1.Study on Core Algorithm of Typesetting System for Universal Wedge Segments of Shield Tunnels;盾构隧道通用楔形管片排版系统的核心算法研究
2.It is a complex work to add annotation commands into Fangzheng gally proof files using Beida Fangzheng book edition software when we typesetting science and technology periodicals,because there are amany annotation items in BD typesetting language.利用北大方正书版软件对科技期刊进行排版时 ,由于BD语言中注解条目较多 ,在方正小样文件中加注解命令是一件较复杂、繁琐的工作。
3.So it is suitable for the typesetting of scientific and technical publications.MicrosoftWord具有所见即所得的排版功能,其排版直观灵活,可完善地制作图表公式,适合科技期刊排版

1.chase (typesetting apparatus)活版架(排版设备)
2.computerized matrix grid photo type setting字模版式计算机排版
3.Cast-up: To calculate the cost of composition.排版计价:计算排版的成本。
4.Electonic composition: Computer-assisted typesetting and page make up.电子排版:用电脑辅助的排字和拼版。
5.To set(written material) into type; compose.把……排版把(书面的材料)排成铅字;排字
6.relating to or occurring or used in typography.关于印刷、排版的,在印刷、排版中发生的,或在印刷、排版时使用的。
7.computerised editing and laser typesetting计算机-激光编辑排版
8.automatic editing and composing of abstracting and indexing journals检索刊物自动编辑排版
9.desktop publishing桌面印刷,桌面排版
10.The arrangement and appearance of printed matter.印刷排版和表面式样
11.computerized phototypesetting system计算机照相排版系统
12.This dictionary has an entirely new type-setting.这本字典排版很新。
13.Chinese typesetting & laser printing tool汉字排版激光打印工具
14.typesetting computer照相排版电子计算机
15.titles set in upper case以大写字母排版的标题
16.choose a specific type for printing(a book,etc)选用某字体为(书等)排版
17.office printing system办公简易排版印刷系统
18.A long tray, usually of metal, used for holding composed type.活版盘一种金属制的长盘,用于装排版的版样

1.Solution for seueral vital problems of Word 2000 in typeset of academic periodical;学术期刊排版中关键问题的Word2000解决办法
2.Several Processing Methods of Map Files Using Professional Typeset Software;专业排版软件中地图文件几种处理方法的探讨
3.It can achieve high speed, automatic typesetting.介绍了一种利用VBA对Word编程来排版的方法,可以实现高速、自动的排版
1.The Ingenious Application of Forms with Word Composition;表格在Word排版中的妙用
2.Development of Software for Composition and Dynamic Deviation Correction of Universal Segments for Shield Tunnel;盾构隧道通用管片排版与动态纠偏管理软件开发
3.Study on the Composition and Ring Selection Technology of Universal Segments for Shield-driven Tunnels;盾构隧道通用管片拟合排版与管片选型技术研究
1.Application of Adobe InDesign Software on composing in traditional Chinese medical periodicals;Adobe InDesign软件在中医药期刊排版中的应用
6)compose; type set,makeup排版,整版
