1.Wikipedia: Free encyclopedia shared online;在线共享的自由百科全书——维基百科
2.Wikipedia: Free Encyclopedia of Knowledge Sharing;维基百科:分享知识的自由百科全书
3.Automatically Extracting Semantic Relations from Wikipedia Text;自动抽取维基百科文本中的语义关系

1.Automatically Extracting Semantic Relations from Wikipedia Text;自动抽取维基百科文本中的语义关系
2.Wikipedia, which is free, collaborative and online, has eaten into sales of paper-bound alternatives.免费、线、修改的维基百科,已经蚕食了纸质百科全书的市场份额。
3.Mining Semantic Knowledge from Chinese Wikipedia基于中文维基百科的语义知识挖掘相关研究
4.Study on Evolving Tendency and Policy Environment of Chinese Language Wikipedia中文维基百科演化趋势与政策环境结构研究
5.Encyclopedia Britannica said: “Wikipedia can cover a lot of ground but you have to wonder about its accuracy and objectivity.《大英百科全书》说:“维基百科确实能包括不少内容,但是大家或许会怀疑它的准确性和客观性。
6.A Study of Chinese Text Classification Method Based on Wikipedia一种基于维基百科知识库的中文文本分类方法研究
7.The sites previously had been blocked in China only intermittently.此前,维基百科的中文网站只是断断续续地被封锁。
8.Wikipedia relies on its users to correct errors and spot copyright infringements.维基百科主要依靠用户来纠正错误,并发现版权侵权行为。
9.Auto-Extraction Approach of Semantic Class Attributes in the Fusion of HowNet and WikipediaHowNet与维基百科知识融合中的义类属性自动构建方法
10.Wikipedia Based Semantic Related Chinese Words Exploring and Relatedness Computing维基百科的中文语义相关词获取及相关度分析计算
11.Every time I look up things[ on Chinese Wikipedia] I'm familiar with, I'm disappointed,' said Hector Lee, a28- year-old free-lance writer in Beijing.每次我在维基百科中文网站上查找东西的时候看到都是熟悉的内容,我感到很失望。
12.Similarly, Wikipedia draws strength from its volunteers who catch and fix every act of online vandalism.同样的,维基百科也需要从抓获和整治网络破坏的志愿者们身上汲取力量。
13.A software engineer has been embroiled in a controversy in which Microsoft stands accused of trying to use him as a paid proxy to finesse entries on the Wikipedia site.一名软件工程师卷入了与试图收买他、“维基百科”上的条目进行美化的微软公司的纠纷。
14.But for I used ADSL of Tietong to access Internet when I went back to my hometown in Spring Festival holiday, I didn't know that Wikipedia was blocked at all.要不是因为春节回家过年时用的是铁通的宽带,我根本不知道维基百科被封了。
15.Q: The Chinese website of Wikipedia, which had been blocked since last October, was unblocked last week, do you have any comments?此外,去年10月以来一直被封杀的维基百科中文网站上周得以解禁,你对此有何评论?
16.So far, they have been protected from competition by Wikipedia's odd constitution and unwillingness to co-operate with academia.迄今为止,由于维基百科结构怪异、不愿与学术界合作,因此一直未对这些出版商构成竞争威胁。
17.When its enthusiasts learn the meaning of the word“ compromise”, the open source onslaught will begin.但当维基百科的热心拥护者们悟出“妥协”一词的含义后,那么开放源式的攻击就将展开。
18.Names of non-Chinese peoples and states have been purposely left with their Chinese names (e.g.我们认为它是维基百科上最好的图像之一,它使其所说明的文章显得更加令人注目。

Baidu Baike百度百科
1.Comparative Analysis of Wikipedia and Baidu Baike维基百科与百度百科比较分析
1.Study of Liliaceae resources in Hanzhong area of Shaanxi province;陕西汉中地区百合科植物资源研究
2.Research on Flora Of Liliaceae in Shandong;山东百合科植物区系研究
3.The diversity and evaluation of Liliaceae medicinal plants resources in Qinling Mountain;秦岭地区百合科药用植物资源多样性及其评价
6)Encyclopedia online百科在线

维利莫维斯基波兰历史上第一位著名射手:维利莫维斯基维利莫维斯基(ernest wilimowski),波兰历史上第一位著名射手,出生于1916年6月23日,于1997年8月30日去世。在他的国家队生涯中,曾先后代表两个国家参赛。早期为祖国波兰效力,在22场比赛中打进21球,后来波兰被德国占领,维利莫维斯基被迫为德国队效力,在8场比赛中打进13球,其国脚生涯留下了出场30次,打进34球的记录。维利莫维斯基的成名作是在1938年世界杯同巴西的比赛中,波兰5比6失利,但他个人打进4球,一战成名。在那场比赛中,巴西的莱昂尼达斯打进4球,成为世界杯历史上第一个单场进4球的人,而维利莫维斯基也在那场打进4球,只是他打进第4球的时间比莱昂尼达斯晚了14分钟。