1.Application of entropy- fuzzy evaluation method to selection of talent;熵值-模糊组合优选法在人才选拔中的应用
2.Realization and application of an entropy calculation tool for amino acid sequences;氨基酸序列集熵值计算工具实现及应用
3.it can reduce the master batch entropy and the value of ML100.密炼机混炼后 ,冷却室温 ,采用强制性风冷翻炼操作工艺 ,降低胶熵值使门尼粘度值下降。

1.An Easy - to - implement Solution to AutomateEntropy Method by Microsoft EXCEL/ VBA;熵值法在EXCEL中的VBA实现
2.They can adopt conformations which lead to maximum entropy.他们可以采取有最大熵值的构象。
3.The University Management Achievements & the Entropy Value Effect;高校管理系统的熵值效应与组织决策
4.Entropy Assessment and Grey Forecast of Regional Economy in Jiangsu Province;江苏区域经济的熵值评价和灰色预测
5.Performance Evaluation Model of IT Companies Based on Entropy Method;基于熵值法的IT企业业绩评价模型
6.The application of entropy evaluation method to analyzing the structure of city system;熵值估计法在城镇体系分析中的应用
7.A Research on Evaluation of Cultivated Land Intensive Utilization Applying Entropy Method基于熵值法的耕地集约利用评价研究
8.The Analysis on the Transient Emissions of the Worsen Spark-Ignited Engines汽油机劣化时的瞬态排放量熵值分析
9.Research on Model About Development of Population Based on Entropy-fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation人口发展熵值-模糊综合评判模型研究
10.The Optimization of Investment Projects Using Evaluation Method of Multi-level Entropy投资项目优选的多层次熵值评价方法
11.Evaluation on 500 Giants Industrial Scale Development of China Based on the Entropy Method基于熵值法的500强行业趋势发展评价
12.The Evaluation on Gray Relation of Listed Company’ Investment Value Based on the Entropy Value;基于熵值赋权的上市公司投资价值灰关联评判
13.A Method of Selecting the Threshold Based on the Shannon Entropy in the Estimation of the Extreme Value Index极值估计中基于熵的门限值选取方法
14.Entropy is actually a measure of disorder.“熵”是一个针对混乱程度的度量数值。
15.Application of Entropy in Risk Investment Policy Decision of Enterprises;“熵”值在企业风险投资决策中的应用
16.Study on Methods of Thresholding Image Segmentation Based on Tsallis Entropy基于Tsallis熵的阈值图像分割方法研究
17.Image Thresholding Techniques using Renyi Relative Entropy基于Renyi相对熵的图像阈值化方法
18.Fast iterated algorithm based on fuzzy 2-partition entropy for image thresholding模糊2-划分熵阈值法的快速迭代算法

entropy value熵值
1.This paper tries to employ dissipative structure theory,entropy value theory,chaotic theory,catastrophe theory and coordinate theory in finding the root causes of software quality forming.用耗散结构理论、熵值理论、混沌理论、突变论和协同论,对软件质量产生和形成进行了分析。
2.In this paper,the problem of venture decision of different investment schemes in one property or project item is discussed and the investment venture decision based on the entropy value of information theory,which was described in reference[1],is perfected with the main indexes(variation coefficient,extreme difference)to judge the venture and analyzed with an example.针对同一资产或项目的不同投资方案的风险决策问题 ,采用衡量风险的主要指标(变异系数 ,极差 )对文献 [1 ]中基于信息论中熵值的投资风险决策进行了改进和完善 ,并结合实例应用进行了分析。
3.This method extracted indicators of network attacking events in a period and modeled with entropy value to determine weights.通过提取一段时间内网络攻击事件的指标,采用熵值确定权重并建立模型,对攻击事件进行评估、分级,进而量化出该段时间内网络的威胁程度。
1.The comparative analysis on economic benefit of regional tourism based on information entropy;基于熵值法的区域旅游业经济效益比较分析
2.Based on entropy index evaluation,the agricultural ecological security status in Shaanxi Province from 1995 to 2004 was assessed quantitatively,what's more,a dynamic trend is given to indicate this problem.应用层次分析法建立了陕西省农业生态安全综合评价的指标体系,基于熵值法的综合指数评价法对陕西省农业生态安全从时间尺度上(1995~2004年)进行了定量评价和动态趋势的分析,结果表明该区域内的农业生态安全综合水平在不断提高,但10年来一直都处于很不安全的状态。
3.The application of TOPSIS method in seeking the optimum mixture ratio of blended coal is described in much detail by confirming the weight of index with entropy.介绍了逼近理想解排序法—TOPSIS算法,同时利用熵值法确定指标的权重,并详细描述了该方法在优选配煤方案中的应用。
4)entropy method熵值法
1.The application of entropy method in risk investment evaluation of real estate;熵值法在房地产风险投资评价中的应用
2.The application of entropy method in the evaluate bids about bills of quantity mode;工程量清单计价模式下熵值法在评标中的应用
3.Appraisal on the Efficiency of Higher Education Resource Allocation by Entropy Method;熵值法在高等教育资源配置效益评价中的应用
5)entropy weight熵权值
1.Application of fuzzy synthesis evaluation of entropy weight in evaluating port s competitiveness;熵权值模糊综合评判法在港口竞争力评价中的应用
2.In this paper,the concept of information entropy is introduced into the determination of index weight in multi-object decision-making,thus the notion of entropy weight is developed,which indicates the relative importance and the relative competition intensity of each quota in decision-making.本文把信息熵的概念引入多目标决策中指标权重的确定,得出熵权值的概念。
6)information entropy熵值法
1.The evaluation on economic benefit of regional tourism based on information entropy;熵值法在区域旅游业经济效益评价中的应用
2.Then it adoptes information entropy method to assess the index system,aided with r.同时采用熵值法,结合2004年西北五省相关评价指标值对该指标体系进行综合评价。
3.The information entropy is applied to determine the weight of all the factors those impacting water quality and water quantity,and on the basis of this,a comprehensive assessment is made on Zhengzhou City in combination with the fuzzy cluster analysis.运用熵值法对影响水质和水量的各个因素赋权重,并在此基础上结合模糊聚类分析方法对郑州市地下水环境进行综合评价。

力学量的可能值和期待值  在量子力学中,力学量F用作用于波函数上的算符弲表示。在数学上,对于一个算符,满足       的函数 ui(r)称为弲的本征函数,式中Fi是与r无关的数,称为本征值。如果ui(r)描写微观粒子的状态,则它必须满足单值、连续和有限的标准条件。在这种限制之下,上式中的本征值可以取一系列分立值,或取一定范围内的连续数值。    在测量力学量F时,观察到的只能是它的本征值。若一个力学量的本征值具有分立谱,我们说这个力学量是量子化的。    量子力学中假定力学量的全部本征函数组成一个完全系;这意思是说:描写体系的任一状态的波函数ψ都可以用力学量的本征函数ui展开:       在ψ和ui都是归一化的情况下,上式中的展开系数сi具有如下的物理意义:在ψ态中测量力学量时,得到结果为Fi的几率是|сi|2。    因此,若微观粒子的定态波函数是某力学量算符的本征函数ui(r),则在这一状态中,力学量F取确定值Fi。    在ψ态中对力学量进行多次测量,把所得结果加以平均,就得出力学量在ψ态中的期待值,以〈F〉表示:       上式称为力学量的期待值公式。如果ψ不是归一化的,那么期待值公式应写为