1.Research on formation of multiple mobile robots;多移动机器人的队形研究
2.Formation Control of CGF Team in Advance;团队CGF行进中的队形控制方法
3.On the Innovation of the Group Callisthenics Motion and Formation;对团体操动作和队形创编的研究

1.The troops lined up in parade formation.部队排成阅兵队形
2.The troops have been formed up in review order.部队已被排成检阅队形
3.A flight formation or arrangement of craft in this manner.梯形飞行队以此方式编排的飞行队形
4.To arrange or take place in an echelon.排成梯队排列成梯队或以梯队形式发生
5.attack in extended line以展开的二列横队队形进攻.
6.The troops were disposed in battle formation.部队按照作战队形排列好。
7.The troops were arrayed for the battle.军队已按战斗队形部署好。
8.A specified arrangement or deployment, as of troops.队形军队等的特殊组合和排列
9.The army was arrayed before the commander.队伍在指挥员面前排好队形
10.The Application And Significance of Formation in P. E. Teaching Practice;队列队形在体育教学中的意义及应用
11.A Path Planning Algorithm with Agent Team Formation Maintained一种保持Agent团队队形的路径规划方法
12.The well-trained dancers transform their formation regularly.变换各种队形和场面。
13.The soldiers stood in defensive formation.战士们站成防御队形
14.The platoon formed into open order这个排编成散开队形
15.javelin formation【军】(轰炸机的)标枪队形
16.flying in V formation排成v字队形飞行.
17.The soldiers advanced in close formation.士兵排成密集队形前进.
18.A wedge-shaped formation, as in football or ground warfare.楔形队形一种楔状的队形,如在足球运动或地面战争中

formation configuration编队队形
1.Ideal satellite formation configuration with an elliptic reference orbit;椭圆参照轨道的理想卫星编队队形设计
1.The teaching of formation drill in physical education as a common course in the teachers college;谈高等师范院校公共体育课队列队形的教学
4)S formation蛇形队形
5)diamond formation菱形队形
6)formation control队形控制
1.A novel method for formation control of multiple autonomous underwater vehicles(AUVs);多AUV队形控制的新方法
2.Swarm robots formation control based on double PSO swarms with an adaptive fitness control parameter;具有自适应度双群体PSO的组群机器人队形控制
