
1.On Bas C·Van Fraassen s View of Observability;论巴斯·范弗拉森的“可观察性”概念
2.Observability of Contracts and Horizontal Merger Effects in Heterogeneous Products;合约可观察性与异质产品横向兼并效应
3.The curative effect observation of Indiana pouch procedure: A report of 75 cases可控性盲升结肠膀胱术75例疗效观察
4.Clinical observation of Compound Pholcodine Oral Solution for treating COPD复方福尔可定治疗慢性阻塞性肺疾病临床观察
5.First Report About Found and Preliminary Observation of the Female-sterile but Male-fertile Wild Rice雌性不育、雄性可育野生稻的发现和初步观察
6.The morphological observation of the acupuncture to treat subcutaneous stasis皮下瘀血活血化瘀局部针刺效应的可视性观察
7.Comparison of therapeutic outcome of two W-shaped continent urinary reservoirs“W”形可控性肠代膀胱两种术式的疗效观察
8.Observations on the Efficacy of Point Injection of Lincomycin in Treating Chronic Pelvic Inflammation林可霉素穴位注射治疗慢性盆腔炎疗效观察
9.Clinical Observation of Coramine Combined with Aminophylline in the Treatment of Pulmonaryencephalopathy可拉明与氨茶碱合用治疗肺性脑病的疗效观察
10.Grass hand may be observed and not. it may unite about intuitionistic and non intuitionistic.草书是可以观察的与不可观察的,直观的非直观的统一。
11.Study on Effect of Kebite Jet Nebulizer Inhalation on COPD and Nursing可比特雾化吸入治疗慢性阻塞性肺病疗效观察及护理
12.Acute and metabolic alteration of cholesterol was done using pharmacological reagents.可以通过药理试剂观察胆固醇的急性代谢性改变。
13.The Observation of Immune Protection Induced by Soluble Immature Eggs Antigen of Schistosoma Japonicum Yunnan Strain;日本血吸虫(云南品系)未成熟卵可溶性抗原免疫保护性观察
14.Clinical Trial to Assess the Safety and Efficacy of Intravenous Administration of Nicorandil in Patients with Unstable Angina Pectoris;尼可地尔治疗不稳定型心绞痛药物安全性及有效性观察
15.The Pursuit of Political Legitimacy and Reality--A New Approach of Rousseau s Political Freedom;政治合法性与可行性的探求——考察卢梭政治自由观的一种进路
16.The Effects of Chuankezhi Zhusheye in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Stable Phase喘可治注射液治疗慢性阻塞性肺疾病稳定期的疗效观察
17.Feasibility Study of Closed Reduction in Young Children Older Than 18 Months with Developmental Dislocation of the Hip18个月以上幼儿发育性髋脱位手法复位可行性观察
18.Immunogenicity of Toxoplasma gondii excreted/secreted antigen and soluble tachyzoite antigen弓形虫排泄-分泌抗原和可溶性速殖子抗原免疫原性的观察

Reversible observe可逆性观察
1.The Chronic Toxicity Study on Nao Xue Kang Tablets in Rats(I) --A Observed Report on Urine and Reversible observe;脑血康片对大鼠的长期毒性研究(I)——尿液与可逆性观察报告
3)observed reliability观察可靠性
4)observable determinism可观察确定性
1.Determining observable determinism of rules is one of key problems of active database.判定规则集的可观察确定性,是主动数据库中的核心问题之一。
5)observable contracts可观察性合约
1.Aimed at one-part linear observable contracts and unobservable(secret) contracts,the authors compare and analyze the effect of the increase of concentration of suppliers and retailers horizontal mergers on customers welfare.针对一部线性可观察性合约与不可观察性(保密)合约,比较分析了供应商、零售商横向兼并集中度提高对消费者福利的影响。
1.It is pointed out that the angular momentum operator J ^ does not have complete set of eigenvalues and eigenvectors,the dynamical quantity described by angular momentum operator J ^ is non observable,it is not appropriate to treate angular momentum J as a whole.指出了角动量算符J ^不存在本征值和本征矢量完全集 ,角动量算符J ^不描写一个可观察量以及角动量J不宜作为整体来讨论 。

观察(见科学观察)观察(见科学观察)observation  吝。guaneho观察(observation)见科学观