1.A novel method of view-dependent adaptive subdivision is proposed by using the floating-point computation power of modern programmable graphics hardware or GPU to accelerate subdivision computation.利用GPU的强大浮点数计算能力和并行处理能力,提出一种完全基于GPU的视点相关自适应细分内核进行快速细分计算的方法。
2.In ocean wave simulation,a view-dependent ocean wave mesh model is given by experiment analysis for two common mesh models,which are based on random sample points and based on fixed sample points.在海浪模拟中,通过对两种常用网格化模型(基于随机采样点的网格化和基于固定采样点的网格化)的实验分析,给出了一种视点相关的海浪网格模型。
3.A view-dependent algorithm for real-time continuous levels of detail(LoD) of terrain model is presented.提出了一种视点相关的地形连续细节层次 (LoD)模型的实时生成及绘制算法 。

1.Research about Large Scale Terrain for View-dependent Out-of-core Visualization视点相关的大规模地形内外存调度算法的研究
2.Algorithm for Dynamically Constructing View Dependent and Topology Alterable Multiresolution Mesh视点相关且拓扑可变的多分辨网格动态构造算法
3.Study of Technologies to Realize On-Demand Mobile TV Service in the Heterogeneous Networks;异构网手机电视点播业务相关技术研究
4.The Clinical Feature and the Related Factors of the Posterior Visual Pathway;后视路疾病的临床特点及相关因素分析
5.Fast Macroblock Mode Decision Algorithm for Multiview Video Coding Based on Mode Correlation基于模式相关性的多视点视频编码宏块模式快速选择算法
6.A view is a representation of a whole system from the perspective of a related set of concerns.视图是从相关的一组关注点投射的整个系统的一个表示。
7.Resolve Three Arguments of Visual Attention by the Simulating Technique;通过仿真技术统一视觉注意三类相关论点的研究
8.The Stereoscopic Enterprise Residual Property Rights of the Correlation and Freedom--In the Viewpoint of Subjectivity;相关和自主的立体企业剩余产权——主体性的视角和观点
9.New Perspectives on the Construction for Standard of Proof--Based upon the Theory of Discovering the Truth;证明标准建构的新视角——以发现真实相关理论为基点
10.Ray Space Interpolation and Viewpoint Rendering Based on Inter-slice Correlation基于片间相关性的光线空间插值与视点绘制研究
11.Please turn the television down a bit.请把电视机音量关小点。
12.Less attention has been paid to the basic allure of the small screen- the medium, as opposed to the message.电视所传播的讯息成为关注焦点,相较之下萤幕本身的吸引力却未受到太多重视。
13.Viewpoints will vary in their rigor, associated analytic techniques, etc., which may be brought to bear on checking a view.视点在其活力,相关的分析技术等方面不同,这可能是沿用了对视图检查的做法。
14.New suspicious gene loci correlated with the generation and development of children's retinoblastoma儿童视网膜母细胞瘤发生发展密切相关的可疑新基因位点研究(英文)
15.On the Establishment of the Pecuniary Penalty in Modern Criminal Law--From the Perspective of Relevant Provisions of the Draft Criminal Code of the Great Qing Dynasty;罚金刑在近代刑法中的确立——以1907年大清刑律草案的相关规定为视点
16.The Research of the Relevant Relation between Space Visual Acuity and Horary Visual Acuity;空间视敏度与时间视敏度的相关关系研究
17.The Study of Quantifier "Dian" and the Interrelated "X Dian";量词“点”及与之相关的“X点”研究

view dependent视点相关
3)view-dependent level-of-detail (LOD)视点相关LOD
4)view relativity视点相关性
5)view-dependent refinement视点相关细化
6)Inter-view Relativity视点间相关性

相关成本与非相关成本(relevantcostandirrelevantcost)  成本按其发生是否与决策项目相关的分类。相关成本是指与制定决策方案有关的联影响的成本,例如当期是否接受一批订货,生产该批订货需要花费的各种成本,即为相关成本。如该批订货是一种特殊订货,即其价格低于以前生产这种产品的完全成本时,其相关成本就是生产该批产品的变动成本。如果生产该批订货需扩大生产能力时,相关成本就既包括生产的变动成本,还包括添置设备等所需的其他成本。机会成本、差量成本、现金支出成本、可避免成本等均属相关成本。  非相关成本是指与制定决策方案并无影响的成本,因而在决策时可不予考虑。命名如接受特殊订货时,原有固定成本就属于非相关成本,因为即使不接受这批特殊订货,这些固定成本也会照样发生,当有几种方案可供选择时,各种方案都需发生的成本就是非相关成本,如采用不同的生产工艺组织生产时,构成产品实体的原材料在各种生产工艺过程中都要发生,所以这些原材料成本便是非相关成本。不可避免成本、沉落成本等属于不相关成本。