1.The Intranet Scheme Design of the Army Oil Depot;军用油库Intranet内部网方案设计
2.Movable Inquiry Based on Intranet ——The Inquiring-management System of Costly Devices and Parts Which Are Constantly in Different Places;基于内部网的移动查询——转场多发情况下高值小设备及零配件查询管理系统
3.Research and Implementation of Monitor Techniques of Network Users Behaviors on Intranet;内部网络用户行为监控技术的研究与实现

1.Search Engines Get inside Intranets搜索引擎打入内部网
2.Intranet metadata with XMLXML的内部网元数据
3.Looking ahead in the Internet and intranet worlds is perilous.对因特网和内部网的预测是有风险的。
4.The Intranet is the main form in building networks.内部网是当前网络组建的主要形式。
5.An Intranet is simply the application of Internet technology within an internal or closed user-group.内部网(Intranet)是互联网(Internet)技术在内部或封闭的用户群内的应用。
6.WSUS Deploying and Update Optimizing Research in Internal Network内部网络WSUS的部署与更新优化研究
7.They provide control point for access to the internal network from the external network.它们为从外部网络访问内部网络提供了控制点。
8.Workspace not in intranet or trusted sites zone工作区不在企业内部网或可信网站范围内
9.The workspace is not in an intranet or trusted sites zone.工作区不在企业内部网或可信网站范围内。
10.They permit access to external service from within the internal network它们允许从内部网络以内访问外部的服务
11.Intranet is made up with network inside each government department and network among each government department.内部网建设又分为政府内部办公业务网建设和政府系统间的办公业务资源网建设两部分。
12.Intranet Telephony: Will your LAN Replace Your PBX?内部网电话:局域网会替代用户电话交换机吗?
13.Intranet Telephony: Will your LAN Replace Your PBX? (2)内部网电话:局域网会替代用户电话交换机吗?(2)
14.Maintained the intranet/extranet for many of MSC's clients为多家MSC客户提供内部网络/外特网维护
15.Design of Embedded CAN Bridge Based on Vehicle Interior Network基于汽车内部网络的嵌入式CAN网桥设计
16.Add or modify access permissions to your company′s internal Web site.添加或修改公司内部网站的访问。
17.Get help about managing your company′s internal Web site.获取有关管理公司内部网站的帮助。
18.A Nonblocking Banyan n Network with Cell Distribution Network Architecture基于信元分布网络结构的内部无阻塞Banyan┐n网络

internal network内部网
1.Analyzes various safety loopholes in internal computer network of electric power enterprises,combin- ing information network structures in Dawukou Power Plant with the request for network safety,presents the plan and design of internal network safety and the application of fire wall,discusses the effects to obtain in practical work.通过对电力企业内部计算机网络中存在的各种安全漏洞的分析,结合大武口发电厂信息网络的结构和对网络安全的实际要求,提出了内部网络安全的规划与设计原则、防火墙的应用及实际工作中取得的效果。
3)internal network内部网络
1.A new scheme of mobile virtual private network(VPN) internal network detection under IPv6 environment is proposed,which uses the mobile detection characteristic of mobile IPv6 to merge the mobile detection of VPN into it.针对当前移动虚拟专用网(virtual private network,VPN)研究所面临的主要问题,利用移动IPv6的移动检测特性,将VPN的移动检测与移动IP的移动检测相融合,提出了一种在IPv6环境下移动VPN内部网络检测的新方法,并对方案的安全性进行了具体的分析。
2.To cope with the environmental complexity and uncertainty of the enterprise,the decision-maker of enterprise would make use of internal network to obtain the information of key variables that indicate the operational situation of enterprise.针对企业运行内外环境的复杂性和不确定性,文章提出了企业管理者利用企业内部网络,获取企业经营状况的关键变量信息,借助模糊分析技术,定量评估企业运行整体绩效,并采取相应措施,达到对企业适时控制的目标。
4)Interior network内部网络
1.Along with building university city and combining schools,more and more departments need build multi-schooldistrict interior network.依据高校各部门存在的不同情况,构建跨校区部门内部网络也应有不同的实施方案。
2.Guangxi Academy of Sciences organ net project includes two net systems of interior network and exterior network.广西科学院机关网络工程形成内部网络系统和外部网络系统。
5)internal little network内部小网
1.In order to rule the users behaviors in an intranet and prevent them from using the intranet resources maliciously to destroy the order of the communication or steal the sensitive information,deregulation operation of the subject in an intranet was analyzed,and an intranet monitor system was designed and implemented by real time monitoring usage resources of terminal in an intranet.为了规范内部网络用户的操作行为,防止恶意使用内部网络资源破坏内部网络通信秩序、窃取内部网络敏感信息,分析了内部网络信息系统中主体的违规操作,以内部网络中终端资源为监控对象,设计并实现了内部网络监控系统。
2.An Intelligent Decision Support System for Urban Gas Transfers and Distribution Engineering has been developed, which is based on the intranet and communication technology.城市燃气输配智能决策系统是一种基于计算机企业内部网络和通信技术的协作型、多目标智能化决策支持系统。
3.Based on some of the prob-lems in administering computer network,the paper expatiates upon the divisions of computer network,the administering contents of the Intranet and the external net,and the administer-ing contents of the patulous Intranet.本文针对网络管理中的一些问题,阐述了计算机网络的划分,内部网络的管理内容,外部网络的管理内容,以及内部扩展型网络的管理内容。

内部经济和内部不经济内部经济和内部不经济  【内部经济和内部不经济】用以反映当一个生产单位扩大规模时由内部因素引起的收益变化状况的一对概念。 内部经济是指一个生产单位在扩大经营规模时由自身内部所引起的收益的增加。由于经营规模的扩大,企业内部可以实行更加精细的分工,降低管理人员的比重,购买大型的高效率的生产设备,充分利用副产品,减少购销费用,这些都会使企业的平均生产成本下降,使收益增加的幅度大于规模扩大的幅度,从而产生内部经济。 与内部经济相反的是内部不经济。内部不经济是指一个生产单位在扩大经营规模时,由自身内部所引起的收益的下降。由于规模过大使得管理不便、管理效率降低,内部通讯联系费用增加,需要增设购销机构,这些都有可能使生产过程呈现规模收益递减的特征,收益增加的幅度小于规模扩大的幅度,平均生产成本上升,造成内部不经济。