1.This logic goes from "human dilemma" and manifests itself as the "concern" of human in the empirical world and "love" and "courage",which serve as the ultimate solution."终极关切"的这种内在逻辑由"人的存在困境"出发,表现为人在经验世界当中的"焦虑",以及作为最终解决的"爱"与"勇气"。
2.Mao Ze-dong’s unique spiritual style was mainly prescribed in his “four spirits”: noble integrity, high ideal; great courage and unselfish generosity.毛泽东独特的精神风貌,集中体现他的“四气”上,即浩然正气、高远志气、弥天勇气、恢宏大气。

1.Courage, especially when reckless.蛮勇勇气,尤指不顾后果的勇气
2.He is wanting in courage [courtesy].他缺乏勇气 [礼貌] 。
3.Having or characterized by courage; valiant.有勇气的具有勇气的,以勇敢为特点的;有胆量的
4.It takes courage. But you possess the inner courage to see you through.要有勇气。你拥有披荆斩棘的勇气
5.The ability to face difficulty with spirit and courage.勇气拿出斗志与勇气面对困难的能力
6.It is better to trust to velour than to luck. --Aesop靠运气不如靠勇气。——伊索
7.Marked by or done with valor.英勇的以勇敢为特色的,或与勇气相伴的
8.It is bedded on courage, but it is more than brave.他的正直植根于勇气,但又超出勇敢。
9.A person of courageous determination or energy.勇士坚毅的人,有勇气或活力的人
10.Requiring or exhibiting courage and bravery.勇敢的需要或显示勇气和胆识的
11.It takes courage to battle for justice.为正义而斗争需要勇气
12.wash the milk off one's liver涤去胆怯病, 恢复勇气
13.lacking conviction or boldness or courage.缺少信心、胆量或者勇气
14.deprived of courage and strength.失去了勇气或者力量。
15.lost his nerve at the last minute.在最后一刻失去了勇气
16.discouraging through fear.因为恐惧而失去了勇气
17.I don't have the nerve to do it.我没胆去做/没勇气去做
18.the nervy feats of mountaineers.登山者充满勇气的壮举。

courage to discuss议论勇气
3)political courage政治勇气
4)theoretical courage理论勇气
1.What s more, Deng Xiao - peng s theories cement and condense great political and theoretical courage, thorough materialist world outlooks and methodologies, practicing and exploring brevity of respecting facts and masses initiatives, the time imprin.邓小平理论凝结着邓小平本人巨大的政治勇气和理论勇气,表现出他彻底的唯物主义者的世界观和方法论;邓小平理论凝聚着邓小平尊重实践、尊重人民群众首创精神的实践探索勇气;邓小平理论充满了实事求是、与时俱进的时代精神。
5)courage to create创新勇气
6)lose heart丧失勇气
