1.Development of Software for Intersection, Subtraction,and Addition Operations Between Regions;实现区域“”、“差”、“并”操作的研究及软件开发
2.The intersection and union of twoobjects in Abel category;Abel范畴中两个对象的与并
3.Effective algorithm on intersection of arbitrary polygonal regions任意多边形区域的有效算法

1.Deliver over/up把……出来,移
2.dna rna hybridationdna rna 杂
3.The act of uniting sexually.配,性配的行为,性的行为
4.To subject to outbreeding.使远使做非亲缘
5.the quality of being incapable of exchange or interchange.不能流或换的性质。
6.cross-market dual play叉巿场的双重
7.change sephadex离子联葡聚糖
8.All-Directional Interchanges全直接叉型流道
9.cross regulation叉调节,互调节
10.ocean boarding vessel海洋通船远洋通艇
11.free alongside quay码头货码头货价格
12.give in [ hand in ] one's resignation提辞职书, 递辞呈
13.simple alternation problem单次替题 单次替题
14.cross-junction box叉接线盒,叉接线箱
15.The act or an instance of fellatio.口的行为或事例
16.a rotary intersection圆环流 [环行叉] 道
17.bull and bear operations多头易与空头
18.delivered weight货时重量货重量

1.First,logical operation and /or of image was calculated and the probability of and/or image was obtained.主要思想是在图像对齐后,对图像进行逻辑和逻辑或运算,再根据图像和并图像的概率,定义一个能量函数,由能量函数极小值检索目标图像。
3)AC-AC-AC topology交-交-交结构
4)AC-AC frequency conversion交-交变频
1.This article introduces the characteristic and function of AC-AC frequency conversion vector control system used in main driving motor in the CSP finishing mill,and expatiates the basic theory of AC-AC frequency conversion vector control.文章介绍了薄板坯连铸连轧精轧机主传动电机应用-变频矢量控制系统的原因和特点,阐述了-变频矢量控制的基本原理,是一种高性能的控制方式,在现代化生产中具有重要意义。
1.With the developing of electric,shaft winder system use the electric control system,drived by cycloconverer synchronous motor and realized full load and automation,becomes a perfect control model.随着电力电子技术的迅速发展,矿井提升机采用大容量低速变频同步电机驱动,实现满载、全自动运行是一种十分理想的控制模式。
1.Damped flux linkage oriented drive system for cycloconverter fed synchronous motor;变频同步电机阻尼磁链定向控制系统
2.The study of rotor position detecting technology for cycloconverter-fed synchronous motor;变频同步电动机转子位置检测研究
3.This paper presented the necessity of electrical control device of 2 m explosion-proof cycloconverter winch on the basis of analysis of the present situation of 2 m explosion-proof winch.文章在分析了 2m防爆绞车现状的基础上 ,阐明变频绞车电控装置的必要性。

交交 交   ①互相,交互。《素问·评热病论》:“邪气交争于骨肉。”   ②交叉。《灵枢·经脉》:“缺盆中痛甚,则交两手而瞀。”   ③交结。《素问·评热病论》:“病名阴阳交,交者死也。”   ④会合。《素问·阴阳类论》:“三阴者,六经之所主也,交于太阴。”   ⑤交错。《素问·玉版论要》:“搏脉痹躄,寒热之交。”   ⑥媾合,性交。《类经·种子说》:“阴阳交媾,胎孕乃凝。”   ⑦贯通,沟通。《灵枢·经脉》:“三焦手少阳之脉……过客主人前,交颊,至目锐眦。”