1.New shooting method based on zone and tangential arc for micro soccer robot;基于区域和切圆弧的足球机器人射门动作研究
2.Analysis of shooting goal of Italian team in 2006 world cup;’06世界杯足球赛冠军意大利队射门进球情况分析
3.On the shooting situation of women football final match at the 9th National Game;对九运会与八运会女足决赛中射门情况的对比分析

1.Shoot, Jan, shoot! It's a goal!射门,简,射门!射中了!
2.Jump shot: A shot attempted while leaping.跳起射门:在跳起的状态下寻机射门
3.The footballer took a strike at the goal.那个足球队员飞脚射门.
4.It is in -- we have got a goal !球进了——我们射门得分!
5.That shoot was really something.那次射门的确漂亮。
6.She's looking for an opportunity to shoot .她正在寻找机会射门.
7.He shot a goal from twenty yards out.他从二十码外射门得分.
8.It's in we've got a goal!球进了--我们射门得分!
9.Field goal: A goal scored from open, continuous play.射门得分:通过连续配合利用空档射门得分。
10.He dribbled past the goalie to score.他带球越过守门员射门得分.
11."Shoot!" shouted the crowd as he ran towards the goal.当他朝球门冲去时,人群高喊:"射门!"
12." shoot ! " shouted the crowd as he ran towards the goal .当他朝大门冲去时,人群高喊:“射门!”
13.A field goal is a goal scored from open, continuous play.场上射门得分是在不间断的比赛过程中直接射门所得的分。
14.A Study on the Relation Between Goal Area and Score--A Statistics and Analysis of Goal Data in 2000 Europe Football Championships;论射门位置与进球的关系——2000年欧洲足球锦标赛射门数据统计分析
15.Goalkeepers will not save every kind of shoots. and etc.守门员将不能将所有类型的射门都扑到。
16.Ball physics when the ball goes out of bounds or hit the net of the goal haeen improved.球的物理特性在射门时射偏或触网改善了。
17.Study on Shot and be Shot Skills of Our Men Soccer Player from the World Cup;对中国男足世界杯比赛射门与被射情况的研析
18.The low pull-back was met crisply by Peru striker Pizarro, although goalkeeper Colin Doyle should have kept the effort out.秘鲁前锋的射门洞穿对方球门,虽然守门员碰到了皮球。

1.Robot Soccer’s shooting algorithm based on Bézier curve;基于Bézier曲线的机器人足球射门算法
2.Shooting algorithm in robot soccer;机器人足球射门算法研究
1.The shot-areas were all in the front third of the field,especially in penalty-area.结果表明:射门区域全部集中在前场,尤其是在罚球区内为主要射门区域。
2.Refering to a series of research methods such as documents,looking,logic and statistics,this paper studies the shot and scoring characteistic in the 12th European Football Cup by analyzing the numinerical statistics.运用文献资料法、观察法、数理统计法等研究方法,以第12届欧洲足球锦标赛的31场比赛为研究对象,对所有比赛中射门和进球的情况进行统计。
3.By analyzing the dataed of the world cup , the author fings that the Chinese soccer player not only on shot skill but also on goal have gap to other team.通过观察统计、归纳与对比分析的方法 ,对中国男足世界杯所在C组射门技术手段与进球、射门区域与协助区域情况进行了研析。
4)Shoot, shoot!射门,射门!
6)rdiation protection door防辐射门
