1.Intentionality and Its Application in Text;浅论语篇的意向性及其作用

1.unconscious intentionality无意识意向性 潜意识意向性
2.Linguistic Intentionality?Institutionality?Democraticness & Undemocraticness;语言意向性、制度性与民主性、独裁性
3.Husserl’s Ethics of Intentionality--within the problematic of "Intention" and "Fulfillment";胡塞尔的意向性伦理学——以“意向”和“充实”为线索
4.Phenomenological Intentionality and the Generation of Aesthetic Images of Poetry;现象学的意向性与诗审美意象的生成
5.The New Perspective of Subjectivity Education--the Theory of Intentionality主体性教育研究的新视野——意向性理论
6.The Intentionality and Behaviour Nature of Free Will--An analysis of free will in 《Principle of Statute Philosophy》;自由意志的意向性与行为性——《法哲学原理》中的自由意志分析
7.Intentionality and Meaning Interpretation: from the Perspective of the Speech Act Theory;意向性与意义理解——从言语行为论的视角看
8.The Intentional Method in Phenomenology: Its Significance to the Study of Aesthetics;现象学的意向性方法对美学研究的意义
9.On the Time Intentionality of "the Dead Fire" in the Methode of Phenomenology;现象学视野下《死火》的时间意向性
10.Intentionality Problem of Naturalism and Information Semantics;自然主义的意向性难题与信息语义学
11.Intentionality and the Bottleneck of Speech Act Theory s Development;论意向性及言语行为理论发展的“瓶颈”
12.Intentionality: Phenomenology and Analytic Philosophy (Symposium);“指非指”:第三类检讨“意向性"的尝试
13.On Evolvement of Contemporary Philosophy of Mind and Its Intentionality Theories;当代心智哲学的演变及其意向性理论
14.The Searle's Theory of Intentionality and the Future of Artificial Intelligence塞尔的意向性理论与人工智能的未来
16.The Poli psychological Requirement for Rule by law: Changing the Consciousness of Rule by man into That of Rule by law;实现从人治意识走向法治意识的历史性转变
17.An inclination to change one's mind impulsively.无定性因一时冲动而改变主意的倾向
18.The letter of intent is undergoing substantial modification .意向书正在实质性内容方面进行修改。

1.Husserl proposed phenomenology, which orientates to object itself in philosophical study, suspends or brackets various viewpoints and hypotheses, reveals the "intention" of consciousness by analyzing phenomena, returns consciousness to its essentials by getting rid of things unrelated to essence, and seeks absolute truth in philosophy by self-examining intentional activities.胡塞尔提出“现象学” ,在哲学研究中“面向事物本身” ,把各种观点和假设“悬置”或“加括号” ,通过现象分析 ,揭示意识的“意向性” ,通过排除与本质不相干的东西 ,把意识还原成它的本质的东西 ,通过先验自我的意向性活动寻求哲学生命中的绝对真理。
2.Studying the research development of this theory,Malle,recently,proposed a new concept——intention that explained and corrected this theory from a new point of view.纵观行动者—观察者偏差的研究脉络,Malle提出了一个研究新概念——意向性概念,尝试从全新视角对其进行阐释,并对行动者—观察者偏差这一老问题进行了充实和修订。
3)intentional consciousness意向性意识
1.Phenomenology is a kind of methodology pointing to the fact itself;the fact itself actually refers to the individual intentional consciousness.现象学是一种朝向实事本身的方法,实事本身即是指个体的意向性意识,这一现象学基本原理昭示了现象学关注生活实事、关注个体独特体验生成的人文精神与气质。
4)perception image感性意向
5)horizontal intentionality纵意向性
6)gender orientation性别意向
1.This paper makes an analysis of the gender orientation as can be seen from the image through an interpretation of Yin Xiao_tiao and other women characters from gender s point of view.本文从性别的视角 ,通过对尹小跳等女性形象的解读 ,分析了“大浴女”的性别意向。

意向性震颤意向性震颤intention tremor  又称姿势性震颤。运动性震颤的一种。多见于上肢和头部。特点是在从事某种目的性运动或维持某种姿势时出现,静止时消失。如指震试验、指耳试验时,手指近于目的物即出现震颤并加剧,通常见于小脑病变时。