on spot in the observation of the accident form the trilogy of the extempore interview.在现场观察中的瞬间发现、适时把握、现场发挥构成即兴采访的三步曲。
4)on-site generated power现场发电
5)site dispatching现场高度
6)on-site generation现场发电<能>

奠高窟发现唐绣佛像奠高窟发现唐绣佛像  唐代刺绣珍品。甘肃敦煌莫高窟发现,皆录于斯坦因《千佛图录》第三十四图。绣制精工。中央绣一立佛,若红色袈裟,左手执襟角,右手祖臂下垂,宝盖、身光、花卧齐全,身光周围有山石;主像两旁绣二弟子二菩萨,下端绣二狮子;再下端中央有愿文题榜,已看不出字迹。题榜左边绣有男供人五身,一僧、一男施主、二子弟屈膝跪坐,一仆侍立(执手杖);题榜右边有女供养人五身,二女施主、二晚辈小娘屈膝跪坐,一侍立婢女。小娘旁边尚有一儿童。从男施主的幞头襴衫和女供养人椎鬂、窄袖、长裙的服饰来看,应属武周时代的作品,最晚应在开元之际。