1.On the Overall Quality Management of Environmental Monitoring;环境监测的全面质量管理
2.Deng Xiaoping s Thought of Overall Development;论邓小平的全面发展思想
3.The existence of various medical theories and systems and various therapeutic methods make up the overall connotation of modern medicine.对医学进行全面理解的观点很多 ,其中最重要的是医学是建立在人学基础之上的学科。

1.With thorough knowledge or understanding.全面了解或全面理解地
2.Women's National Association of Total Security全国妇女全面保障协会
3.Comprehensive Review of Industrial Safety工业安全的全面检讨
4.complete transformation全面的改革,完全改变
5.plenary indulgence(天主教)全面赦罪
6.save appearances维持体面, 保全面
7.We should speed up all-round social progress and promoting the all-round development of people.推动社会全面进步,促进人的全面发展。
8.Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty全面禁止试验条约(全面禁试条约)
9.To Build up a Well-off Society through the All-round Development of Human Beings论全面建设小康社会与人的全面发展
10.Overall building-up of a Well-off Society to Promote the All-around Human Development全面建设小康社会 促进人的全面发展
11."The disassimilation person","The comprehensive person" and the comprehensive development penson;“异化的人”、“全面的人”及人的全面发展
13.Build the Well-to-do Society Comprehensively and Promote People s Development in an All-round Way;全面建设小康社会 促进人的全面发展
14.Females All-round Development and Males All-round Development;女性的“全面发展”与人的“全面发展”
15.Building a well-off society in an all-round way, promoting man s all-round development;全面建设小康社会,促进人的全面发展
16.On All-round Development of Person and the Construction of Well-off Society in an and All-round Way;论人的全面发展与全面建设小康社会
17.Build a well-off society in an all-round way and improve an all-round development of man;全面建设小康社会推进人的全面发展
18.comprehensive coverage; a comprehensive history of the revolution; a comprehensive survey; a comprehensive education.全面的报道;革命的全面历史;广泛的调查;全面教育。

1.Building a well- off society in an all- round way means to build a comprehensive well- off society, which is mainly reflected in raising the status and extending the funcions of culture.全面建设小康社会也可以理解为建设全面的小康社会。
2.In Chinese,according to the title,College English(New Edition),a famous and wonderful textbook series published by SFLEP,can be understood as both the newly-published College English textbook series and a comprehensive and novel college English textbook series."全面"与"新颖"是该教材的两大突出特征。
3.It is necessary to read the whole book,see through the essence of the phenomenon and analyse specifically and comprehensively when analysing the description of the nihility ideas.区分前八十回和后四十回是研究红楼梦虚无思想的前提;对红楼梦中一些虚无思想的描写应纵观全书,全面辨证地具体地分析,要透过现象看本质。
1.To Promote Cooperative Development of the Society by Understanding the Meaning of Building a Well-off Society in an all-round way;正确认识全面建设小康社会的涵义 促进社会协同发展
2.Persisting in “human as essence”, setting up the theory of all-round, harmonious and sustainable development idea and living up to “planning five problems as a whole” are the primary contents of scientific development’s conception.坚持“以人为本”,树立全面、协调、可持续的发展理念 ,做到“五个统筹”,是科学发展观的主要内容。
3.Which is significant for a universitys all-round,harmony,sustainable development.加强高校图书馆建设对学校的全面、协调、可持续发展具有重大意义。
1.To do this,a complete understanding of this policy should be made,and a developmental viewpoint should be adhered to.科学对待“三个代表”重要思想,一方面要坚持全面的观点,认识到“三个代表”重要思想是一个既涵盖了多方面内容又有层次的科学体系;另一方面要坚持发展的观点,认识到“三个代表”重要思想发展了马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论,并且随着实践的发展而不断发展。
2.The Decision from the Third Plenary Session of the 16th Central Committee of the Party for the first time brings forward systematically and completely that we have to insist on the scientific view of development if we want to perfect the socialist system of the market economy.十六届三中全会通过的《决定》,首次系统完整地提出了完善社会主义市场经济体制一定要坚持全面的科学的发展观。
1.There is a theoretical value and realistic significance in how to understand the recations between comprehensiveness and freedom.在人的发展理论研究的进程中,全面发展和自由发展的内涵和关系越来越成为理论界关注的热点和争论的焦点,如何理解自由与全面的关系具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。
6)holographic section全面截面
