1.A Study on the Effects of Ozonic disintegration on the Characteristics of Waste Activated Sludge;臭氧破解对剩余污泥性质的影响研究
2.Study on ultrasonic disintegration of heavy oil polluted clay granule超声破解吸持稠油粘土颗粒的研究
3.The results show that the disintegration degree of sludge increases when the ultrasonic energy input increases.对污泥超声预处理技术的基础研究是实现该技术工程应用的前提,为此取深圳市某污水处理厂二沉池污泥和浓缩污泥进行超声破解试验。

1.password cracking口令破解,密码破解
2.Normative Inner and External Methods: Moral Breakthrough and Ethical Disaggregation;规范的内外破解:道德突破与伦理消解
3.The Problems Concerning Chinese Rural areas,Agriculture,Peasants and Their Solutions;中国“三农”的无解、难解、必解与破解
4.The Algorithm for Deciphering Code in Microsoft Windows谈Microsoft Windows密码的破解算法
5.OK, here is the history of the war between decompiler and protection.好,下面介绍一下“破解”与“反破解(护)的“战争”!
6.On the Breakthrough to Break Difficult Problems of Industry Transfer in Shaoguan City By Innovation of Mechanism;机制创新是破解韶关市产业转移难题的突破口
7.The Breakthroughs in Financial Policy of Foreign Financial Institutes in China and Our Strategies;在华外资金融机构的“政策破局”战略及其破解
8.Optimization of Parameters on Sludge Ultrasonic Disintegration Reactor and Analysis of Energy Benefit on Mesophilic Anaerobic Digestion of Disintegrated Sludge;污泥超声破解反应器工况优化与破解污泥中温厌氧消化能效分析
9.Upgrading of Hydrolysis Rate of Waste Activated Sludge by Ultrasonic Pretreatment;超声破解促进污泥厌氧水解酸化速率的研究
10.undischarged bankrupt未获解除破产的破产人
11.break [lift, raise] a blockade冲破 [解除] 封锁
12.dissolution or destruction of bacteria.对细菌的溶解或破坏。
13.Discharge in Bankruptcy已解除债务的破产人
14.the destruction or collapse of something.某事物的破坏或瓦解。
15.Do away with all fetishes and superstitions and emancipate the mind破除迷信,解放思想。
16.Do away with superstitions and emancipate the mind.破除迷信, 解放思想。
17.away with superstition and emancipate the mind!破除迷信,解放思想!
18.To counteract or destroy the toxic properties of.解毒破坏毒素的特性

1.The MAC address and IP address binding tactic is discussed,the theoretical framework and ways to crack it are explained.讨论了MAC地址与IP地址绑定的策略,进一步阐述了该策略实现的原理和破解方法,提供了防止破解的具体方法,深度剖析了破解成功的原因。
2.This paper mainly discusses a method for designing soft dog based on C8051F320,analyzes the method for cracking soft dog,and then designs the arithmetic flow that can prevent to be pursued.论文主要讨论基于C8051F320芯片的加密狗的设计,通过分析当前加密狗被破解的方法,设计出防跟踪分析的加密狗算法流程。
3.This paper firsdy analyses the techniques and methods for cracking sharewares protected by serial number, then reduces all the security problems that serial number protection approach facing to three categories: object security problem, entrance security problem and distributing serial number problem.本文首先剖析了破解序列号保 护的技术和方法,然后将序列号保护方式所面临的安全性问题归纳为对象安全性问题、入口安全 性问题和序列号散布问题进行研究。
1.Legal problems of non-governmental college running and its solution;论民办高校办学中的法律困境及其破解
2.On the Antinomy of Social Reading and Library's Solutions to This Problem论社会阅读的“二律背反”及图书馆的破解之策
3.The paper illustrates the negative and dilemma elements from the traditional and current administrative culture,and proposes the solution in order to fulfill the task of developing a modem active administrative culture.分析传统与现行的行政文化弊端及其困境,并且进行破解与超越,从而培育和发展积极的行政文化。
1.A method of protection is proposed based on the analysis of the technology of encryption and decryption, which is realized with VB.但是由于数据库的加密机制非常简单,很容易破解数据库密码,安全性差。
2.This paper introduces a number of encryption and decryption technologies on commonly used software.介绍常用软件加密和软件破解的一些方法。
1.This paper,therefore,presents several decoding methods to avoid unnecessary troubles.CMOS是电脑主板上保存系统配置信息的一块RAM芯片,通过设置CMOS密码以保护电脑不被非法侵入是用户常用的手段,然而因忘记密码无法及时进人计算机系统而影响工作也是一件麻烦的事情,本文就此阐述了几种不同的CMOS密码的破解方法。
6)password cracking口令破解,密a破解

破解1.解除。 2.谓破敌解围。 3.详细分析解释。