1.Some thoughts on the axiomatization of empirical science;跨学科研究方法的成功探索——关于经验科学公理化的思考
2.On the Bisimulation Theory and Axiomatization of Higher-order Process Calculi;高阶进程演算的互模拟理论和公理化的研究
3.Axiomatization method is a scientific method of deduction, whose essential principles have already been penetrated into empirical sciences, A profound and systematic study of axiomatization method from the angles of scientific methodmology and scientific pholosophy and interdisciplinary theoretical research.公理化方法是演绎科学的方法 ,但其基本精神早已渗透到经验科学。

1.axiomatic devel opment of Boolean algebra布尔代数的公理化发展
2.Research on foundational theory of evaluation based on axiomatic thought基于公理化思想的基础评价理论研究
3.The Analysis on the Supervision Enterprise changing into project Management Company;浅析监理公司向项目管理公司的转化
4.chemical public toilet使用化学剂清理的公厕
5.Alternative Axioms for Expected Utility Theory and the Weakening of Axioms;期望效用理论的等价公理体系与公理的弱化
6.The Peculiarity and Standardization of Corporate Governance under Corporate System;公有制下的公司治理:特殊性与规范化
7.The Research on Earnings Management of Listed Companies and Corporate Governance Structure;上市公司盈余管理及公司治理结构优化的研究
8.The Integration of the Corporate Governance Patterns and the Option of the Corporate Governance Pattern in China;公司治理趋同化与中国公司治理模式的选择
9.Research Institute of Chemical Industry Office Automation Manage Information System;化工研究院办公自动化管理信息系统
10.Optimize the Total Budget Management of Lanzhou Petrochemical Company;兰州石化公司全面预算管理模式优化
11.Research on Equipment Efficiency Management of JL Chemical Group Corporation;JL化工集团公司设备效率化管理研究
12.The Convergence of the Model of Corporate Governance in Globalization;全球化背景下公司治理模式的趋同化
13.A new angle of view in corporate governance:strengthening external mechanisms of corporate governance;强化公司治理的新视角:强化外部治理机制
14.A discussion of the Relationship Between Strict Police Management and Humane Management in Public Security Institutions论公安院校警务化管理与人性化管理的关系
15.Effect on Corporate Governance by Reinforcement of Corporate Social Responsibility;强化公司社会责任对公司治理结构的影响
16.The Enlightenment of the Public Choice Theory to the Democratization of the Chinese Public Decision-making;公共选择理论对中国公共决策民主化的启示
17.Diversification and Firm Performance under Corporate Governance;公司治理视角下的多元化经营与公司绩效
18.The Alienation and Restriction of Public Pawer in Public Management;公共管理过程中的公共权力异化与制约

1.Advanced Algebra contains a lot of axiom ideas.通过对《高等代数》课程中蕴含着大量的公理化思想方法的挖掘 ,阐述它在《高等代数》和其它学科中的重要作用 。
1.We must set a limit to it by the method of the axiomization,just like the simple set theory has been done in the twenties of the 20th century.我们需要用公理化的方法对其限定,就像素朴集合论变为公理集合论那样。
5)imitated axiomatics拟公理化
1.Axiomatics is the essence of geometry, along with the development of mathematics and science, axiomatics is moving towards imitated axiomatics.“公理化”是几何学的精髓 ,随着数学乃至科学的发展 ,“公理化”正在或已经走向“拟公理化” ,结合《普通高中数学课程标准 (实验 )》 ,本文谈谈“公理化”的数学认识论意义。
6)axiom weight公理化权

Pasch公理Pasch公理Pasch axiom  Pa妇1公理[P朋cha刃.旧;11~姗”oMa] Euclld几何学的Hil块时公理系统(Hilberts邵temof~此)中顺序公理之一这一公理的陈述用到“在一条线段上(之间)”的概念,这里的线段是指两个不同点A和B构成的系统;位于A和B“之问”的点称为线段的点(或内部点).概念“之间”(在之间)由包括R巧ch公理的一组顺序公理来描述.P苗ch公理可陈述如下:设A,B和C是不在同一直线上的三点,“是平面ABC上的一条直线,a不通过A,B,C三点中的任一点;如果直线a通过A与B之间的一点,则它必定也通过A与C之问的一点或B与C之间的一点. 这是绝对几何学(a比olute geo此铆)的一条公理.由Hilbert的其他顺序公理可以证明直线“不能同时与线段AC和BC都相交.M.R‘ch在11]中表述了这一公理.份卜注】有}I.J身寸影几何学(projecti记罗。毗坷)中的Vcl,lcn一Y()ung公理(Veblell一Young axiom)被误称为衡服1、公理.【译注】在Hilbert公理系统的关联公理与其他顺序公理的基础上,R以h公理与以下的剖面公理等价: 剖面公理平面。上的每一直线“将二上不在“上的所有点分为两类,使得同类的两点之间无“上的点,异类的两点之间有u上的点.