1.Through controlling an N-bit accumulator and then get its highest bit to generate the programmable clock.通过控制一个N位累加器累加,取其最高位,即可得到可编程时钟源。
2.On the study of Hataimian s digital filter and the improved digital filter algorithm, this paper proposed an efficient calculating accumulator and an accumulator grid for real-time moments calculating which yields superior performance by eliminating the most time-consuming multiplication operations and simplifying addition operations.在Hatamian数字滤波器算法和改进的数字滤波器算法基础上,文中设计了累加器累加器栅格的结构,消除了几何矩计算中乘法运算,进一步简化了加法运算量,实现了基于FPGA的几何矩计算实时实现。
3.The working process of typical N Digital fractional frequency divider is introduced and the integration function performed by cascaded accumulators is analyzed.介绍了典型N数字小数分频器的工作过程 ,在此基础上分析了由级联累加器实现的积分功能 。

1.ADAT (Automatic Data Accumulator and Transfer)自动数据累加器与传输
2.decimal adjust accumulator instruction (DAA)十进制调整累加器指令
3.To form the results of an operation in an accumulator.在累加器中形成运算结果。
4.This moves the carry into bit position of the accumulator.把进位移到累加器的位元。
5.The Design of 32-bit Correlative Accumulator and Cardinal Techniques32位相关累加器的设计及关键技术
6.Secondly, in the design of accumulator, a triplet data structure is used and can reduce much amount of accumulator.在累加器设计上,应用了三元组数据结构, 压缩了累计器的数量。
7.An addition by which a number added to another original number inside an accumulator and the produced number is left in the accumulator.将一个数与累加器中原有的数相加,所产生的数仍放在该累加器中的一种加法。
8.accumulator and index register can Be accessed By the programmer.程序员可以对累加器和变址寄存器进行存
9.Accumulator and index register can be accessed by the programmer程序员可以对累加器和变址寄存器进行存取。
10.High Performance MAC Design in MCU;在微控制器(MCU)中的高效乘法累加器的设计
11.Investigation and Analysis on Accumulate-based Built-in Self Test Methods基于累加器的内建自测方法研究与分析
12.Structural design-for-testability of accumulation-based testing for DSP data pathDSP数据通路基于累加器测试的结构可测性设计
13.A register or electric circuit in a calculator or computer, in which the results of arithmetical and logical operations are formed.储蓄器,累加器,加法器计算机或计算器中得出数学或逻辑运行结果的寄存器或电路
14.All instructions are carried out using a register called the accumulator, which we shall denote by A.全部指令执行时都用了称作累加器的寄存器(用符号A来表示)。
15.Research and Improvement on Long Term Accumulator Sub-System of FX Correlator;FX型相关处理机长期累加器子系统的研究与改进
16.Research on Accumulator-Based Built-In Self-Test for DSP Data Path;基于累加器的DSP数据通路的内建自测试技术的研究
17.Design of a LU Decomposition Accelerator Based on High-Precision Multiplying and Accumulating基于高精度乘累加的LU分解加速器的设计
18.All psionic weapons are also masterwork weapons, but their masterwork bonus to attack does not stack with their enhancement bonus to attack.所有灵能武器都是精制品武器,但精制品加值不和增强加值累加。

1.MAC plays a very important role in DSP algorithms.乘累加器在DSP算法中有着举足轻重的地位。
3)A registerA累加器
4)accumulator stage累加器级
5)WA (write accumulator)写累加器
6)read accumulator读累加器
