因果分析,causal analysis
1)causal analysis因果分析
1.Learning in a hybrid Bayesian network structure for causal analysis;用于因果分析的混合贝叶斯网络结构学习
2.The main factors that affect the quality of organize coating for heat exchanger were analyzed through statistic data by causal analysis.通过因果分析方法,作出影响冷换设备有机涂层质量的排列统计图,从而分析出主要的影响因素。

1.Application of causal analysis chart in the analysis of project affiliation reason;因果分析图在工程建设挂靠成因分析中的应用
2.Construction quality controlling of concrete structure using the analysis method of cause and effect用因果分析法分析混凝土的施工质量控制
3.Analysis between Cause and Effect in Young and Mid-age People Suffering from AMI;急性心肌梗死发病年轻化的因果分析
4.Evolution of the Party in Power s Method;党的执政方式的发展演变及因果分析
5.Review on the Progress for Modeling Granger Causality Analysis;Granger因果分析模型研究进展
6.Genome-Wide Analysis of NBS-Encoding Disease Resistance Genes in Populus trichocarpa毛果杨全基因组NBS类型抗病基因分析
7.Analysis of Cause and Effect for Obstetric Brachial Plexus Palsy;分娩性臂丛神经损伤原因及因果关系分析
8.Screening, Cloning and Expression of Genes Related to Apple Fruit Acidity;苹果果实酸度相关基因的筛选、克隆及表达分析
9.cDNA-AFLP Analysis of Differentially Expressed Genes Related to Light in Apple Peels苹果果皮光调控相关基因cDNA-AFLP差异表达分析
10.Causal Relations Analysis of Economic Systems and Operations Research经济系统的因果关系分析与运筹方法
11.Analysis showed that cocaine was present in the mixture.分析的结果表明混合物中含有可卡因.
12.The Research of Seasoned Equity Offerings Expropriation Based on the Causal Chain Analysis;基于因果链分析的再发行“圈钱”研究
13.The Effects and Influence Factors of DOTS Strategy;DOTS策略的效果及影响因素分析
14.Cloning and Expression of Expansin Gene in Papaya Fruit;番木瓜果实expansin基因克隆及表达分析
15.The Cloning and Function Analysises that the Levansucrase Gene;果聚糖转移酶基因的克隆及功能分析
16.Analysis of Obstacle Factors for Capitalization of Agricultural Scientific and Technological Achievement;农业科技成果资本化的障碍因素分析
17.The Analysis of Affecting Factors of Training Efficiency on Sales in Pro-health Corporation;宝健公司销售培训效果影响因素分析
18.An Analysis of the Causes and Countermeasures against the Slow Sale of Citrus Fruit in China;我国柑橘鲜果滞销的原因及对策分析

causality analysis因果分析
1.Application of quantitative causality analysis in engineering quality management;定量化因果分析法在工程质量管理中的应用
2.A fiber Bragg grating design method based on causality analysis;一种基于因果分析的光纤Bragg光栅设计方法
3)cause and effect analysis因果分析
4)Causal chain analysis因果链分析
5)Granger causality testGranger因果分析
6)causal analysis chart因果分析图
1.Application of causal analysis chart in the analysis of project affiliation reason;因果分析图在工程建设挂靠成因分析中的应用

深信因果【深信因果】  谓修行之人,先须正信因果,业种虽久,终不败亡。岂有自作,他人受果?是以深信善恶果报,不生疑惑。以此翻破拨无因果之心也。