1.Thinking about "teaching" superior to "learning" in the web-based education;关于网络教育中“教”重于“”的思考
2.A Rough Discussion about Teaching and Learning in Open Distance Education;简论远程开放教育中的教与

1.Doctor of Science [Medicine; Laws; Divinity]理[医、法、神]博士
2.Physics studies mechanics, heat, light, sound and electricity.物理研究力、热、光、声和电
3.ususlly a B.A. or B.Sc.通常是文位或理位。
4.Collect paleontology, entomology, zoology, biology, and anthropology.收藏古生物、虫、物、物及人类
5.have/be an LL B有法位[为法士]
6.A grant given to a scholar by a school or university.奖金大校给生的助
7.Guiding the Students to Learning Actively in the Maths Teaching在小中引导生主动
8.A Study on Developing Mathematical Spirit in Teaching Mathematics in Secondary School;中生数精神的培养
9.Mathematics Thoughts,Mathematics Activity and Mathematics Teaching in Primary Schools;数思想、数活动与小
10."Cheng School" of Confucianism in Song and Ming Dynasties--"Cheng school","Nature school" and "Chi school";宋明儒的“诚”一系——“诚”、“性”与“气
11.On Raising Students Scientific Quality in Science Teaching at Middle School;中生科素养的培养
12.“Learning Mathematics Solving Mathematics and Using Mathematics” in Concept Teaching;在概念教中“做数用数
13.In school, boys and girls are learning foreign languages.在校,生们在外语。
14.Bachelor of Finance [University of Hong Kong]金融士〔香港大
15.Bachelor of Nursing [University of Hong Kong]护理士〔香港大
16.Bachelor of Economics [University of Hong Kong]经济士〔香港大
17.Bachelor of Social Sciences [University of Hong Kong]社会科士〔香港大
18.Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering加拿大化工程

1."学",which literally means "Study",in Analects of Confucius has multiple meanings,including "study","knowledge","theory","school of thought","practice","imitation","consciousness",and "instruction".《论语》中的""具有习、问、说、派、练习、模仿、觉悟、教授等诸种含义,其中可以把"觉"理解为""之体,其他含义为用。
2.In view of the present status that the teachers awarenesses to strengthen "study" and concepts to penetrate the study were not so prominent in the teaching and learning of P.对当前中体育教师在教中对""的意识强化不够、""的观念渗透不突出等现状,提出了在教中强化""的意识、渗透""观念的基本方法和注意事项。
3.I found the so-called Wang "truth" contained two major dimensions: things really and truly love through studying it .虽然王充之“真”更多表现为一个认识论观念,并非从文角度而言,但是他对文求真的探讨为后人提供了一个很好的思维视角,即真、善、美如何才能达到平衡的问题。
4)science of scientific disciplines科学学科学
5)students learning theory学生学习学

学【学】 (术语)学修戒定慧三者。因位曰学。果上曰无学。