姑息性手术,palliative operation
1)palliative operation姑息性手术
1.Methods Compared with 20 patients treated with palliative alone,16 patients with locally advanced panceratic carcinoma underwent palliative operation and IORT with 20~25 Gy by 9-15Mev electroy beam to the tumor field were evaluated.方法对16例晚期胰腺癌患者作姑息性手术加术中放疗,用9-15Mev电子线照射病灶区域,照射20~25 Gy,并与同期未作术中放疗的20例姑息性手术治疗的患者(对照组)进行疗效比较。
2.In these patients, sixteen were underwent radical excision, and thirty-three palliative operation were done.49例高位胆管癌,其中行根治性手术16例,姑息性手术33例。

1.Corrective operation was done in 93 cases while the other 3 cases received palliative procedure.其中 93例接受Ⅰ期根治术 ,3例接受姑息性手术
2.Palliative Surgical Treatment for the Obstruction of Advanced Carcinoma of Colon (19 Cases Report)晚期大肠癌致梗阻姑息性手术19例报告
3.Laparoscopic papillative surgery for malignant obstructive jaundice:a single center experience of 9 cases with literature review恶性梗阻性黄疸的腹腔镜姑息性手术治疗—单中心9例病例总结和文献回顾
4.Central Aorta-Pulmonary Shunt on Treatment of Complex Congenital Heart Diseases with Reduce Pulmonary Blood Flow中央体肺分流姑息手术治疗肺血减少型复杂先天性心脏病
5.More frequently some form of local palliative operation is done.进行一定方式的局部姑息手术则更为多见。
6.The contrasting analysis between radiofrequency ablation and palliative surgery in pancreatic head cancer射频消融与姑息手术治疗胰头癌的临床对比分析
7.Percutaneous intrabiliary-tract stenting for palliative treatment of malignant obstructive jaundice经皮胆道内支架置入术姑息性治疗恶性梗阻性黄疸临床观察
8.Alteration of Invasive/Metastatic Potential of the Residual Hepatocellular Carcinoma Following Palliative Liver Cancer Resection and Its Intervention;姑息性肝癌切除术对残癌侵袭转移潜能的影响及其干预
9.When terminal cancer of the stomach produces the haemorrhage, block disease that endangers life, go appeasement operation in order to alleviate it is symptom, painful to reduce.晚期胃癌发生出血、梗阻等危及生命的病症时,则行姑息手术以缓解症状、减轻痛苦。
10.Change of Blood Gas and Hemodynamic Status after Palliative Procedure in the Patients with Pulmonary Atresia and Ventricular Septal Defect肺动脉闭锁伴室间隔缺损患者姑息手术后血气与血流动力学指标的改变
11.The diagnosis and treatment of familial adenomatous polyposis(An analysis of 22cases)家族性腺瘤样息肉病22例手术分析
12.The Endoscopic Sinus Surgery of Chronic Sinusitis and Nasal Polyps in 72 Cases;72例慢性鼻窦炎鼻息肉的内窥镜手术
13.Conclusion: The new antirefluxing conduit can prevent ascending cholangitis after the biliaryenterostomy.结论:自行研制的抗返流装置能预防姑息性胆肠内引流术后返流性胆管炎。
14.To explore the occasion and tolerance of operation for senile patient with nasal polyp.目的 :探讨老年鼻息肉患者的手术时机 ,以及对手术的耐受性。
15.Since my aunt's operation, she has simply been wasting away and may not last long.我姑母做了手术后就日益瘦弱,可能活不了多久。
16.The Clinical Effect of The Palliative Cure to Obstructive Jaundice by PTCD and PTIBSPTCD及PTIBS姑息治疗恶性梗阻性黄疸临床疗效
17.Palliative treatment of colorectal cancer combined with hepatic metastases in 105 cases:a retrospective analysis结直肠癌肝转移105例姑息性治疗的回顾性分析

palliative excision姑息性切除手术
3)palliative operation姑息手术
1.CONCLUSION:Palliative operation in combination with I-125 seed implantation and postoperative chemotherapy is safe and effective in the treatment of unresectable pancreatic carcinoma.方法:回顾性分析我科2004-2008年收治的晚期胰腺癌患者149例,按治疗方法分为2组,姑息手术+I125粒子植入+化疗62例(A组),姑息手术+化疗87例(B组)。
4)Potts anastomotic operation波茨(氏)吻合术,四联症姑息性手术
5)Palliative debridement of osteotomy姑息性扩创截骨术
6)palliative lobectomy of lung姑息性肺叶切除术

姑息性手术姑息性手术palliative operation 旷置或切除部分肿瘤的手术。主要目的是缓解症状。例如胃窦部癌不能切除时,行胃空肠吻合以缓解胃潴留。