1.The applied study of package based on Java environment;基于Java环境下“”应用的研究
2.The paper expresses the function, the definition and the import of the package.论文讨论了java中的作用、定义和导入,编辑和运行中的类,利用classpath指明的根目录,以及在JBuilder环境下用UML浏览中的类。
3.A number of package cohesion metrics have been proposed in the last decade,but they mainly converge on intra-package data dependencies between classes,which are inadequate to represent the semantics of packages in many cases.为了一致而高效地计算内聚性,许多研究者提出了大量的内聚性度量方法。

1.A small package or bundle.裹一个小裹或
2.the system of three guarantees--refund, replacement and compensation.退赔制度。
3.Barrel and bottom of large size ladles and refining ladles.大型钢和精炼钢壁和底。
4.The act or process of one that packs.装某人打装的动作或过程
5.Our factory applies to its products three guarantees -- guaranteed quality, guaranteed quantity and guaranteed repairs.本厂对产品实行三:质、量、修。
6.Our service department makes its service a coordinated process: guaranteeing to teach how to use an appliance concerned, guaranteeing to keep it in good repair, and guaranteeing to Be ready to answer questions.会,好,答,这是本服务部的“服务一条龙”精神。
7.and to the bakery for bread and rolls.到面房去买面
8.Bread, milk and hamburgers.面、牛奶和汉堡
9.Bales of rude cotton.一大一大的原棉
10.She wrapped the bread in paper.她用纸把面了起来。
11.Packing is included in the price.价格中装费。
12.core-spun spandex芯氨纶丝,芯氨纶纱
13.The act of circumcising.割皮割皮的行为
14.To remove the prepuce of(a male).割皮割去(男性)的
15.He plucked off the wrappings of the parcel.他扯掉了裹的皮。
16.pack sth. in soft packages(or packing)软装(用软性材料装)
17.permissible cartridge带自安全皮的药
18.The toaster has warmed the bread.烤面器已烤热了面

1.Research on packet classification based on FPGA;基于FPGA的数据分类研究
2.This paper introduces the concept of network emulation and discusses its principle,focuses on the key techniques of packet interception in the network emulation,and puts forth an implementation framework based on Windows platforms.本文将介绍半实物网络仿真概念,并探讨该仿真技术的原理,重点研究在半实物网络仿真中涉及的网络截获的核心实现技术,提出其基于Windows平台的实现框架。
3.Its characteristic is that it adopt the priority method to rearrange the packets of coding data.其主要特点是利用优先级的方法重新排列编码数据流中的,通过优先级排列可以区分ROI和背景区域在每个分解级中的相对重要性,而且在同一幅图像中有多个感兴趣区域的时候,它能够提供多个优先级,能够很好的实现多个感兴趣区域无损压缩的图像编码。
3)enwrapped column and girder包柱包梁
4)wrapped starter包包曲
1.Xiangjiao wrapped starter was produced by 90 % wheat and 10 % garden pea through grinding,starter-stepping and bank-entry fermentation(adequate rise of starter-making temperature).湘窖曲是以90%的小麦加10%的豌豆为原料,适当提高制曲温度,经粉碎、踩曲、入房发酵而成。
2.The effects of the use of different wrapped starter on liquor-making were investigated through the adjustment of the proportion of wheat in liquor-making, and the result indicated that 9010 wrapped starter was better than pure wheat starter for liquor production by multiple grains in Jianghuai drainage area.试验曲中小麦所占比例不同对白酒生产的影响。
5)unpacking of tobacco leaf package烟包开包
1.Application of Petri Nets in the control of the unpacking of tobacco leaf package with robot;Petri网在机器人烟控制中的应用
1.Taking it for example that Zhujiabaobao section of Panzhihua vanadic titano-magnetite deposit, the paper detailedly analysed its change regularity in ore texture and structure, mineral composition and content, ore chemical composition, mineral chemical composition, rare element' s change feature of rock and ore, exploding temperature of mineral inclusion.本文以攀枝花钒钛磁铁矿朱家矿段为例,详细分析了该矿段中矿石组构、矿物成分及含量、矿石化学成分、矿物化学成分、岩石及矿石稀土元素变化特征、矿物裹体爆裂温度等的变化规律,进而研究了攀枝花钒钛磁铁矿矿体中的韵律结构特征。
