1.Clothing value and esthetical characteristics in animation movie;动漫影片中服饰的价值及审美特征
2.Research on Design of Animation Toys for Chinese Young People;中国青少年动漫玩具设计研究
3.The Difference of the Animation Marketing Model between Disney and Blue Cat;迪斯尼与蓝猫动漫营销模式之比较研究

1.On Animation Education and Lack of Role in Cartoon Lndustry;我国动漫教育与动漫产业失位的思考
2.Animation Base Construction and Development of the Animation Industry河北省动漫基地建设与动漫产业发展
3.Sculpting Animated Cartoon--Reflections over the GK Trend of Japanese Cartoon雕塑动漫——对日本动漫手办热潮的思考
4.A Study of Animation Fans Contact of Animation Works in the View of Communication;漫迷动漫作品接触行为的传播学考查
5.Cosplay costume play道具玩,动漫真人秀
6.The Studying about Teaching Idea and Model of Cartoon Professional Based on Cartoon Industry;动漫产业背景下动漫专业教学思路与模式探究
7.Strengthening the Competitive Power to Construct the "City of Animation";挖掘动漫产业竞争力 创建杭州“动漫之都”
8.The Effect of Japan s and America s the Animation Tourism Development on Animation Tourism Industry of Shanghai;美、日两国动漫旅游开发对上海动漫业的影响
9.ACG is indispensable to the life of ACG fans.对漫迷而言,动漫和他们的生活联系的如此紧密,动漫融入生活,生活融入动漫
10.The "New Continent" of Animated Cartoons--The Status Quo of Developing Derivative Products of Animated Cartoon and The Higher Education of Animated Cartoon Confronted with Challenges in China;动漫“新大陆”——国内动漫衍生产品开发现状及高校动漫教育面临的挑战
11.Research on the Editor of Motion and Composition in Producing Cartoon;动漫制作中动作与合成编辑器的研究
12.Research on Interaction of Cartoon and Games in ACG Culture;ACG文化中动漫与游戏互动关系研究
13.The New Media and Chinese Animation Industry;新媒体与中国动漫产业互动机制研究
14.Approach to Push forward the Cosplay Industry of Guangdong;进一步推动广东动漫产业发展之对策
15.Research on the ACGMN Interaction-In the Perspective of Anime Industrial Chain以动漫产业链为视角的ACGMN互动研究
16.A World Class Cartoon Character -Les Aventure De TinTin from caricature to animation一个世界级的动漫形象——《丁丁历险记》从漫画到动画
17.The Cultural Characteristics of Japanese Animation and Its Enlightenment to the Development of Chinese Animation;日本动漫的文化特征及其对中国动漫的发展启示
18.On the Animation Education of High-ranking Talents--Thinkings about the Animation Education of High-ranking Talents;动漫高端人才教育研究——关于动漫人才培养目标的探索与思考

1.A Study on the Current College Students Cartoon Consumption Motivation;当代大学生动漫消费动机研究
2.Therefore, the vogue of cartoon culture brings forward a series of new requirements for the modern commercial packaging in the time featured by web and various entertainments.所以,在当今网络和娱乐时代的背景下,动漫文化的盛行,给当代包装设计提出了新的需求。
1.Taking example of Hangzhou s cosplay industry,this paper analyzes the basic conditions and inside-and-outside power factors of industry amalgamation.文章以杭州动漫产业为例,分析了产业融合的基础条件与内外动力因素,文章认为:产业技术、人才、环境是产业融合的基础条件;发展潜力、创新精神是产业融合的内动力;政府的产业引导、政策扶持和创业环境是产业融合的外动力。
2.Cosplay can not only have function of relaxing.动漫文化是人们喜闻乐见的一种视觉文化样式,动漫文化包括动画、漫画、卡通电影以及与动漫形象相关的服装、玩具、文具、电子游戏等衍生产品的生产和经营活动。
4)active navigation主动漫游
1.In order to promote the technology of intravascular brachytherapy to be applied timely in the restenosis treatment of peripheral arteries after percutaneous transluminal angioplasty(PTA), a method combining the active navigation with optimization algorithm for the planning of peripheral intravascular brachytherapy is proposed.为了促进内放射治疗技术尽早运用到PTA术后周围血管再狭窄的治疗中去,提出一种基于主动漫游的周围血管内放射治疗计划的混合优化方法。
2.Many algorithms used in active navigation are based on central axial extraction.一般主动漫游的路径计算方法 ,都是基于中轴提取等算法的 。
5)overbank flow漫滩流动
1.The 3-D k-ε turbulence hydrodynamic model in curvilinear coordinates is established to simulate the overbank flow in the curved channel with irregular terrain in this paper.本文采用非正交三维曲线坐标下的k-ε双方程湍流数学模型,对弯曲不规则地形的渠道和漫滩流动进行数值模拟。
6)rendering animation漫游动画

因水火风动故地动【因水火风动故地动】  经云:此阎浮提地,南北阔二万一千由旬,东西阔七千由旬,厚六万八千由旬。地下有水,厚八万四千由旬。水下有火,厚八万四千由旬。火下有风,厚六万八千由旬。风下有金刚轮,过去诸佛舍利,咸在其中。或有时大风忽动,火亦随动。火既动已,水复随动。水既动已,地即随动。故云因水火风动故地动。(梵语阎浮提,华言胜金洲。梵语由旬,华言限量,或四十里,或六十、八十里也。)