豆蔻提取物,fructus amomi rotundus extraction
1)fructus amomi rotundus extraction豆蔻提取物
1.An experiment study on the effect of fructus amomi rotundus extraction on mice model of orthotopic transplantation of human gastric cancer豆蔻提取物对人胃癌细胞裸鼠移植瘤的影响的实验研究

1.The Curative Effect Experiment Study of Fructus Amomi Rotundus and Combined with 5-Fu to Treat the Gastric Cancer豆蔻提取物联合5-氟尿嘧啶治疗胃癌疗效的实验研究
2.An experiment study on the effect of fructus amomi rotundus extraction on mice model of orthotopic transplantation of human gastric cancer豆蔻提取物对人胃癌细胞裸鼠移植瘤的影响的实验研究
3.A Study of Extraction Process of Nutmeg,Sandalwood and Their Mixture in Traditional Mongolia Medicine Preparation蒙藏药制剂中肉豆蔻、檀香及其混合物提取工艺研究
4.Optimization of Extracting Conditions of Nutmeg by Uniform Design均匀设计优选肉豆蔻挥发油提取工艺
5.Any of several plants of the related genus Amomum, used as a substitute for cardamom.与豆蔻属有亲缘关系的一种植物,用作豆蔻的替代物
6.Nutmeg is the kernel of the fruit of the Myristica fragrans, grown in Banda Islands.肉豆蔻仁是香肉豆蔻属植物的果核。生长在班达群岛。
7.Study on Extraction Techniques of A rctium lappa,Giycine max(L) Merrill,Allium sativum牛蒡、大豆、大蒜提取物提取工艺的优化
9.Study on the Bioactivity of Croton Tiglium Extracts Against Plutella Xylostella L.;巴豆提取物对小菜蛾的生物活性研究
10.Enolase isolated from peas was sensitive to fluoride.从豌豆提取的烯醇酶对氟化物敏感。
11.Antioxidant Activities of Enzymatic Hydrolysates of Cyamopsis Tetragonolobus Spermoderm瓜尔豆种皮酶解提取物抗氧化性研究
12.Deseed the cardamon, fry it in the saucepan with oil. Then add garlic& ginger.取出小豆蔻籽,放入镬中与油同炒至香气溢出.加入蒜头及姜同炒.
13.Mace. The fibrous network which envelops the nutmeg seed constitutes the mace of commerce.肉豆蔻皮:包在肉豆蔻核籽外的纤维网皮构成商品肉豆蔻皮。
14.She ground the nutmeg down into powder.她把豆蔻磨成粉末。
15.The Sophora alopecuroides L. alkaloid Extraction Process Compare for great manufacture supply furnish pharmaceutical industry use for reference.结论:通过对苦豆子类生物碱提取工艺的比较,为大生产中苦豆子类生物碱提取提供借鉴。
16.A Survey of the Production and Sale of Several Shade Medicinal Plants-- III Alpinia katsumadai Haynata;几种阴生药用植物产销情况的调查报告——Ⅲ 草豆蔻产销情况调查
17.Studies on Extraction, Purification and Biological Activity of Soybean Isoflavones in Soybean Whey;大豆乳清中大豆异黄酮的提取纯化及其生物活性的研究
18.Study on Extraction, Structure Identification and Physical Properties of Water-Soluble Soybean Polysaccharide from Soybean Dregs豆渣中水溶性大豆多糖提取、结构鉴定及物性学研究

1.NMR Fingerprint Analysis of SOB Isoflavone Gluconside;大豆提取物中异黄酮苷的NMR指纹图谱分析
3)black bean extracts黑豆提取物
1.Antioxidant activity of black bean extracts;黑豆提取物抗氧化性的研究
4)greenbeans extractive绿豆提取物
1.To observe the effect of greenbeans extractive on the expelling lead,the models of lead poisoning of male SD rats were made,and then were averagely divided into 5 groups.观察了绿豆提取物对铅中毒动物的排铅作用,用SD雄性大鼠建立铅中毒模型,按体质量随机分组对照。
5)natto sustance extracts纳豆提取物
6)Natto extract豆豉提取物

煤炭提取残余物-轻组分烷烃油-酸性提取物与异丙烯的F-C的反应产物CAS:98072-40-3中文名称:煤炭提取残余物-轻组分烷烃油-酸性提取物与异丙烯的F-C的反应产物英文名称:Extract residues (coal), light oil alk., acid ext., Friedel-Crafts reaction products with isobutylene Extract residues(coal),light oil alk.,acid ext.,Friedel-Crafts reaction products with isobutylene