声母,initial consonant
1)initial consonant声母
1.This di- alect has 23 initial consonants,26 final sounds and 5 tunes.其声母有23个,韵母26个,声调5个。
2.It is believed that "Tang Shu Shi Yin" initial consonant system reflects initial consonant system of pronunciation of literary language in the Song Dynasty.在对《唐书释音》爬梳整理的基础上,归纳出反切11325条,除去重复有效反切4422条,共有反切上字580个,参照《广韵》、《集韵》,理出声母系统。
3.After the modification and consummation of scholars such as Wang Li and Huang Xiling,it sorts out the system of initial consonant and compound vowel .高本汉《中国音韵学研究》把国外现代方言学的调查研究方法运用于汉语方言研究,科学地记录了大量方言字音,其中所记录的广州方言字音为广州方言调查奠定基础,经王力、黄锡凌等学者的修订与完善,整理出通行20世纪的广州话声母韵母体系。

1.The Forty Initial Consonants of Putao Dialect and Mid-Ancient Forty Sound Categories;葡萄平声话40声母与中古40声类
2.Present-day Shantou pronunciation of characters with voicedinitials from mid ancient Chinese language;古浊声母上声、去声字汕头话今读考察
3.A Study on the Law of Correspondence between the Initial Consonants in Bijie Dialect and the Initial Consonants of Beijing Pronunciation;毕节方言声母与北京语音声母的对应规律研究
4.Study on Pronunciation Rules of Chinese Characters Beginning with Initial Consonants "n" and "r" in Japanesen声母和r声母汉字在日语中的发音规律
5.The Ancient Initial Feng (奉) as Aspirated [k‘] in Fanjiangzhen Dialect,Xiangxiang County,Hunan Province;湘乡翻江镇方言奉母字今读[k‘]声母
6.On the Problem of Voiced Sounds Turning into Voiceless Sounds in Yuan Sheng Yun Xue Da Cheng;论《元声韵学大成》浊声母清化问题
7.Initial Consonant Cluster:an explanation on Different Consonant of Phonogram Characters;复辅音声母:形声字与声符“异纽”现象的一种解释
8.Each Chinese syllable is divided into two parts: onset and rime.每个中文音节都由两部分组成:声母和韵母。
9.Design and Fabrication of "The Pronunciation Animation of Putonghua s Initial Consonant and Vowel" Courseware;“普通话声母、韵母发音动画”课件的设计与制作
10.Research on Initial Yu s Origin from Pronunciation of Voiced Obstruents Initias in Santangjietown Dialect;从三堂街话中古全浊声母字读音看喻母的来源
11.The Initial Pronunciation Variation of the Ri-Consonant in Dalian Dialect and its Reason;大连话日母字声母读音变异及原因探析
12.Probing into the fact that the initial groups of ni(泥)and lai(来)are pronounced as/z/in Hefei dialect;合肥方言泥来母今读[z]声母现象的探讨
13.On the Origins of the Initials of "fei"(非) group, "zhang"(章) group and"ri"(日), "yu"(喻), "xie"(邪) in Middle Chinese;中古三等专有声母非、章组、日喻邪等母的来源
14.An Analysis of Vowels in Corresponding Chinese and Tibetan Words with Nasal and Liquid Consonants;汉藏语鼻音、流音声母关系字韵母对应分析
15.The phonetic symbols of putonghua comprises21 initials that are consonants beginning a syllable.普通话语音共有二十一个声母声母是音节开头的辅音。
16.Is It Scientific to Give the Same Importance to the "Tone", the "Initial Consonant(s)" and the "Vowel (Part)" in PTH Test--Errors in PTH Test声调、声母、韵母各打五十大板科学吗——普通话水平测试中的误区
17.my mother whispers again ."母亲又小声地说着。
18.the sound made by a hen after laying an egg.母鸡下蛋后发出的声音。

1.Research on the Chinese initial pronunciation computer-aided language learning system;针对汉语声母发音的辅助教师系统的研究
2.This paper observes the pronunciation errors of Chinese initials by the junior Thai students.本文针对初级阶段泰国留学生普通话声母发音偏误进行考察,归纳出泰国学生在初学普通话声母时出现的偏误类型,分析其偏误产生的原因,并结合汉泰语言对比对泰国学生学习普通话声母的难度进行层级划分,最后提出相应的教学顺序及纠错对策。
1.The academia s understanding of Guangzhou(广州) Dialect sound change in the field of initialsynchronic has long been stay on the level of perceptual knowledge.长期以来,学界对广州话声母共时层面上的音变情况仅停留在经验层次的感性认识上。
2.This paper analyzed the special case of the changing of the Zhi and Zhuang and Zhang initials in Yuan Sheng Yun Xue Da Cheng,and researched their values.《元声韵学大成》是明代非常重要的韵学著作,本文着重分析了《元声韵学大成》中知庄章组声母的演变情况,总结了规律,并重点分析了规律之外的变异情况,结合今音为其拟定了音值。
3.In Shijing(诗经), initials main form of CDP is the transition of voiceless and voiced sounds.《诗经》声母条件异读的主流形式是清浊交替,韵部条件异读则主要是阴入对转。
1.On Characteristics of Mid-ancient Chinese Mid-century Consonants via Manyokana ——The Analysis of the On kana in Japan Syoki;从万叶假名看汉语中古音声母——以《日本书纪》音假名为例
2.Analysis of consonants speech articulation in the heavy hearing loss degree deaf children;极重度聋儿声母发音清晰度的状况分析
3.This paper analyses the consonant table and the vowel table which are desighed by professor Li Pu-ying and Professor Chen Xiao jing respectively by the means of field recorded sound and relative phohology,and provides some creative opinion about them.主要通过实地记音,运用有关音韵知识,对李谱英教授和陈晓锦教授所设计的玉林白话的声母表、韵母表进行辨析,对玉林白话的声母表、韵母表提出一些与前人不同的看法。
5)initial consonants声母
1.This paper studies the evolution of initial consonants of the Laba language,compares the Laba language with the language of Loudi and Shaoyang of Hunan Province,and finds that the initial consonants of the Laba language inherit the traits of the old Hunan dialect and that they are also similat to the Mandarin Chinese of Southwest China.本文从历史角度考查喇叭苗话声母演变情况,通过与今娄邵片湘语的比较,发现其声母较为完整地保留了老湘语的基本特征,同时也带有部分西南官话色彩。
2.It is always regarded as a barrier of theory of practice for the teacher-school students with Guangdong Dialect to learn and speak Putonghua with correct and identifying initial consonants (of Chinese system). 粤方言片的师范生学习普通话,平舌音、翘舌音和舌面音声母的辨正发音是一大障碍。
6)the initial and the final of a syllable声母和韵母
