疼痛缓解,Pain relief
1)Pain relief疼痛缓解
1.Pain relief rate(CR+PR) were 92%.结果:疼痛缓解率CR、PR、MR、NR分别为8%、84%、3。

1.Visual analogy score (VAS) and the sleep quality were used for the evaluation of pain releasing.使用疼痛缓解视觉模拟评分法(VAS) 和睡眠质量评估疼痛缓解程度。
2.His pain was remitting.他的疼痛正在缓解中。
3.Corticosteroids relieve the pain.皮质类甾醇可缓解疼痛。
4.Capable of easing pain or discomfort.止痛的、缓和的能缓解疼痛或不适的
5.she helped her mother by easing the painful effects of her radiation treatments.帮助母亲缓解化疗引起的疼痛。
6.Two of these pills will deaden the ache.服两粒丸药就会缓解疼痛。
7.Some patients complain of constant pain without real remission.有些病人自述疼痛持续而无真正缓解。
8.Eucalyptus oil is good for easing muscular aches and pains.桉树油可以很好地缓解肌肉的疼痛。
9.Massaging neck, it can respite the pain on neck and shoulder.⊙按摩颈部,可缓解颈部肩部的酸胀及疼痛。
10.I turned to yoga to ease the pain in my leg.车祸之后,我便开始上瑜珈课来缓解疼痛。
11.Massaging wrist, it can relieve and respite the pain on wrist and should.⊙按摩腕关节,可消除或缓解手腕及臂膀的疼痛。
12.Some people think that hormones can control the illness and alleviate limb pain.有人认为激素能控制病情发展和缓解患肢疼痛。
13.Ibuprofen for Control Pain after Orthodontic Separator Plaecment布洛芬缓解口腔正畸分牙后疼痛的研究
14.Observation of Pain Relieving Effect of Nursing Interventions among Neonates护理干预对缓解新生儿疼痛的效果观察
15.The test of relieving the pain in Drug Allergies with intradermal injection缓解药物过敏试验皮内注射疼痛的方法
16.Intrathecal injection of roscovitine attenuates chronic neuropathic pain in rats鞘内注射Roscovitine缓解大鼠慢性神经病理性疼痛
17.Audiovisual Distraction on the Pain Relieving during Induced Abortion视听分散对缓解人工流产患者术中疼痛的研究
18.Her pain began to remit.她的疼痛开始缓和了。

remission pain缓解疼痛
3)pain relief rates疼痛缓解率
4)total pain relief (TOTPAR)疼痛完全缓解
5)the time of pain relief疼痛缓解时间
6)bone pain palliation骨痛缓解

缓解缓解 指疾病的症状逐渐减轻。