1.The menu language of multimedia slides;多媒体幻灯片的画面语言
2.The Application of slide storage in Electrical Design of civil Engineering;幻灯片库在建筑电气设计中的应用
3.Brief Study on Slide Making on Cartography Teaching;浅谈《制图学》教学中的幻灯片制作

1.Duplicate transparency: A duplicate of an existing photograph, in transparency form.复制幻灯片:复制现成相片的幻灯片
2.A thin sheet or strip of developed photographic negatives or transparencies.底片,幻灯片显影后的照相底片或幻灯片的薄片
3.Turn the slides right - side up in the projector.将幻灯片转动以对准幻灯机
4.project a slide on a screen在银幕上放映幻灯片
5.Visual aids such as slides.视觉辅助器,如幻灯片
6.colour-slide chain彩色幻灯片放映机电路
7.cassette loop projector循环式幻灯片条放映机
8.Would now be a suitable moment to show the slides?现在放幻灯片合适吗?
9.projected the slide onto a screen.把幻灯片投映到屏幕上
10.She used slides as a teaching aid.她用幻灯片作教学工具。
11.Make an Ingenious Use of PowerPoint to Make a slide;巧用Power Point制做幻灯片
12.Presentation must have at least 1 slide to run slide show.要运行幻灯片放映,至少要有一个幻灯片
13.Slide Navigator can only run in a Slide Show window.“幻灯片漫游”只能在幻灯片放映窗口运行。
14.The title text of slide ^1 extends off the slide.幻灯片 ^1 的标题文本长度已经超出该幻灯片
15.Make a new slide for each paragraph on this slide将此幻灯片中的每个段落展开为一张新幻灯片
16.Today they had sent back all the pictures and slides, she thought.今天,照片和幻灯片都退回来了,她想。
17.a black-and-white photograph or slide.一种只有黑白两色的照片或幻灯片
18.The slides in this custom show are marked as hidden. Either ensure that the slides are no longer hidden, or choose to print hidden slides.该自定义放映中的幻灯片已标记为隐藏。确保这些幻灯片不再隐藏,或者选择打印隐藏幻灯片

lantern slide幻灯片
1.Figure manage and application basing on the lantern slide;基于幻灯片库的图形管理和应用
2.This Paper presents a series of easy a nd practical methods for making single color,bicolor or tricolor lantern slides from black -and -white origin als recording letters,tables,draw ings etc.本文介绍了一系列简便而实用的方法,可由记载有文字、线画图表的黑白原件制作单色、两色或三色的幻灯片
3.The combination of photographic technique with computer for making lantern slides can create very vivld, fantastic pictures, thus promoting their quality to a novel level.摄影技术和计算机结合以制作电脑幻灯片可以创作出极为生动、新奇的画面,使幻灯片取得质的飞跃。
1.Teachers themselves should fully understand the contents that they teach, grasp the technique to make multimedia courseware, merging one s own idea into the slides properly.教员本身对所讲内容要充分理解,掌握多媒体课件制作的技巧,把自己的想法恰当地融入到幻灯片中。
2.? This paper introduces the content and making method of slides about brief introduction of the library with Powerpoint.本文介绍利用Powerpoint应用软件制作“图书馆简介”幻灯片的内容、步骤及使用方法。
4)slide storage幻灯片库
1.The Application of slide storage in Electrical Design of civil Engineering;幻灯片库在建筑电气设计中的应用
2.so This paper introduces the basic step of making slide storehouse based on and the method of embedding the building slide storage in the privately pull-down menu of CAD user,to raise the drawing efficiency.研究开发了标准件幻灯片库,并将已建好的幻灯片库嵌入到CAD用户专用下拉菜单中,提高了绘图效率。
5)PowerPointslidePowerPoint 幻灯片
