消极安乐死,passive euthanasia
1)passive euthanasia消极安乐死
1.Discussion on Withdrawing Treatment and Passive Euthanasia of Patients with Malignant Tumors论恶性肿瘤患者的放弃治疗——消极安乐死

1.Discussion on Withdrawing Treatment and Passive Euthanasia of Patients with Malignant Tumors论恶性肿瘤患者的放弃治疗——消极安乐死
2.positive and negative security assurance积极和消极的安全保证
3.Even the most extreme proponents of euthanasia do not support such an action in those circumstances.即使是极端的安乐死支持者也不赞成在这种情况下采取如此做法。
4.I was tickled to death at the news.听到那消息我笑 [乐] 死了。
5.Why do they sterilize a needle before lethal injection?在进行安乐死注射前,为什么还要对针进行消毒呢?
6.The Concept of "Person" by Peter Singer--The Ethical Problems in Abortion and Euthanasia;辛格是怎样将“人”消解了的——兼论堕胎、安乐死中的伦理问题
7.Pessimistic Activity and Optimistic Passivity-A comparison of the Chinese traditional outlook on life and that of the West from the death of Jean Valjean and the living of Fu Gui;悲观的积极与乐观的消极——从冉阿让的死与福贵的活看中西传统人生观
8.It costs a lot of money to die comfortably.要死得安安乐乐,得花一大笔钱哩。
9.Would you consider physician-assisted suicide你会考虑安乐死吗,
10.They call it mercy killing.他们称之为安乐死。
11.To thrive in calamity or adversity and to perish in soft living生于忧患,死于安乐
12.He that lives in court dies upon straw .生于安乐,死于忧患。
13.Should euthanasia is made legal?是否应将安乐死合法化?
14.About Initiative and Passiveness Euthanasia;关于主动安乐死与被动安乐死的哲学思考
15.Which Kind of Right is Euthanasia?──An Interpretation of Euthanasia in the Perspective of the Legal Ethics;安乐死是何种权利?——关于安乐死的法伦理学解读
16.Apprehend The "Euthanasia" ,Create Conditions for The Implement of "Euthanasia" at Our Country;理解“安乐死”,为“安乐死”在我国的实施创造条件
17.Extricate from the difficult position of mercy killing;走出安乐死的困境——安乐死的若干问题探讨
18.In general, be upbeat and positive. Never be negative.通常,要乐观点、积极点。不要消极。

active euthanasia积极安乐死
1.Passive euthanasia has been accepted by the majority of the people and the society of Japan, but active euthanasia has been opposed actively and tensely.日本社会和民众绝大多数能够接受消极安乐死,但是强烈反对积极安乐死。
2.It s necessary to make active euthanasia legitimate under rigorous conditions, so as to avoid its abuse.在我国 ,尽管积极安乐死在学术界存在大量争论 ,但在现实中却真实地存在 ,且其数量可能远远超过了我们的估计 ,应该通过立法使严格条件下的积极安乐死合法化 ,从而避免积极安乐死在民间的滥用 ,而且这项立法工作有必要立即开展。
3)accepting death and be happy to die安死乐死
5)mercy killing安乐死
1.An analysis of the social significance of mercy killing gives us a deeper insight into it and provides us with beneficial reference when probing into the practice of mercy killing.安乐死已经越出个人的范围,成为一个具有社会意义的问题。
2.This article first analyses traditional ethics that hold a negative attitude towards mercy killing, and then, based on modern ethics, points out its humanitarian nature.安乐死是一种优化的死亡状态,其本质是保证死亡的质量,而不是决定人的生与死。
6)Euthanasia Right安乐死权

身安乐【身安乐】 (术语)身安乐行之略。