生物认证,biometric authentication
1)biometric authentication生物认证
1.Framework of biometric authentication applied in open network;开放网络中的一种生物认证应用框架
2.Researches on Performance Evaluation of Biometric Authentication Systems;生物认证系统性能评估研究
3.A Digital Watermarking Method Based on Discrete Wavelet Transform and Its Application on Biometric Authentication;基于小波变换的数字水印方法研究及其在生物认证中的应用

1.System Realization of Verification Mode Multi-modal Biometrics;确认模式的多通道生物认证系统实现
2.The Research of Multi-Modal Biometrics Bases on Verification Mode基于确认模式的多通道生物认证研究
3.Research on Biometric Authentication System Based on PKI and PMI;基于PKI和PMI技术的生物认证系统研究
4.Electricity security system of biometric authentication based on PKI基于PKI的生物认证电力安全系统
5.Research on Multimodal Biometric Algorithms Based on SVM Fusion;基于SVM融合的多通道生物认证算法研究
6.Research on Multimodal Biometric Authentication Using Face and Palmprint基于人脸和掌纹的多模态生物认证方法研究
7.A Digital Watermarking Method Based on Discrete Wavelet Transform and Its Application on Biometric Authentication;基于小波变换的数字水印方法研究及其在生物认证中的应用
8.Research and Design of Biometric Authentication Scheme;基于生物特征的身份认证研究与设计
9.Some View on GMP Inspection in Biological Products Manufacturers;生物制品GMP认证检查的几点体会
10.Authentication System Incorporating Biometrics and Cryptography结合生物特征与密码的认证系统研究
11.A C/R Authentication Scheme Based on Biometric Certificate and XML基于生物特征和XML的C/R认证方案
12.GMP certified plant/facilityGMP认证生产车间 Generating Authentication Tokens8.1.4 生成认证令牌
14.The Signature Verification Based on Mutli-biostatistics Features and Information Fusion;基于信息融合的生物特征手写签名身份认证
15.Research on Technology of Multi-biometrics Based on Face and Voice;基于人脸和语音的多生物特征认证技术研究
16.Risk-Resistant Function of OEM in GMP s Attestation of Biological Pharmacy Enterprises;OEM在生物制药企业GMP认证中的抗风险作用
17.The Authentication System of Multimodal Biometric Fusion Encrypted with Dynamic Password动态口令加密的多生物特征融合认证系统
18.the dialectical materialist theory of knowledge辩证唯物论的认识论

1.This paper brierly introduces the concept and advantages of biometrics,and emphasizes the hand identification system,together with its application in the management of libraries.文章简要介绍了生物认证的概念、优点,重点介绍了手形识别系统,以及该系统在图书馆管理过程中的应用。
2.The paper introduces the requirement of developing biometrics technology and brings forward the system structure and the main working mode about biometrics technology.分析了生物认证技术的发展需要,介绍了生物认证技术的系统结构和主要工作模式以及主要的生物认证技术和新兴的生物认证技术,给出了权威机构对各种生物认证技术所占市场份额的调查结果和相关的市场预测,指出了生物认证技术的未来研究趋
3.Biometrics is an emerging technology, which has unique advantages over traditional authentication technologies and has wide applications such as in financial, public security areas and also in everyday life.生物认证技术是一门新兴的技术,拥有传统身份认证技术没有的独特优点,在金融、公共安全及日常生活中都有广泛的应用。
3)Biometric identification生物认证
1.This paper analyzes a generalized biometric identification system reference model,then point s out that this model will help the design of architecture in the biometric authentication system.可靠的身份认证是保证信息系统安全的第一道防线,生物认证技术的出现为保护信息系统的安全提供了一种更可靠安全的方法。
1.Biometrics of human being play an important role in our life and iris has become one of the most momentous features in people identification.人体生物认证在现实生活中起着重要的作用,而虹膜作为人体的重要特征已经成为身份识别的重要特征。
5)biometric recognition生物认证
1.Biometric recognition realizes personal identification based on the inherent physicalor behavioral characteristics of human being, among which facial features are the mostimportant and intuitional ones.生物认证(Biometric)技术是依靠人类自身所固有的生理或行为特征进行身份验证的一种手段。
6)cancelable biometrics可撤销生物认证
1.BE also includes cancelable biometrics,and with that,security and privacy can be achieved.BE包含了可撤销生物认证技术,增强了生物认证中的安全性和保护隐私。

自愿性认证(见产品合格认证)自愿性认证(见产品合格认证)voluntary certification: see product conformity certification  Z叨anxing renzheng自愿性认证(volun娜cert讥cation)合格认证。见产品