1.Pause Patterns in EFL Learners Oral Reading;EFL学习者英语诵读的停顿型式
2.In this paper, we propose a method of syncopating prosodic phrases in a sentence based on the pause rule of Chinese empty words in text_to_speech.本文提出在文语转换系统中 ,基于汉语虚词的停顿规则切分句子的韵律短语 ,并根据人们感知停顿的规律 ,以及停顿的静音时长与自然度的关系 ,设置恰当的韵律短语间的停顿时长 ,以提高文语转换在句子一级的自然
3.If the teacher succeeds in calling the students attention to the pause and stress in reading aloud,reminding them reading following the intonation and keeping changing the reading methods according to the content,the students will definitely enjoy their reading and feel the mystery and wonder of the language.注意停顿、重音的确定、读出语调、宽容地评价、营造民主的课堂气氛,培养学生喜欢读书的兴趣、变换朗读形式,引导学生感受读书的乐趣,让孩子们喜欢朗读,学会朗读,感爱语言的神奇、内容的丰富多彩、内蕴的意味深长,再通过朗读表达出来。

1.The act of intermitting or the state of being intermitted.停顿停顿的动作或被停顿的状态
2.successive (without a break).连续的(没有停顿)。
3.When you've read up to here, you should pause.读到这里要停顿一下。
4.The breaks grew more and more frequent.停顿的次数越来越多。
5.a paralysis of trade交易的停顿 [瘫痪状态]
6.It's an endstopped line.这是行尾有停顿之诗行。
7.Industry was immobilized by a general strike.工业因总罢工而告停顿
8.This brought all trade to a standtill.这使一切贸易陷于停顿
9.Here the speaker paused.这时演讲人停顿了一下。
10.a speech punctuated By rhetorical pauses.以具有说服力的暂停来停顿的讲演
11.The act of holding back.制止,停止暂时停顿的行为
12.A temporary immobilization, as of traffic, work, or mechanical operation.停业,交通停顿交通、工作或机器运转的暂时停滞
13.Pronounced with a temporary stoppage of breath, as the sounds(p)and(b;plosive;stopped.停顿的发音时气流自短暂闭塞的,如辅音(p)和(b);爆裂的;停顿
14.A break or rest in a line of poetry; a caesura.(诗中)节奏的停顿在一行诗歌中的中断或停顿;休止
15.a break or pause (usually for sense) in the middle of a verse line.诗行中间的停顿或者暂停(通常因为意义)。
16.Electronic pause control temporarily stops the tape movement during recording or playback.电子控制停顿暂时停止或播放录音磁带运动.
17.He paused and let the silence accumulate for a while.他停顿了一下,让冷场持续了好一会儿。
18.run disconnected or idle.没有条理地或停顿地运作。

To bring to a halt;stop.停顿;停止
3)To stop; pause停止;停顿
4)nonstop process不停顿
5)stopping σ-field停顿σ-域
6)intermittent ratio停顿次数
1.Firstly the stop index, the intermittent ratio are determined.介绍选择分度驱动机构型号的一种新型计算方法:首先确定该机构的停顿次数、间歇比,并要区分是连续运转,还是在一个循环周期中有间歇停顿两种不同情况,然后计算分度输出的总载荷,其中包括惯量、力和工作载荷三方面计算,最终选择适当的精密分度驱动机构型号以及与其匹配的电机,这是一种既考虑动力学也考虑静力学的比较切合实际的新型计算方
