1.A Study on the Portrait in Ming Dynasty;接之如生 呼之欲应—明代肖像画研究
2.On Zeng Jing Portrait in Fusion Innovation Spirit;论曾鲸肖像画中的融创精神
3.By a textual research on historical materials, an analysis of his representative portraits and the academic circle’s comment on his portrait art, the paper comprehensively expounds the artistic characteristics of Ren Bonian’s portrait.本文通过对任伯年先生相关文献史料的考证,并对其代表性肖像作品的解析研究,以及学术界对任伯年人物画艺术的评价等论述,全面地阐释了任伯年肖像画的艺术特征,即讲求人物造型的严谨性与写实性,注重人物精神气质的刻画,以及在其笔墨中线条表现所呈现出的书写性和金石意味等特征,进而发掘造就其艺术特征的原因——"学古而变,取洋而化"的艺术精神。

1.paint a picture, a portrait, a still life, etc画图画、 肖像画、 静物画等
2.This is the portrait-painting that I draw .这是我画的肖像画
3.A person who makes portraits, especially a painter or photographer.肖像画家,人像摄影师肖像制作者,尤指肖像画家或人像摄影师
4.He paints landscapes but his wife paints portraits.他画风景画, 而他的妻子则画肖像画
5.`Eh my faith. It is a portrait!'“呃,不错,好一幅肖像画
6.Portraits considered as a group.被归为一类的肖像画
7.This portrait is painted to the life.这幅肖像画十分逼真。
8.This is a portrait of mine.这是我所藏的肖像画
9.His portraiture is very expressive.他的肖像画颇能传神。
10.The Work and Criticism of the Traditional Chinese Portrait Painting in the Eighteen Century十八世纪中国传统肖像画肖像画学著述研究
11.A likeness of a person, especially one showing the face, that is created by a painter or photographer, for example.肖像,肖像画如由画家或摄影师创作的个人的画像或照片,例如脸部
12.Many of the pictures are by well-known artists许多肖像画出自著名画家手笔。
13.By courtesy of the Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh, Scot.弗格森,肖像画;现藏爱丁堡苏格兰国立肖像画陈列馆。
14.M.A. Thesis the Interaction between Portraits of Ming Dynasty and Those of the Renaissance;文艺复兴时期的肖像画与时代的肖像画相互之影响
15.The artist chose the medium of oil for the portrait.那画家选用油彩画肖像.
16.She painted landscapes as well as portraits.她既画风景,也画肖像。
17.She drew a picture of me.她画了一张我的肖像。
18.I am going to have my portraiture taken.我请人给自己画张肖像。

1.On the Development and Evolution of Chinese Portraiture;论中国肖像画的发展与演变
2.Thus portraiture was able to progress.本文探讨中国肖像画在造型技术上从易到难,有一个由侧面到斜侧面最后才到正面的发展过程。
3.Portraits and emperors and their consorts were the main component of Qing palace portraiture hut these works have never been accorded importance by Chinese art historians, Through a study of questions related to the portraits of the Kangxi Emperor, the author hopes to interest more scholars in the subject of imperial portraiture.笔者希望通过对康熙帝肖像画相关问题的探究。
3)make a portrait画肖像画
4)the Portrait of Caricature肖像漫画
5)a portraitist; a portrait painter肖像画家
6)portraits in oil paintings油画肖像画
