1.By recording 12 undergraduates behavioral and eye movement indices in video overlay mode of Eye Link II when they were interacting with the virtual reality system,the present study examined users browsing behavior in the avatar version and the direction key version of a desktop virtual reality system.利用Eye Link II眼动仪视频叠加的方法,记录12名大学生被试操作虚拟现实软件过程中的行为和眼动指标,考察了被试在化身和方向键两种版本的桌面虚拟现实系统中的浏览行为。
2.This paper first reviews the history and definition of avatar.化身(Avatar)是虚拟环境、系统仿真和数字娱乐等应用中的一项重要技术。
3.A concept of embodying textual messages based on virtual/physical robotic avatars was proposed.提出了基于虚拟和物理机器人化身的文本信息具体化概念。

1.Dr Jekyll and Mr.Hyde化身博士;双面怪人;怪杰变错身;变身怪医
2.A bodily manifestation of a supernatural being.化身超自然物以人身显形
3.The store itself will be high-tech as well.这家旗舰店本身就是高科技的化身
4.A Study on the Cultural and Gender Identity Pursuit in the Woman Warrior;《女勇士》中文化身份及性别身份的构建
5.Material Body, Cultural Body and Technological Body--A Brief Analysis of Don Ihde’s Theory of the “Three Bodies”;物质身体、文化身体与技术身体——唐·伊德的“三个身体”理论之简析
6.An evil force, power, or personification.邪恶的力量、势力或化身
7.(1) as the personification of youth and beauty;(1)他是年轻英俊的化身
8.He was the very picture of health.他简直就是健壮的化身
9.It was a sinister apparition.简直是恶魔的化身
10.My cat is the epitome of laziness.我的猫是懒惰的化身
11.Queen was happiness incarnate.女王是幸福的化身
12.a monarch...regarded as a god incarnate.被当作上帝化身的君王。
13.He is the personification of pride [selfishness].他是傲慢 [自私] 的化身
14.The villain was a fiend incarnate.这个恶棍是恶魔的化身
15.He is the incarnation of peace.他就是和平的化身
16.the mystery of the Incarnation, of the Eucharist, etc神灵化身、 圣餐等的玄理.
17.The Construction of Intercultural Identity under the Negotiation of Cultural Globalization and Nativization文化全球化背景下跨文化身份的建构
18.Strengthen Lifelong Physical Education Lay the Foundation of Lifelong Physical Culture;强化终身体育教育 奠定终身体育基础

1.Liu Zongyuan s Viewing the Mountain with Monk Hao Chu to Relatives in the Capital is his important representative work, in which "incarnation" is a term which no critics or annotators have ever clearly defined.《与浩初上人同看山寄京华亲故》诗是柳宗元的重要代表作,但其中"化身"之说历来的诗评家、注释家或避略不言,或语焉不详。
2.Divinity and humanity are integrated in Tess; she is the carrier of the intelligence of nature and the incarnation of nature.苔丝兼人性与神性于一身,是自然灵性的承载者,自然的化身
3)systemic chemotherapy全身化疗
1.Objective To evaluate the therapeutic efficacy and side effects of intraperitoneal hyperthermic perfusion(IPHP)combined with systemic chemotherapy for patients with intermediate and late gastrointestinal carcinoma.目的观察腹腔温热灌注(Intraperitoneal hyperthermic perfusion,IPHP)联合全身化疗治疗中晚期胃肠道恶性肿瘤的疗效及其不良反应。
2.OBJECTIVE: To study the efficacy of intraperitoneal perfusion of cisplatin in combination with systemic chemotherapy consisting of oxaliplatin, calcium folinate (CF) and fluorouracil (5-Fu) in treating advanced gastric cancer.目的:研究顺铂腹腔内滴灌配合草酸铂联合亚叶酸钙(CF)及氟尿嘧啶(5-Fu)全身化疗治疗晚期胃癌的疗效。
3.Objective To evaluate the efficacy of limb preservation by continuous arterial perfusion combined with systemic chemotherapy in malignant tumor of limbs.目的探讨动脉灌注化疗联合全身化疗保肢治疗肢体恶性肿瘤的疗效。
1.200 cases were given tiny-wound treatment combined with holistic chemotherapy,200 tiny-wound treatment,200 holistic chemotherapy.200例患者给予微创治疗联合全身化疗;200例患者给予微创治疗;200例患者给予全身化疗。
2.Objective: To evaluate the effect of transcatheter arterial chemoembolization Combined with Chemotherapy for treating pancreatic carcinoma.目的对胰腺癌介入治疗加全身化疗疗效进行总结分析,观察胰腺癌的血管造影表现特征及介入治疗的近期疗效。
5)intravenous chemotherapy全身化疗
1.Objective To compare the therapeutic effects and toxicitiy of two way chemotherapy and intravenous chemotherapy on advanced gastric carcinorma.目的 比较双路化疗与全身化疗治疗进展期胃癌的疗效和毒副反应。
6)cultural identity文化身份
1.Cognition and Identification:Cultural Identity of China s TV;认知与认同:中国电视的文化身
2.The process of Becoming Americanization:A cultural identity analysis of Typical American;美国化进程:析《典型的美国人》的文化身
3.On the cultural identity in the writings of Maxine Hong Kingston;汤亭亭作品中的文化身份问题探讨

化身【化身】 (术语)佛三身之一。又名应化身,变化身。为众生变化种种形之佛身也。有广狭二门,广门之化身者,谓对二乘凡夫示现之种种佛身,及六道异类之身,总为化身也。佛地论七曰:“变化身者,为欲利益安乐众生,示现种种变化事故。”成唯识论十曰:“变化身,谓诸如来由成事智变现无量随类化身,居净秽土,为未登地诸菩萨众二乘异生,称彼机宜,现通说法,令各获得诸利乐事。”法华论下曰:“一者示现应化佛菩提,随所应见而为示现,如经皆谓如来出释氏宫,去伽耶城不远坐于道场,成阿耨多罗三藐三菩提故。”狭门之化身者,分上述之化身(亦云应化身),为应身与化身二者,现佛形为应身,现他异形为化身。合部金光明经一曰:“一者化身,二者应身,三者法身,(中略)自在力故。随众生心,随众生行,(中略)现种种身,是名化身。(中略)是身得现具足三十二相八十种好顶背圆光,是名应身。”大乘义章十八曰:“为化众生,示现佛形,名为应身。示现种种六道之形,说为化身。”(参见:三身)