1.Discusses the Reason & the Countermeasure of Interpersonal Conflict in University Dormitory;浅谈大学生宿舍人际冲突的原因及对策
2.On the Psychological Disorders of Poor College Students and the Improvement of Dormitory Interpersonal Relations;高校贫困生心理障碍及宿舍人际关系的改善
3.The Significance of Dormitory Management in Ideological and Moral Education of College Students;论宿舍管理在大学生思想道德建设中的意义

1.Kwun Tong Hostel [probation hostel]观塘宿舍〔感化宿舍
2.At the hostel it's 23:00.宿舍是23:00熄灯。
3.a hall of residence(大学的) 学生宿舍
4.'It's twenty-three at the hostel.“宿舍是二十三点。
5.Kwong Fuk Hostel for the Elderly [Tsung Tsin Mission]广福宿舍〔崇真会〕
6.The dormitory was aired in the morning.早晨,宿舍通过风。
7.Island Hostel [boys' home]石壁宿舍〔男童院〕
8.Holland Hostel [boys' hostel] [Hong Kong Student Aid Society]荷兰宿舍〔男童宿舍〕〔香港学生辅助会〕
9.Un Chau Hostel [boys' hostel] [Society of Boys' Centres]元州宿舍〔男童宿舍〕〔香港扶幼会〕
10.Yue Wan Half-way Home for Boys [The Salvation Army]渔湾宿舍〔男童中途宿舍〕〔救世军〕
11.Cheung Hong Hostel [boys' hostel] [Society of Boys' Centres]长康宿舍〔男童宿舍〕〔香港扶幼会〕
12.Yau Mar Hom Elderly Hostel油麻磡天主教老人宿舍
13.Ho Tung Hostel for the Elderly [Tung Wah Group of Hospitals]何东老人宿舍〔东华三院〕
14.junior police officers' married quarters已婚初级警务人员宿舍
15.first priority [allocation of quarters]第一优先组别〔宿舍编配〕
16.He hangs out in the school dormitory.他住在学校的宿舍里。
17.Application for Collection of Quarters Furniture宿舍家具回仓申请表格
18.half-way house for discharged mental patients精神病康复者中途宿舍

3)Hostel Manager/Manageress宿舍舍监/女舍监
4)university dormitory高校宿舍
1.Based on disaster system theory and practical problem of high density of students on campus, the university dormitory fire evaluation system is established in the light of fire environment, fire bearing body, fire causes and fire disaster situation.本文基于灾害系统理论,并结合高校校园人口密度大等实际问题,从火灾孕灾环境、火灾承灾体、火灾致灾因子、火灾灾情四个方面构建出基于高校宿舍的火灾评估体系。
5)student dormitory学生宿舍
1.The Design and Realization of the System of the Student Dormitory Management Based on JSP Technology;基于JSP技术的学生宿舍管理系统的设计与实现
2.Current situations of and measures for student dormitory superintendent team in colleges and universities高校学生宿舍管理员队伍的现状与对策
3.This article discusses the present condition of the college student dormitory, and expounds the significance and the necessity of the college students dormitory in the college spiritual civilization and moral education.本文论述了目前高校学生宿舍的现状 ,阐明了学生宿舍在高校精神文明建设中的重要性以及在学生宿舍中开展德育教育的必要
6)dormitory building宿舍楼
1.Investigation on the harm of rodent in dormitory building of a military school;某军校宿舍楼鼠类危害现状的调查
2.In the paper, the selection of the blasting program, parameters and blastingresults of demolishing a brick - concrete dormitory building in Huiyang Heat powerplant by explosive blasting are introduced.主要介绍了在控制爆破拆除槐阳热电厂宿舍楼中,爆破方案的选取,参数的选择以及实爆效果等方面的实践,可作类似工程参考。
3.Taking the project of student dormitory building as an example,several treatment schemes about the overexcavtion of base in pond are introduced.以学生宿舍楼基础工程为例,介绍基础遇到河塘超挖后的几种处理方案,对多种方案进行技术、经济比较,选择最优方案,以期在保证工程质量、安全的前提下节约工程资金。

宿舍1.住宿停留。 2.指旅店。 3.机关﹑企业﹑学校等供职工﹑学员等住宿的房屋。