病理诊断比例,Morphological verification percentage
1)Morphological verification percentage病理诊断比例

1.Study on Morphological Verification Percentage of Malignancies in Hospital in Shanghai上海市医院恶性肿瘤病理诊断比例研究
2.Analysis of Differential Diagnosis and Pathologic Diagnosis on Breast Mass by Ultrasound彩超对乳腺肿块的鉴别诊断与病理诊断对比
3.Cervical mucinous adenocarcinoma:a pathologic analysis of twenty-one cases子宫颈黏液腺癌21例病理诊断分析
4.To Explore the Significance of Synthetic Thinking on Clinical Diagnosis from Misdiagnosed Cases从误诊病例看综合理念对临床诊断的意义
5.All cases were confirmed as RMAL by postoperative pathology.所有手术病例,术后病理学诊断均为肾错构瘤。
6.Diagnoses and pathological analysis of 97 hepatic masses using CDFI and MRI;97例肝实性占位病变的彩超、MRI诊断与病理分析
7.Analysis of Timeness of 405 Freeze Section Pathology Diagnosis of the Breast Diseases in the Operation;405例乳腺疾病术中冰冻切片病理诊断分析
8.MRI diagnosis of Wernicke encephalopathy:case reportMRI诊断Wernicke脑病1例
9.Consistency between endoscopic and pathologic diagnosis of chronic gastritis in the elderly patients老年慢性胃炎内镜诊断与病理诊断的相关性比较
10.The Pathological Diagnosis for the Clinical Case of the Postweaning Multisystemic Wasting Syndrome in Weifang Area;潍坊地区断奶后仔猪多系统衰竭综合征临床病例病理学诊断
11.Re-evaluation of Radiologic Diagnosis for Early Esophageal Cancer(A Report of 325 Cases)对早期食管癌放射诊断价值的再评价(附302例食管双对比造影与手术病理对照)
12.Using Case-based Reasoning to Establish an Expert System for Diagnosis of Fish Disease;基于案例推理的鱼病诊断专家系统研究
13.The Study and Implementation of Sheep & Goat Diagosis Expert System Based on CBR;基于案例推理的羊病诊断专家系统研究与实现
14.Forensic Histopathological Diagnostic Analysis of Sudden Cardiac Death in 178 Cases;178例心源性猝死法医组织病理学诊断分析
15.Study on Case Reasoning-based Expert System of Rice Diseases and Insect Pests Diagnosis基于案例推理的水稻病虫害诊断专家系统研究
16.Pulmonary sclerosing hemangioma (PSH):a clinicopathological analysis of 5 cases肺硬化性血管瘤5例肺穿诊断临床病理分析
17.Studies on Diagnosis, Clinical Pathology and Pathogenesis of 96 Canine Pyometra Cases;96例犬子宫蓄脓的诊断、临床病理及其发病机理的研究
18.Diagnosis of clear cell sarcoma透明细胞肉瘤的病理诊断与鉴别诊断

case diagnosis病例诊断
1.In this paper,association rules mining is applied to the case diagnosis in hospital to find out the association of factors from volums of case recordings.文中将关联规则挖掘应用于医院的病例诊断工作,从大量的病例记录中找出各层次因素间的关联关系,挖掘胃癌诊断数据库中的关联规则,试图发现环境、饮食习惯、遗传易感性等因素与胃癌的发生与诊断间的关联关系,从而发现胃癌疾病与它产生的可能因素间的规则,这些规则模式对胃癌病例的诊断和预防有重要的指导意义。
3)Pathologic diagnosis病理诊断
1.Pathologic diagnosis and prevention of maternal deaths induced by amniotic fluid embolism羊水栓塞导致孕产妇死亡的病理诊断和预防
2.Objective To explore the histological morphological features of complications following orthotopic liver transplantation(OLTx) and improve the level of pathologic diagnosis.【目的】对98例肝移植(OLTx)患者术后肝穿刺活检病理资料进行回顾性分析,探讨OLTx术后各种并发症的组织形态学表现,提高移植病理诊断水平。
3.Conclusion With the application of CT-guided biopsy,the accurate rate of pathologic examination and the rate of pathologic diagnosis of ch.结论CT引导下软骨瘤穿刺活检,提高了病理学检查取材的准确性和软骨肉瘤的术前病理诊断率。
4)pathological diagnosis病理诊断
1.Investigation on relationship between endoscopic and pathological diagnosis of intestinal metaplasia;胃黏膜肠上皮化生的内镜与病理诊断的相关性研究
2.Pathological diagnosis of BCG-induced lymphadenitis in infants:a report of 10 cases;小儿卡介苗接种性淋巴结反应10例病理诊断
3.Pathological diagnosis of needle biopsies of prostatic diseases: a report of 380 cases;前列腺穿刺活检380例病理诊断
5)Pathology diagnosis病理诊断
1.Research on pathology diagnosis rule extraction algorithm based on rough sets theory;基于粗糙集理论的病理诊断规则提取算法研究
2.Tumor pathology diagnosis and analysis by computer is the main means which can improve the efficiency of pathology doctors.计算机辅助的肿瘤病理诊断与分析是提高病理医生工作效率的主要手段。
6)Clinically diagnosed case临床诊断病例

病理病理pathology  病理(pathology)各种致病因素作用于畜体引起疾病发生、发展与变化的机理。在弓黄帝内经》中称为“病机”,概括为“病机十九条”。《黄帝内经·素问》“评热病论,,:“邪之所凑,其气必虚。”《元亨疗马集》“八证论”:“真气守于内,精神固于外,其病患安得而有之?”认为疾病的发生、发展与变化,其根本原因一般在机体的内部,不在机体外部。也就是说,各种致病因素通过动物体内部起作用,即正气与邪气的斗争。疾病的发生、发展是错综复杂、千变万化的,由于致病因素外感内伤的不同,病变部位胜腑经络、表里上下的不同,疾病性质寒热盛实的不同,气血潭液有余和不足的不同,气机升降出入的不同,以及抗病能力强弱的不同等,导致疾病的病理变化也是复杂多样的(见摘因、八纲拼证、胜肺拼证、六经拼证和卫气,血拼证)。但是就其带有共性的墓本病理变化来说,可归纳为阴阳盛衰、气血失调、正邪成实、寒热进退、升降失常和衰里出入等几个主要方面,而且在疾病过程中,这几个方面又常互相影响,密切联系。 (陆钢)