1.In view of the "fickle affection" in research on learning theories at present,this paper makes a comparative analysis of the advantage and disadvantage of behaviorism,cognitivism and constructivism learning theories.鉴于目前学习理论的研究普遍存在"喜新厌旧"现象,文章比较分析了行为主义、认知主义、建构主义学习理论的合理与不足之处,提出学习理论也应当进行整合。
2.The temporary philosophy of science is developing towards cognitivism.当代西方科学哲学正在朝着认知主义发展 ,它们在理解科学本质时仍存在内在论与外在论、自然化与社会化的争论。
3.Knowledge View of Cognitivism emphasizes the objectivity and determinacy of knowledge.认知主义知识观强调知识的客观性和确定性,在认知主义知识观的影响下,学生往往采用被动的、封闭的学习方式。

1.Comparing and evaluating the knowledge opinion of cognitivism and constructivism;认知主义与建构主义知识观的比较和评价
2.Interdependence in Cognitive Linguistic Schools and the "Neo-cognitivism" Turn;认知语言学流派的互补性与“新认知主义”转向
3.The Comparison research in the education ideas between the Constructionism and the cognition;建构主义与认知主义教育思想的比较研究
4.E-learning Under the Guidance of Cognitive Learning Theory认知主义学习理论指导下的电子教学
5.Exploring the Theories of Vocabulary Teaching Under the Guidance of Behavior Doctrine,Cognition Doctrine,construction doctrine行为主义、认知主义、建构主义理论指导下的英语词汇教学理论探索
6.The Change of Knowledge View from Cognitivism to Congnitivism and the Revolution of Future Learning;从认知主义到建构主义的知识观转变与未来学习的变革
7.Study of Integration of Behaviorism and Cognitivism in Light of English Teaching;行为主义与认知主义学习理论在外语教学中的融合研究
8.The Wrong Cognition of Chinese Liberalism to Nationalism;中国自由主义对民族主义的错误认知
9.The Regression of Cognition Research--From Behaviorism to Cognitive Psychology;认知研究的回归——从行为主义到认知心理学
10.I have to say that cubism is not something I know very much about .我得承认我对立体主义知道得不多。
11.A Review of Researches on Preschoolers "Metacognition Optimism";幼儿元认知“乐观主义现象”研究述评
12.The Relationship between Cognitive Holding Power and Constructivist Pedagogy in Mathematical Education;认知压力与建构主义数学教学的关系
13.A Survey on Two Foreign Studying Theories;行为主义与认知派两种学习理论概观
14.Paradigm of Cognition on Material of the Evidential Facts Based on Constructivist建构主义视角下的证据事实认知范式
15.Cognitive Lexical Semantics:Important Theories and Their Applications认知词汇语义学的主要理论及其运用
16.the form of empiricism that bases knowledge on perceptual experience.认为感性认识是知识的基础的经验主义。
17.The Compared Study of the Marxism Epistemology and the Cognition Science;马克思主义认识论与认知科学的比较研究
18.A Comparison between the Philosophical Outlook in Cognitive Linguistics and Marxist Epistemology;认知语言学的哲学观与马克思主义认识论比较

1.The learning theories of behaviorism, cognitionism, and humanism are of vital significance to the construction of the study - support service system.行为主义学习理论、认知主义学习理论和人本主义学习理论,对学习支持服务系统的构建有着重要指导意义。
1.Strength and Underbelly of computationalism;认知计算主义的威力和软肋
5)Cognitive Constructivism认知建构主义
1.Based on Cognitive Constructivism,this paper proposes a tentative EFL writing model in a linear format: a regular piece of writing usually starts from a casual discourse,develops in imitation of the model essay and arrives at the personalized text particular to the individual writer.本文在认知建构主义学习理论的基础上,拟构了课堂语境下二语写作语篇生成的认知流程,该模型假说认为语篇的动态生成可以线性表示为:激活启动原始语篇→感知借鉴范文语篇→整合生成个性化语篇。
2.A series of innovative views concerning education and psychology, particularly the theory of cognitive essence, the theory of cognitive categorization and the view of expert knowledge generation, have recently mushroomed in the fields of cognitive psychology, cognitive constructivism, cognitive science and post-cognitive psychology.当前国际教育和心理学界蓬勃发展的新的知识观、价值观和学习观,特别是认知心理学、认知建构主义、认知科学和后认知心理学提出的知识本质论、知识分类论、专家型知识生成观点,在一定程度上澄清了现行心理学和教育学上的许多模糊概念,建构了一系列比较完整的知识理论心理学的新知识观。
6)cognitive relativism认知相对主义
1.As an old theory,cognitive relativism is very familiar to us.认知相对主义是一种为大家所熟知的古老的学说,但熟知不等于真知,对于认知相对主义的很多批评实质上源于误解。
2.Cognitive relativism is one of the methodologies which prevail in recent years in social science.认知相对主义(Cognitive Relativism)是近几年来在社会科学中兴起的方法论之一,社会科学中许多学科都将其作为对真理和知识的一种重新认识的手段。
3.This dissertation shows the theory origin of cognitive relativism in social sciences and emphasizes some theories as follows: the paradigm theory of Kuhn,Karl Mannheim\'s sociology of knowledge and the strong program of SSK,and reveals the representation and feature of cognitive relativism in anthropology and sociology.认知相对主义近年来又活跃于社会科学研究中,成为重新认识真理和知识的一种手段。

认知主义认知主义cognitivism 认知主义(eognitivism)广义泛指有别于行为主义的研究取向,即不强调刺激直接引起反应(即S一R),重视刺激反应之间心理过程(即S一O一R)的一切心理学理论。狭义主要指符号研究范式,即信息加工的理论形式。其指导性启示和核心性工具是数字计算机。它把心智看作是符号的操纵系统,是对符号的接收、编码、储存、提取、变换和传递。符号具有双重性质:一是它可以代表一定的内容或意义,即表征着一定的事物;二是它自身又具有物理的或形式的特征。认知可看作是通过符号进行的表征,符号又可按照一定的规则进行加工,这一过程也就是符号的操作和计算。认知主义强调的是确定符号的形式结构和算法规则。它不仅曾支配了认知心理学的研究,而且被许多研究者当作统一认知科学的多学科探讨的理论基础。但也存在问题,如它所揭示的符号加工系统与人类存在距离、过于脆弱、不够灵活等。 (许波撰车丈博审)