1.Fire safety problems of residential-officebuilding and the countermeasures;住宅办公建筑的消防安全问题及措施

1.General Office of CPC Central Committee中央办公厅(中办)
2.General Office (Office of Ports of Entry)办公厅(口岸规划办公室)
3.A business establishment or office.办事处,公司商业办事处或办公
4."Director, General Office"办公厅主任(省或部办)
5.Identify costs for new office (chairs, desks, equipment)确定新办公室的成本(办公椅、办公桌、设备)
6.President's Office校长办公室(大学)
7.Headmaster's Office校长办公室(小学)
8.Principal's Office校长办公室(中学)
9.And the Admin Office Is..?管理者办公室是...?
10.I'm the office manager there.我是公司的办公室经理。
11.My mother takes the bus to her office,妈妈乘公交车去办公室,
12.Office Assistant (CAC)办公室助理员(廉政公署)
13.The building in which such a department is housed.部办公大楼部办公所在地
14.HANK: I'm afraid all these offices are non? smoking offices.汉克:恐怕这些办公室都是无烟办公室。
15.He ran into her office. He jumped towards her desk.他跑进她的办公室,冲到她的办公桌前。
16.Office Automation Service办公室自动化事务处(办公自动化处)
17.Office of the Assistant Secretary-General助理秘书长办公室(助秘办公室)
18.Office of the Spokesman for the Secretary General秘书长发言人办公室(发言人办公室)

publicly owned公办
1.Construction of publicly owned and privately run city juvenile training resource system;公办民营的城市青少年训练资源优化配置网络的构建
3)office park办公公园
4)Business is business.公事公办
5)office furniture;office buildings.办公家具;办公楼
6)office buildings办公建筑
1.Research on Design Measures of Energy Efficiency in Office Buildings in Hot Summer and Cold Winter Zone;夏热冬冷地区办公建筑节能措施研究
2.This paper analysed the energy consumption and economy of office buildings with night mechanical ventilation in Harbin,Beijing and Shenyang based on the energy-consumption software,EnergyPlus.目的为了分析哈尔滨、北京、沈阳等北方地区办公建筑应用夜间通风的状况。
3.By taking successful example for Takenaka Corporation Tokyo main office,this essay analysis the content of green office buildings design from three dimensions——space,time,energy,and probes into the developing trend of the modern green office buildings design.结合日本竹中工务店东京总部办公楼实例,从空间、时间和能量三个维度上诠释了绿色办公建筑的内涵,探讨了当代绿色办公建筑设计的理论方法及发展趋势。
