1.Drug Identification Marker Integrity Should be Guaranteed in Drug Retailing;药品零售须保证药品标识物的完整性
2.The core competence of retailer:concept,dimensions and assessment;零售企业核心竞争力:概念、内容和测评

1.retail businesses, traders零售生意、 零售
2.Tradesman engaged in retail trade.零售商从事零售贸易
3.world's top 500 retailer世界零售业500强
4.a retail dealer [price, store]零售商 [价格,店]
5.A man engaged in retail trade.零售商从事零售贸易的人
6.The retail dealer buys at wholesale and sells at retail.零售商批发购进货物, 以零售价卖出。
7.Retail Marketing Tactics-Mixture and Diversification of Retail Format;零售营销策略组合及零售业态多样化
8.The Trend of Chinese & World Retailing;世界零售业与我国零售业的发展趋势
9.The Mix of Internet and Bricks-and-Mortar Retail Models;传统零售模式与网络零售模式的融合
10.Research on Return-risk of Power Purchasing and Selling for REPs in the Electricity Retail Market;电力零售市场中零售商购售电收益—风险研究
11.general retail price index社会零售物价总指数
12.Are these prices wholesale or retail?这是批发价还是零售价?
13.These shoes retail at $$10.这鞋零售价每双10美元。
14.I'll sell it to you retail only.我只按照零售价卖给你。
15.Actual retail prices may vary.实际零售价可能有变动。
16.wholesale and retail subsector批发及零售界界别分组
17.a businessperson engaged in retail trade.从事零售交易的商人。
18.National Congress of Petroleum Retailers全国石油零售商协会

1.Exploring a New Apparel Retailing Model in the Digital Era;数字化时代服装零售新模型的探索
2.Effect of direct marketing on retailing channels where large retailers exist;直销模式对存在强势零售零售渠道的影响
3.Research on Application of Customer Segmentation Model in Retailing Based on Data Mining;基于数据挖掘的零售客户细分模型的应用研究
3)IT retail E-commerceIT零售
4)retail trade零售业;零售贸易
5)retail market零售市场
1.Research and prospect for domestic knit underwear brand retail market;国内针织内衣品牌零售市场调研与展望
2.At present, underwear retail market is growing rapid.目前 ,中国内衣零售市场是竞争激烈的服装市场上的一支生力军。
3.Michel Porter's analytical model of five principal forces in competition is employed in the analy- sis of refined oil product retail market competition to show that the internal competition in this business is the focus.采用迈克尔·波特5种基本竞争作用力的分析模型,通过对成品油零售市场竞争环境的分析,论证了成品油零售市场竞争的焦点在于行业内部的竞争。
1.Influence of Regulation on the Stock Trade between Retailers and Suppliers on Drug Retailing;浅谈《零售商与供应商进货交易管理办法》对药品零售业的影响
2.The pricing competition model between electronic retailerand traditional retailer;基于博弈论的电子商务零售商与传统零售商的价格竞争模型
3.Study on the cooperation model of supplier and retailer based on power equilibrium;基于权力平衡点的零售商供应商合作关系分析
