1.The Sino-Soviet Relationship from Alliance and Mutual Assistance to Split and Hostility (1945-1960);从同盟互助到分裂对抗的中苏关系(1945-1960)
2.This paper proposes and investigates fast variable size block motion estimation algorithm based on merge and split procedures based on H.本文提出了一种基于分裂与合并的快速运动估计和帧间模式选择算法,该算法以8×8为初始块尺寸,并以8×8块进行运动搜索,在此基础上,根据块间运动向量的相关性,结合块的边缘特性完成运动估计和块模式选择。
3.Electron has split space and made it anomorphic and unmethodical.电子分裂了空间,使之失真而又无常,电子空间赋有极限的失真,形成了无方向、非透视的空间,即投影空间,空间可变,可视之为线状,或是其赖以建构的一种状态。

1.The process of splitting or separating; division.分裂裂开或分开的过程
2.meiotic division减数分裂,成熟分裂
3.schizo-affective schizophrenia情感分裂型精神分裂
4.schizo affective schizaphrenia情感分裂式精神分裂
5.The act or process of splitting into parts.分裂,裂开裂成几个部分的行动或过程
6.An instance of suddenly breaking away or off.分裂,断裂突然中止或断裂的情况
7.the partition of India in 19471947年印度的分裂.
8.India was partitioned in 1947.印度於1947年分裂.
9.conjugate division[噬菌体]接合分裂
10.A blastomere of intermediate size, larger than a micromere but smaller than a macromere.中分裂球中等尺寸的分裂球,大于小分裂球而小于大分裂
11.The illness: schizophrenia病名:精神分裂症。
12.To divide or break into separate parts.使分裂分成或裂成几部分
13.Division into fingerlike parts.指状分裂分裂成指状部分
14.pinnatifid with the segments also pinnatifid.有羽状分裂的细裂片组成的羽状分裂结构。
15.Relating to, causing, or produced by disruption.破裂的,分裂的与分裂有关的;引起混乱的;或由分裂或破坏造成的
16.An agent that induces mitosis.有丝分裂素一种诱导有丝分裂的物质
17.The way cells split during mitosis有丝分裂时细胞分裂的方式。
18.cell division arrest细胞分裂停滞,细胞分裂抑制

1.Effect of ECNM (extract of cerebellum of newborn mouse) on division and proliferation of neural stem cell in adult mouse brain;新生小鼠小脑提取液对成年小鼠神经干细胞分裂与增殖的影响
2.On the Reasons of the Division between Science Culture and Humanity Culture;论科学文化与人文文化分裂的原因
3.Uniform design, a new test design method, was adopted to evaluate and study the effects of electric field stimulus and other four factors in culture on the division frequency of protoplasts of cabbage (Brassica oleracea L.应用均匀设计法探讨了电场刺激及培养因素对甘蓝叶原生质体分裂频率的影响。
1.The splitting of the fibers was thereby accomplished by chemical, thermal or mechanical procedures.生产双组分纤维非织造材料已有几十年的历史,故纤维分裂也已有以下多种工艺:如化学、加热或机械等加工方法。
2.The numerical examples show that the method can model vividly shear wave splitting etc.由数值例子表明,该方法能很好地模拟剪切波分裂等现象,表明快慢剪切波的偏损方向与裂隙裂缝方向有着密切的关系。
3.Since Freud,many theorists have fueled the project with their own insights and all,in one way or another,point to the splitting and the fictional nature of the subject.自弗洛伊德以来,很多理论家都阐述了主体的分裂和虚构性。
1.The Fission Results and Index System of Atomic Orbital and Atomic Spectrum in Various Symmetry Groups;原子轨道和原子光谱项在各种对称环境中分裂结果及其检索系统的设计
2.Whether the moral personality is unified or not,it has "the fission theory","hypocritical theory" and "the unification theory".道德人格能否统一,存有"分裂论"、"伪善论"和"统一论"之说。
1.It was argued that the crisis of fragmentation in psychology was an irrefutable fact in that (a) there was not any common ground or a common starting point in psychology hitherto, and (b) different branches of psychology were threatening to break up the discipline of psychology.在心理学的分裂与整合问题上 ,西方心理学家一直争论不休。
2.There is indeed a crisis of fragmentation in psychology.对心理学分裂危机的忧虑并非杞人忧天 ,心理学家由于缺乏一个共同的基础而陷入破碎和分裂之中 ,其它学科的蚕食也对心理学的存在构成威胁。

分裂分裂dissociation  分裂(diss。ciation)一种潜意识的防御机制,借此一个人将某一思想、情境或对象同其情绪上的意义和情感分离开来。这种防御机制可以使人推迟或延缓体验某些情绪冲击,为人赢得时间以便最终面对现实的挑战。 (梁宝勇撰车丈博审)