电子支付,electronic payment
1)electronic payment电子支付
1.Programme of electronic payment system in tariff recovery;电子支付系统在电费回收中的使用方案
2.Petri net model and analysis for electronic payment security protocol;电子支付安全协议的Petri网模型及分析
3.Research on off-line electronic payment scheme based on semi-fragile watermarking;基于半脆弱水印的离线电子支付方案的研究与实现

1.A Competitive Analysis on E payment and Traditional Payment;我国电子支付工具与传统支付方式的竞争分析
2.In addition to the traditional payment method, the E-payment is widely used by the E-commerce.除采用传统支付方式外,电子商务还广泛采用电子支付方式。
3.The E-payment mainly falls into three kinds, the E-currency, the credit card, and the E-check.电子支付工具主要有三大类,电子货币、信用卡和电子支票等。
4.An anonymity revoking electronic payment system一种可撤销匿名性的电子支付系统
5.The E-payment must have got some particular tools.电子支付也应该有些具体的工具吧?
6.The Research and Implementation of Security Architecture of Electronic Payment;电子支付安全体系结构的研究与实现
7.Study on Anonymous Electronic Payment Protocol and Security Technology;匿名电子支付协议及其安全技术研究
8.Study on Fairness and Non-Repudiation of Electronic Payment Protocol;电子支付协议及其公平非否认性研究
9.Application Research on Secure Electronic Payment Based on SPKI;基于SPKI的安全电子支付应用研究
10.Electronic Payment System Models based on SSL/SET Protocols;基于SSL和SET协议的电子支付系统模型
11.Characteristics,Reasons and Measures of Electronic Payment in Coal Transactions;煤炭交易电子支付特点、原因与对策
12.Payment by Mobile Phone: A New Payment Method of E-Commerce;电子商务的新兴支付手段——手机支付
13.A secure payment protocol named SEP is proposed in this paper. SEP protocol satisfies security and atomicity properties.安全支付协议是实现电子商务在线支付的关键。
15.An international analysis of electronic money and China s countermeasures;电子货币支付方案的比较及我国电子货币支付的对策研究
16.Payment means codes for EDIGB/T15424-1994电子数据交换用支付方式代码
17.An Efficient Fair Payment System by Electronic Wallet利用电子钱包的有效的公正支付系统
18.Research on Safety Payment in Mobile E-commerce;移动电子商务中的安全支付协议研究

1.Comparative analysis of the e-payment in e-commerce of China;我国电子商务环境中的电子支付方式比较分析
2.Discussion on Problem of E-payment Security of User Clients;电子支付用户端安全问题探讨
3.Discussion on the Sub-health Situation of E-payment;电子支付的“亚健康”状态
3)PKI Electronic PaymentPKI电子支付
4)e-check payment电子支票支付
1.Then,the authors propose an untraceable multi-blind signature scheme to keep not only the privacy but also the security in a proper environment which can be put into practice in the application of e-check payment.该方案既可以保持用户隐私性,又增加了安全性,在电子支票支付实际应用中有一定推广价值。
5)electronic payment system电子支付系统
1.A Secure and Efficient Electronic Payment System;一个安全有效的电子支付系统
2.Design of railway electronic payment system;铁路电子支付系统设计与实现
6)mobile electronic payment移动电子支付
1.ECC based mobile electronic payment;基于椭圆曲线的移动电子支付协议

电子-电子双共振  在垂直静磁场H的方向,施加两个微波电磁场:①较弱的微波电磁场,激发电子从能级2向能级3跃迁,不致于饱和;②强的微波电磁场,激发电子从能级1向能级4跃迁,使达到饱和,从而导致能级4的电子转移至能级3,以观察反映2→3跃迁的电子自旋共振信号强度的变化,故称为电子-电子双共振。它与电子-核双共振不同之处是不涉及核的跃迁,并且观察的与电子自旋共振有关的能级和未观察的跃迁能级之间无共享的公共能级。