1.Elimination of quality problems and improvement of stairs design;楼梯设计做法的改进与质量通病的消除
2.Earthquake damage analysis and design strategy on stairs of frame structures框架结构楼梯的震害分析与设计对策
3.Quality drawback of housing stair and its eliminating如何消除住宅楼梯的质量弊病

1.lifts, floor charts, stair treads, landings电梯, 楼面图, 楼梯踏板, 楼梯平台
2.The lift is fitted in the centre of the stairwell .楼梯井中安装了电梯。
3.climb a long/short flight of stairs上一大[小]段楼梯
4.climb a wall, a mountain, a tree, a rope, the stairs爬墙、 山、 树、 绳、 楼梯
5.He climbed the narrow steps to the attic.他爬狭窄的楼梯去阁楼。
6.Slowly he descended to the ground floor.他慢慢地走到楼梯口,踏着楼梯走下去。
7.A post that supports a handrail at the bottom or at the landing of a staircase.楼梯柱在楼梯底部支撑扶手的地方
8.I fell right to the bottom of the stairs.我从楼梯上一直摔到楼梯下面.
9.Peter used the service stairway to descend the two flights.彼得从职工专用楼梯走下两层楼梯
10.A milky twilight crept about the stairway and the landings below.乳白的黄昏蹑进楼梯和下面的楼梯口。
11.This sentence can be paraphrased as though very simple and crude, the stairway unexpectedly had a handrail that seemed not well matched with the crudeness of it.(一段楼梯已经磨损,溜滑的木质楼梯直通楼上,楼梯居然还装有扶手。)
12.a forward plunge down a flight of stairs.沿着一段楼梯向前一跳
13.foot of the stairs一段楼梯的最下一级
14.head of the stairs一段楼梯的最上一级
15.clip carpet, of base metal, for staircases楼梯地毯夹,贱金属制
16.at the foot/head of the stairs在楼梯的下端[上端]
17.The children pounded up the stairs.孩子们吵闹地走上楼梯
18.The ball went bouncing down the stairs.球跳弹着滚下楼梯

1.Approach to Building Design of Stairs and Exit and Entrance in Subway Station;地铁车站楼梯及出入口建筑设计探讨
2.On the earthquake-proof design of staircases and stairs楼梯间和楼梯的抗震设计浅议
3.This paper analyzes the familiar problems and points out the importance of teaching of stairs in "houe building".通过对房屋建筑学楼梯教学中常见问题的剖析,指出楼梯教学的重要性。
1.Analysis on Seismic-response of Reinforced Concrete Frame Structure with Different-width Staircase不同宽度楼梯对钢筋混凝土框架结构地震反应的影响分析
2.Elastic-plastic analysis on staircase participated in the working of building structure楼梯参与结构整体工作的弹塑性分析
1.Some stairways and staircases were destroyed in earthquakes,which jammed the withdraw way and brought many casualties.历次的地震震害都出现了钢筋混凝土结构的楼梯间和楼梯被破坏的情况,导致撤离路线出现障碍而造成人员伤亡。
