1.Metallographic and technological studies on iron and steel artifacts of Gaogouli from Wandu Mountain city;丸都山城高句丽铁器的金相与工艺
2.The Effect of Archaeological Typology in Research on Style and Skill of Gaogouli s Murals of Ancient Graves;考古类型学在高句丽古墓壁画风格技法研究中的作用
3.Music of Gaogouli and Its Value;高句丽音乐研究及其价值

1.On Koguryo Houtao --Study on the Koguryo Records of Wangmang Dynasty and Koguryo Houtao(Part two);高句丽侯騊考——王莽朝高句丽记事与高句丽侯騊考(下)
2.The Domination and Conferring Titles on Koguryo of the State Political Power of Central Plains and the South & Checking on the Time of Changing the Name from Koguryo to Koryo中原、南方政权对高句丽的管辖册封及高句丽改称高丽时间考
3.Differentiation and Analysis of the Historical Materials on Koguryo Records of Wangmang Dynasty --Study on the Koguryo Records of Wangmang Dynasty and Koguryo Houtao(Part one);王莽朝高句丽记事的诸史料辨析——王莽朝高句丽记事与高句丽侯騊考(上)
4.Studies on Koguryo in Korea and Their Historical Ideas;韩国的高句丽研究及其史观——以高句丽归属问题为中心
5.Study on the Kao-Kou-Li Fresco Tombs and Some Related Social Customs;高句丽古墓壁画反映高句丽社会生活习俗的研究
6.Study-read of the Designing Art of Gaogoli's Pierced Horse Decoration with Fine Gold高句丽鎏金镂空马饰图案艺术识读
7.Research on No. 1 the Buddha Fresco Tomb of Kao-kou-Li in Changchuan,Jian集安长川一号高句丽墓佛教壁画研究
8.A Study of the Decorative Expressive Techniques of Koguryo Grave Frescos;高句丽墓室壁画的装饰表现手法研究
9.The Discovery and Study on Shitaizi City and Its Ambient Tombs of Koguryo Mountain Castle;石台子高句丽山城及墓葬发现与研究
10.A metallographic study of Gaogouli s iron objects excavated from Wunu Mountain city;五女山城高句丽铁器金相学初步探讨
11.A Comparative Study on the Policies of the Southern Dynasty and the Northern Dynasty to Gaogouli;南朝与北朝对高句丽政策的比较研究
12.Research on evaluation of stability of Gaogouli’s Jiangjunfen and preventing measures;高句丽将军坟稳定性评价及防护对策
13.Comments on the Changes of the Foreign Policies with regard to Koguryo during the Reign of Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty;试论隋文帝时期对高句丽政策的演变
14.The Architecture of Koryo "Fortress" along Korea's Hangkang River汉江流域高句丽“堡垒”的建筑形制研究
15.Investigation on the Gaojuli mountain city,Qingshiling Town,Yingkou City营口市青石岭镇高句丽山城考察报告
16.Influence of Tributary Relationships on Gaogouli during the Period of Southern-Northern Dynasties南北朝时期朝贡关系对高句丽的影响
17.The last king of Koryo attempted to invade Manchuria to regain the rest of Koguryo territory.高丽的最后一位国王企图进攻满州以夺回高句丽从前的领土。
18.A Study of the Koguryo Regime in the Han and Wei Period and Its Governing Region;试论汉魏时期高句丽政权的统辖区域——以《三国史记·高句丽本纪》记事为中心

1.Time Factor in the Forming of Koguryo Mural Arts;高句丽壁画艺术产生时代原因分析
2.The Relationship between the North Wei Dynasty and Koguryo Seen from Imperial Decree Sent out to the King of Koguryo by Emperor Xiaowen in the North Wei Dynasty;《后魏孝文帝与高句丽王云诏》中所见魏、丽形势及双方关系
3)Gao Gou Li高句丽
1.New,in some present history teaching materials of colleges and universityes of high learning,some writers regarded the relations of the center government befor Tang-dynasty with the local national power--Gao Gou Li as the relationship of China and foreign countries.本文就一些现行高校历史教材中把唐朝以前中原王朝同东北地方民族政权高句丽的关系当作“中外关系”提出了不同意见。
2.For example, Gao Gou li people had a firm worship and a deep belief of "Natural Religion".汉唐之际,在东北地区建立起政权的我国古代少数民族——高句丽有着浓烈而深厚的自然宗教信仰和崇拜,目前,对此的研究中尚存在诸多疑点和空白,因此,将之作为一个整体系统地加以研究既具有重要的学术意义,也具有迫切的现实意义。
4)Koguryo county高句丽县
1.With the reversal deduction and by the differentiation and analysis to the related historical materials of Koguryo Records of Wanymang Dynasty,the author demonstrates such viewpoints that Koguryo Hou tao is the Hou of Koguryo county,Xuantu Prefecture, and it has nothing to do with the Koguryo kingdom outside the northern frontier; investigates the relationship between this gou.本文拟从分析《三国志》高句丽传中的王莽朝记事开始 ,采用逆推论证的方法 ,通过对有关王莽朝高句丽记事的诸史料的辨析 ,论证王莽朝记事中的高句丽侯与塞外之高句丽国无关 ,是玄菟郡高句丽县之侯 ,进而究明此句丽侯与古代之“句丽”的关系 ,并论证“句丽”早于朱蒙之高句丽前存在于辽东地区 ,《三国志》高句丽传中的高句丽是沸流国国王松让或其后人的观点。
5)the kings of Gaogouli高句丽王
1.History of Three Kingdoms is the history book of the North Korean,in which the records about the lineages and Jinian(积 年) of the kings of Gaogouli had some questions.朝鲜史书《三国史记》所载高句丽王的世系与积年是有问题的。
6)the translation of the word "Gaogouli""高句丽"翻译
