1.Research on optimization algorithms for inverse generating sequence diagram based on different concerns;基于关注点的序列图逆向生成优化算法
2.Aspect-oriented programming is extension and continuation of object-oriented programming,it can commendably deal with the problem of system crosscutting concern,to implement loosing coupling between business logic and non-business logic.面向方面编程(AOP)是面向对象编程(OOP)的扩展和延续,能够很好地解决横切关注点问题,实现了业务逻辑与非业务逻辑的解耦合。
3.By introducing the concept of respect, AOP improves the separation of concerns, reduces code tangling, solves the problem of crosscutting concerns and improves the quality and efficiency of software.AOP通过引入了方面概念,改进了关注点的分离(separation of concerns),减少代码缠结(code tangling),解决了横切关注点(crosscutting concerns)的问题,可以提高软件质量和效率。

1.Often a cause-and-effect relationship exists between business concerns and persona concerns. For example:通常因果关系存在于商业关注点和人物角色关注点之间,如下例。
2.Concern Space Model Based Separation of Concern: A Theory and Applications;基于关注点空间模型的分离关注点的理论和应用
3.The most common areas of concern are the car and the home.汽车内或家中是最普遍被搜查关注点
4.That's all right. Take care next time.没关系,下次注意点。?
5.Notes Of AA~*= A~*A = (detA)E;关于AA~*=A~*A=(detA)E的几点注记
6.Research on Sequence of Fibonacci Number;关于Fibonacci数列的一点注记
7.A Note on Schinzel′s Hypothesis关于Schinzel假设的一点注记
8.A Note on Goldbach's Conjecture关于Goldbach猜想的一点注记
9.World Focus-Influenza A Virus Subtype H1N1A/H1N1流感—世界关注的焦点
10.A Note on Goormaghtigh′s Conjecture关于Goormaghtigh猜想的一点注记
11.Concerning about Chinese Rural Special Education:on the Focused,Heated,Difficult and Ignored Issues关注中国农村特殊教育:重点、热点、难点、盲点
12.Have written articles on community issues and on student concerns就校园焦点和学生关注热点报道写稿
13.Notes On Infinity And Infintesimal;关于无穷小与无穷大关系的一点注记
14.In our urban policy, pay attention to the following points:关于城市政策,应注意下列各点。
15.They then gave a riveting press conference at11 o'.十一点整召开受人关注的新闻发布会。
16.marked by extreme care in treatment of details.以极度关注细节的处理为特点。
17.Exchange rate and fluctuations are the focus of attention.汇率及其变化是人们关注的一个热点。
18.We focus on your lifestyle, to ignite your senses.我们关注你的生活方式,点燃你的感官。

1.With the conclusion of design experience in centralized disposal and treatment of hazardous waste,the paper presents remarkable concerns in the project design in terms of practical problems encountered with from selection of plant site to design of main project and supporting facilities,getting over blindness to make the project design satisfy the requirements for utilization.通过总结危险废物集中处置项目设计经验,从厂址的选择到主体工程及配套设施的设计方面经常遇到的实际问题,提出了项目设计中的关注点,克服盲目性,使项目设计满足使用需要。
2.Defining the XML document by aspect-oriented programming to extend it is proposed to solve the problems found in original definition,such as too simple relationship of inclusion,code redundancy,scattered crosscut concerns and having to modify original elements if extending XML elements.针对面向方面这种新型的编程方法进行分析,并对面向对象理论在解决XML文档定义时不足之处加以阐述,提出利用面向方面的编程方法对XML文档定义进行扩展,解决XML文档定义仅采用简单包含关系、代码重复、横切关注点的分散及扩充XML元素时必须对原有元素修改的问题。
3.Separation of concerns is an important software engineering principle.软件工程的一条重要原则是关注点分离,现在大多数的软件项目都选择OOP的编程方式,但OOP技术也有其局限性,它对有些需求并不能很好的进行描述。
1.The focus of research can be elaborated from its language,history,epic,humanist concern,and national tradition and culture.中国水彩画理论研究与建设严重不足,从水彩画本体语言、水彩画历史、水彩画与时代、水彩画与人文关怀、水彩画与民族传统文化等几个方面阐述了水彩画理论研究与建设的关注点,认为应加强水彩画理论研究与建设,在研究中找到我们的文脉、找到我们的立足与出发点,不断探索与实践,让富有东方神韵的中国水彩画给世界艺术增添无限的光彩。
2.Seeking the focus for the research, looking for shortcomings, and putting forward reasonable and operative approach for development are what should be researched on in the colleg.寻求高校党建研究的关注点、查找不足、提出合理的、具有可操作性的发展思路,则是高校党建研究应有的题中之意,也是推进高校党建研究发展的路径依赖。
4)social hot-topics关注热点
5)current concerns当前关注点
1.Objective To explore the effect of using the method of health education directed by current concerns for inpatients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and provide the reference for improvement of conventional health education.目的探讨以当前关注点为主导对急性冠脉综合征(ACS)住院患者实施健康教育的效果。
6)crosscutting concerns横切关注点
1.Software reverse engineering based on crosscutting concerns recovery;基于横切关注点恢复的软件逆向工程研究
2.The purview control of the log record and the management of the users are used as the example to study the crosscutting concerns,and the relevant solutions are proposed.以日志记录和用户管理中的权限控制为例,对其横切关注点进行了分析和研究,给出了相应解决办法,并用AspectC++语言对横切关注点进行了实现和横切代码织入。
3.In this article,we describe a role—based refactoring approach for the re —structuring the implementation of crosscutting concerns using aspect—oriented programming,then,we provide a template—based aspect—oriented refactoring framework.本文首先介绍了基于角色的横切关注点重构方法,然后在此基础上提出了一种基于模板的横切关注点重构框架。
