1.The system design consists of each monitoring picture and thedesign of communication of the up stream equipment and PLC.系统设计主要包括各监控画面的设计和上位机与PLC之间的通信设计。
2.The making of touch screen s five control picture s,oper ations and monitor picture,electromagnetic valve actions monitor picture,setting picture,warning information and processing picture,and grinding head pressure a nd day s running curve picture of motor current are given more description.简要介绍了方坯修磨机的工作原理,重点阐述了触摸屏5个 控制画面的制作,即操作及监视画面、电磁阀动作监视画面、设定画面、报警信息及处理画 面、磨头压力及电机电流日运行曲线画面

1.I'll just rough out the whole picture and you can do the details.我就画出整个画面的草图,你来仔细画。
2.Fade one scene into another(银幕上)使一画面渐暗而融入另一画面
3.A single picture on a roll of movie film.画面电影的一系列画面中的单独一个
4.All the pictures should be faced forward.所有的图画都应画面朝前。
5.By the Western Han Dynasty (206 B.C.- a.D.23), they had become richer in content and color,到西汉时期,帛画的画面更加丰富,
6.Harmony between Inscription Calligrphy and Artistic Conception in Chinese Painting论中国画题款书法与画面意境的和谐
7.Person who dispenses medicine上显示的词语、画面
8.Only getting active windows Image只抓取当前窗口的画面
9.paint configuration画面颜色的结构形状
10.printed pictorial birthday card有画面的生日卡印刷品
11.1. Draw with the shapes above.用上面的图形画画。
12.And with oil paintings还有的上面画有油画
13.Painting a tiger's skin is easy, but not so the bones. A man's face one can know, but not his heart.画虎画皮难画骨, 知人知面不知心。
14.When you paint a dragon, you paint his skin; it is difficult to paint the Bones. When you know a man, you know his face But not his heart画龙画皮难画骨,知人知面不知心
15.as you can draw a tiger's skin but not its bones, so you can know a man's face but not his heart.画龙画虎难画骨, 知人知面不知心。
16.A thin wooden board, used as a surface for an oil painting.画板一种薄木板,用作画油画的平面
17.Oil on canvas, l22.5 X l77cm布面油画,122.5X177厘米
18.The art or process of drawing ground plans.平面画法画平面图的方法或过程

1.The present essay tries to discuss the art pattern of the pictorial teaching from the aspect of words, pictures, flashes and motive effect, and to embody the education first principle in order to prevent partly pursuing technique and artistic appearanc.演示型教学课件的制作、评价和设计要选择合适的教学模式,注意知识内容和媒体的合理搭配关系,从界面、文字、图片、动画、动态效果等方面探讨画面教学艺术规律,体现教育性第一的原则,防止片面追求技术性和美观性。
2.As the representatives of “Village Novels” in China and England, both writers regarded pictures and music as semantic carriages and used them to express what cannot be shown by words only, which enriched the implication of their works.两位作家将画面与音乐视为文字之外的语义载体,填补了文字所不能表达的空白,丰富了作品的主题意境。
3.The article probes his beautifying stylistic features in his probe, that is, the meaningful and vivid artistic pictures with strong visual effect; the use of finesse of cadence; absorption of traditional artistic expressive techniques, combing nobility and serenity, fiction and reality.本文探讨郭风散文审美形式特征,即隽永传神的艺术画面,有较强的视觉效果;反复吟咏手法的运用;吸收传统艺术表现手法,做到动静、虚实结合。
1.Documentary is an important genre in cinema and television series, and the commentary in documentary, alongside with its images, plays a significant role in audiovisual communication.纪录片是电影和电视片中的重要片种,除了纪录片的画面外,纪录片的解说词在影视传播中也起着不可取代的重要作用。
2.Visual effects due to differences in the screen to a large extent determines the quality level of the game,the game of how to improve the visual image of the study also inevitable.基于数字图形的像素画从出现到现在已经完成了从实用性到艺术性的转变,并且成为目前表现二维手机游戏画面的最佳选择。
1.As is known to all, the excellent TV textbook must be instructive and to create this kind of TV textbook the coordination of explanatory words and frame should be paid special attention to.众所周知,优秀的电视教材必定具有教育意义,而要创作优秀的电视教材视觉还应特别注意其解说词与画面的协调关系。
5)picture plane画面
1.This paper presents a computer interactive plotting method of drawing three vanishing-point perspective views by any given three points on the picture plane as the vanishing-points of the perspective.提供一种任取画面上3点为灭点的三灭点透视图的计算机交互绘图方法。
2.There are five kinds of curves when a circle is projected in perspective according to the positions of the circle relative to the picture plane and viewing point They are straight line, circle,ellipse, hyperbola and perabol圆曲线的透视根据圆曲线相对视点、画面的位置不同,可以有五种结果,分别为直线、圆、椭圆、双曲线、抛物

画面  电影最小的构成单位、映现于银幕上的活动视像、一幅幅电影摄影的构图。画面有长有短,但都要在银幕上持续一定时间。因此,由许多画格构成。画格是胶片上静止的影像。电影是运动的艺术,电影构图不同于绘画、照相的构图,它不是静止的,而是活动的、变化的。但在一定时间内,拍摄对象又有相对稳定的时间,这就构成了电影画面。当摄影机从同一角度拍摄同一镜头时,景物不变,但如人物运动,画面构图就起变化,如果摄影机是在运动中拍摄,画面则会不断变换。电影的画面构图,是指画面事物的结构、组成、比较、联系和章法等。它用以确定画面中各个组成部分的相互关系,将观众的视觉引向主体。构图上常见的规律是人物的宾主呼应、景物的虚实藏露、线条的简繁参差、色调的浓淡轻重等。