1.Multi-version DB Server Scheme of Mobile DBMS;多版本中央数据库的移动数据库系统并发控制方案
2.Objective To simplify the management of multi-version data.目的:在"军卫一号"系统维护中,经常需要同时使用多个开发数据库,这样需要简化多版本数据管理。
3.By analyzing multi-version database model (called DBV) and CSCW(Computer Supported Cooperative Work), some limitations on DBV are put forward in order to use it in CSCW.通过对多版本数据库模型(DBV方法)和CSCW(计算机支持的协同工作)的分析比较,提出了面向CSCW的DBV方法的限制策略,描述了如何利用多版本数据库技术构造一个CSCW工作模型。

1.Managing mode based on many edition of drawing database is expounded, it recorded expressly the course of edition and backdate correctly for many edition.阐述了多版本图档管理模式,该模式能清楚记载版本演变历程,准确实现多版本的回溯;
2.Structural Query for Multiversion XML Document Based on Index;基于索引的多版本XML文档的结构查询
3.Design and Implementation of Multi-version Snapshot Based on Block Device基于块设备多版本快照的设计与实现
4.Study on Software Cost Model Based on Multi-version Calibration基于多版本较准的软件费用模型研究
5.Design and Implementation of Multiple Versions and Multiple System Installation Software about Yitong Input Method易通输入法多版本多系统安装软件设计与实现
6.A Concurrence Control Protocol Based On Muiti - version Timestamp一个基于多版本时间戳方法的并发控制协议
7.a multilingual dictionary, phrasebook, edition, etc多语词典、 短语集、 版本等
8.There are lots of pirated editions.有许多非法翻印的版本。
9.Many of these systems provide access to the full and abstracted versions of published papers.在许多这类系统中您可以查询到出版物的完全版本及概要版本。
10.The last version of the book contained more than four-hundred poems.这本书的最后版本包含了400多首诗。
11.Many word have been add to this edition of the dictionary本词典的这一版里新增加了很多词
12.even for a Dore Bible?来换取一本多莱版的《圣经》呢?
13.Indeed, it is possible that many would not approve this version.说真的,可能许多人不赞成这个版本。
14.Books are sold in many sizes.卖的书有许多大小不同的版本。
15.The new edition of the encyclopedia embodies many improvements.百科全书的新版本有许多改进之处。
16.Many words have been added to this edition of the dictionary.本词典的这一版里新增加了很多词.
17.The Real-time Scheduling Algorithm Based on Mnltiple Task Version基于多任务版本的实时系统调度算法
18.More than 100 million of Karl May's books have been sold in more than thirty languages.卡尔?麦的书有30多种语言版本,卖出了一亿多册。

1.Dynamic multiversion database concurrency control based on B~(link)-tree index;以B链树为索引的动态多版本数据库的并发控制
2.Research on task-based model and multiversion cooperative GIS spatial data processing;基于任务划分和多版本技术的GIS空间数据协同处理研究
3.Multilevel secure concurrency control based on multiversion;基于多版本的多级安全并发控制机制的研究
3)multiversion XML多版本XML
4)a miscellaneous editions多种版本
5)multiple object versions多对象版本
6)Multi-version ontology reasoning多版本推理

多苯基多亚甲基多异氰酸酯 多苯基多亚甲基多异氰酸酯,简称PAPI,或称粗MDI,浅黄色至褐色粘稠液体.有刺激性气味。相对密度(20℃/20 ℃)1.2,燃点218℃。PAPI实际上是由50%MDI与50%官能度大于2以上的多异氰酸酯组成的混合物。升温时能发生自聚作用。溶于氯苯、邻二氯苯、甲苯等。PAPI的活性低,蒸气压低,只是TDI的百分之一,故毒性很低。 用于制造聚氨脂胶粘剂。也可直接加入橡胶胶粘剂中,改善橡胶与尼龙或聚酯线的粘接性能。贮存于阴凉、通风、干燥的库房内,远离火种、热源。严格防水、防潮,避免光照。