1.As a theorist, writer and man of action of drama , Li yu completely comprehended the aesthetic regular pattern of drama and deeply understood the audience s psychology of acceptance, therefore, Li yu always put the audience on the first position ,and regarded popularity and originality as the means to grasp the audience.李渔作为戏曲理论家、戏曲作家和戏曲活动的实践家,他深刻地把握了戏曲活动的审美规律,深深地懂得观众的接受心理,因而不管是他的戏曲理论还是戏曲创作都始终把观众放在第一位,而通俗性和的独创性正是他吸引观众、抓住观众的重要艺术手段。
2.The article discussed the popularity of Zhang Henshui s works,the interaction between literature and culture,and put Zhang Henshui into a bigger domain of "cultural phenomenon" to reveal the meaning of individual case of Zhang Henshui in the 20th c.本文着眼于张恨水创作的通俗性,文学与文化的互动性,将张恨水置于更大的"文化现象"范畴之内,从而揭示出20世纪中国文学史中张恨水的个案意义。

1.An Analysis on the Popular Character of Novels by Zhang Ailing;“俗”的内蕴与魅力——张爱玲小说的通俗性特征评析
2.The book falls between the two stools of authority and popularity.这本书权威性和通俗性两头落空。
3.The Urban Martals;都市红尘——浅析张欣小说的通俗性
4.The True Story of Ah Q combines solemnity and popularity as a model.阿q正传》是严肃性与通俗性相统一的典范。
5.The Busy and Noisy Street--On the Popularity of Xu Xu s Novels during 1930s-1940s;马路的繁闹——论徐訏30、40年代小说的通俗性
6.Kitsch: The Presentation of Modernity Fragments of Modern Chinese Pop Literature;媚俗化:中国近现代通俗文学的现代性碎片呈现
7.The Pop Novels of the Republic of China:the Barrier of"Pop"and Confusion of Modernity;民国通俗小说:“俗”的壁垒与现代性的困扰
8.The term "reliability" has many popular connotation.“可靠性”一词有许多通俗的涵义。
9.On the Consumption Character of Popular Literature and Its Value;通俗文学消费性特征与价值观念刍议
10.Modernity and Its Representation in Taiwan Popular Literature during the Japanese Occupation现代性与台湾日据时期通俗文学论述
11.written for the popular press in plain nontechnical language.用普通的、非技术性的语言为通俗出版社写作。
12.Comment on Literator Tendency of Popular Novels during the Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasty;妙笔文心,雅俗共鉴——试论明末清初通俗小说的文人品性
13.The Spatiality and Subjectivity in Xie Jin' s Film Melodrama of the New Period新时期谢晋通俗剧电影中的空间性与主体性
14.spoil(sth)by making it too ordinary or well known;popularize使(某事物)俗气、庸俗化或通俗化;普及.
15.Vulgar, Fawning Vulgar,and Popular --On the Literature at the Turn of the Century;世俗·媚俗·通俗——世纪之交文学纵横谈
16.tabloid journalism大众化[通俗]报纸
17.Her story appeared in a national slick.她的故事登在一家全国性的通俗杂志上。
18.A Tentative Discussion on the Similarities and Differences of the Three Characteristics of Art,Folk and Popular Singing Style;浅谈美声、民族、通俗三种唱法的特性及其异同

1.This paper aims to confirm that it is more meaningful to criticize literature form the perspective of seriousness and popularization.其实,从严肃性与通俗性的角度谈文学,更有意义。
1.The type of folk characters in Shuo Wen reflects the features of time and space, popularity, simplicity and phonic.《说文》俗字的类型体现其时空性、通俗性、简易性和表音性的特点。
4)The popular of law法的通俗性
6)popular and deep通俗性与深刻性
1.It is popular and deep unity to look from character of narrating; By the stand of writing, it is folk position and intellectual position that have concurrently.具体讲从审美品格上看,是喜剧性与悲剧性的统一;从叙事品格上看,是通俗性与深刻性的统一;从写作立场看,是民间立场与知识分子立场的兼具。

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-