1.Discussing the Aesthetic Significance of Landscape Morphology;试论风景形态学中的美学意义
2.The little balcony of building and the great landscape in city;楼房小阳台与城市大风景

1.vista line,vista夹景(又称“风景线”)
2.majestic views, scenery, etc壮丽的景色、 风景
3.paint flowers, a girl, a landscape画花卉、 女孩、 风景
4.conspicuously and tastelessly indecent.露骨、煞风景、下流。
5.pastoral life [scenery]田园生活 [风景]
6.The landscape belongs to the man who looks at it.--Horace风景属于欣赏风景的人。——爱默生
7.A Singer of Scenery--A discussion on the landscapes of Higashiyama Kall风景的歌者——浅谈东山魁夷的风景艺术
8.A Study on the Landscape Style and Features of Villages in the Scenic and Historical Interest Areas of Beijing;北京市风景名胜区村庄景观风貌研究
9.The Research on Landscape Character of Small Tourism Towns Adjacent to Scenic Spot Planning风景区旅游小城镇景观风貌规划研究
10.Four ways of life,four kinds of scenery:on Fangfang's Scenery四种活法 四道风景——读方方小说《风景
11.His views were nearly all of the foreign scenes, but there were one or two home pictures among them.他那套风景片几乎全是外国风景,但那里头也有一两张我国风景
12.Guilin is known for its beautiful sceneries.桂林因风景优美而出名。
13.Do you sell picture postcards?你们卖风景明信片吗?
14.The disagreeable oneness of roadside landscapes.大同小异的路旁风景
15.Drink in the beauty of the landscape为优美的风景所陶醉
16.Here's a beautiful landscape.这是一幅精彩的风景画。
17.a view of Paris, done in oils.用油墨画的巴黎风景
18.It is a picturesque village.那是个风景如画的村庄。

1.Suburban Scenery On Bethel Chapel,Masanjia,Shenyang by Ma Tao;郊外风景 沈阳马三家伯特利(基督)堂
2.Study on the Direction of Chinese Landscape Architecture from the Relations among Landscape, Scenery and Fengtu;景观十年、风景百年、风土千年——从景观、风景与风土的关系探讨我国园林发展的大方向
3.Combined with concrete practical project,it brings forward main problems which should be solved in planning and design of springs on building observatory,introduces the situation design and water scenery with construction design in planning and design of springs on building observatory,so as to explore a designing thought of creating the scenery spring construction.结合具体工程实例,提出了楼观台道温泉规划设计应主要解决的问题,详细地介绍了楼观台道温泉规划设计中境界的设计和风景中水景与建筑的设计,以探索一条营造风景温泉汤泡建筑的设计思路。
1.Forster\'s 1908 novel A Room with a View and Kate Chopin\'s 1899 novel The Awakening seem to be quite different novels regarding the writers, the motif and the theme.英国作家福斯特1908年创作的小说《看得见风景的房间》和美国女作家凯特肖邦写于1899年的《觉醒》似乎是探讨了不同的主题。
1.The landscapes in Huangshan scenic spot are a result of the concerted action of manifold factors.黄山风景景观是多种因素共同作用的结果。
5)vista line,vista夹景;风景线
